2023-04-06 12:15:37 +02:00
use std::cmp::Reverse;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use charabia::Token;
use super::super::interner::Interned;
use super::super::query_term::{
Lazy, LocatedQueryTerm, OneTypoTerm, QueryTerm, TwoTypoTerm, ZeroTypoTerm,
use super::super::{DedupInterner, Phrase};
use crate::SearchContext;
pub struct LocatedMatchingPhrase {
pub value: Interned<Phrase>,
pub positions: RangeInclusive<WordId>,
pub struct LocatedMatchingWords {
pub value: Vec<Interned<String>>,
pub positions: RangeInclusive<WordId>,
pub is_prefix: bool,
/// Structure created from a query tree
/// referencing words that match the given query tree.
2023-04-06 12:28:28 +02:00
pub struct MatchingWords {
word_interner: DedupInterner<String>,
phrase_interner: DedupInterner<Phrase>,
2023-04-06 12:15:37 +02:00
phrases: Vec<LocatedMatchingPhrase>,
words: Vec<LocatedMatchingWords>,
/// Extract and centralize the different phrases and words to match stored in a QueryTerm.
fn extract_matching_terms(term: &QueryTerm) -> (Vec<Interned<Phrase>>, Vec<Interned<String>>) {
let mut matching_words = Vec::new();
let mut matching_phrases = Vec::new();
// the structure is exhaustively extracted to ensure that no field is missing.
let QueryTerm {
original: _,
is_multiple_words: _,
max_nbr_typos: _,
is_prefix: _,
} = term;
// the structure is exhaustively extracted to ensure that no field is missing.
let ZeroTypoTerm { phrase, zero_typo, prefix_of: _, synonyms, use_prefix_db: _ } = zero_typo;
// zero typo
if let Some(phrase) = phrase {
if let Some(zero_typo) = zero_typo {
for synonym in synonyms {
// one typo
// the structure is exhaustively extracted to ensure that no field is missing.
if let Lazy::Init(OneTypoTerm { split_words, one_typo }) = one_typo {
if let Some(split_words) = split_words {
for one_typo in one_typo {
// two typos
// the structure is exhaustively extracted to ensure that no field is missing.
if let Lazy::Init(TwoTypoTerm { two_typos }) = two_typo {
for two_typos in two_typos {
(matching_phrases, matching_words)
2023-04-06 12:28:28 +02:00
impl MatchingWords {
pub fn new(ctx: SearchContext, located_terms: Vec<LocatedQueryTerm>) -> Self {
2023-04-06 12:15:37 +02:00
let mut phrases = Vec::new();
let mut words = Vec::new();
// Extract and centralize the different phrases and words to match stored in a QueryTerm using extract_matching_terms
// and wrap them in dedicated structures.
for located_term in located_terms {
let term = ctx.term_interner.get(located_term.value);
let (matching_phrases, matching_words) = extract_matching_terms(term);
for matching_phrase in matching_phrases {
phrases.push(LocatedMatchingPhrase {
value: matching_phrase,
positions: located_term.positions.clone(),
words.push(LocatedMatchingWords {
value: matching_words,
positions: located_term.positions.clone(),
is_prefix: term.is_prefix,
// Sort word to put prefixes at the bottom prioritizing the exact matches.
words.sort_unstable_by_key(|lmw| (lmw.is_prefix, Reverse(lmw.positions.len())));
Self {
2023-04-06 12:28:28 +02:00
word_interner: ctx.word_interner,
phrase_interner: ctx.phrase_interner,
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/// Returns an iterator over terms that match or partially match the given token.
2023-04-06 12:28:28 +02:00
pub fn match_token<'a, 'b>(&'a self, token: &'b Token<'b>) -> MatchesIter<'a, 'b> {
2023-04-06 12:15:37 +02:00
MatchesIter { matching_words: self, phrases: Box::new(self.phrases.iter()), token }
/// Try to match the token with one of the located_words.
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fn match_unique_words<'a>(&'a self, token: &Token) -> Option<MatchType<'a>> {
2023-04-06 12:15:37 +02:00
for located_words in &self.words {
for word in &located_words.value {
let word = self.word_interner.get(*word);
// if the word is a prefix we match using starts_with.
if located_words.is_prefix && token.lemma().starts_with(word) {
let char_len = token.original_lengths(word.len()).0;
let ids = &located_words.positions;
return Some(MatchType::Full { char_len, ids });
// else we exact match the token.
} else if token.lemma() == word {
let char_len = token.char_end - token.char_start;
let ids = &located_words.positions;
return Some(MatchType::Full { char_len, ids });
/// Iterator over terms that match the given token,
/// This allow to lazily evaluate matches.
pub struct MatchesIter<'a, 'b> {
2023-04-06 12:28:28 +02:00
matching_words: &'a MatchingWords,
2023-04-06 12:15:37 +02:00
phrases: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a LocatedMatchingPhrase> + 'a>,
token: &'b Token<'b>,
impl<'a> Iterator for MatchesIter<'a, '_> {
type Item = MatchType<'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.phrases.next() {
// Try to match all the phrases first.
Some(located_phrase) => {
let phrase = self.matching_words.phrase_interner.get(located_phrase.value);
// create a PartialMatch struct to make it compute the first match
// instead of duplicating the code.
let ids = &located_phrase.positions;
// collect the references of words from the interner.
let words = phrase
.map(|word| {
word.map(|word| self.matching_words.word_interner.get(word).as_str())
let partial = PartialMatch { matching_words: words, ids, char_len: 0 };
partial.match_token(self.token).or_else(|| self.next())
// If no phrases matches, try to match uiques words.
None => self.matching_words.match_unique_words(self.token),
/// Id of a matching term corespounding to a word written by the end user.
pub type WordId = u16;
/// A given token can partially match a query word for several reasons:
/// - split words
/// - multi-word synonyms
/// In these cases we need to match consecutively several tokens to consider that the match is full.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum MatchType<'a> {
Full { char_len: usize, ids: &'a RangeInclusive<WordId> },
/// Structure helper to match several tokens in a row in order to complete a partial match.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct PartialMatch<'a> {
matching_words: Vec<Option<&'a str>>,
ids: &'a RangeInclusive<WordId>,
char_len: usize,
impl<'a> PartialMatch<'a> {
/// Returns:
/// - None if the given token breaks the partial match
/// - Partial if the given token matches the partial match but doesn't complete it
/// - Full if the given token completes the partial match
pub fn match_token(self, token: &Token) -> Option<MatchType<'a>> {
let Self { mut matching_words, ids, .. } = self;
let is_matching = match matching_words.first()? {
Some(word) => &token.lemma() == word,
// a None value in the phrase corresponds to a stop word,
// the walue is considered a match if the current token is categorized as a stop word.
None => token.is_stopword(),
let char_len = token.char_end - token.char_start;
// if there are remaining words to match in the phrase and the current token is matching,
// return a new Partial match allowing the highlighter to continue.
if is_matching && matching_words.len() > 1 {
Some(MatchType::Partial(PartialMatch { matching_words, ids, char_len }))
// if there is no remaining word to match in the phrase and the current token is matching,
// return a Full match.
} else if is_matching {
Some(MatchType::Full { char_len, ids })
// if the current token doesn't match, return None to break the match sequence.
} else {
pub fn char_len(&self) -> usize {
pub(crate) mod tests {
use std::borrow::Cow;
use charabia::{TokenKind, TokenizerBuilder};
use super::super::super::located_query_terms_from_string;
use super::*;
use crate::index::tests::TempIndex;
pub(crate) fn temp_index_with_documents() -> TempIndex {
let temp_index = TempIndex::new();
{ "id": 1, "name": "split this world westfali westfalia the" },
fn matching_words() {
let temp_index = temp_index_with_documents();
let rtxn = temp_index.read_txn().unwrap();
let mut ctx = SearchContext::new(&temp_index, &rtxn);
let tokenizer = TokenizerBuilder::new().build();
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize("split this world");
let query_terms = located_query_terms_from_string(&mut ctx, tokens, None).unwrap();
2023-04-06 12:28:28 +02:00
let matching_words = MatchingWords::new(ctx, query_terms);
2023-04-06 12:15:37 +02:00
.match_token(&Token {
kind: TokenKind::Word,
lemma: Cow::Borrowed("split"),
char_end: "split".chars().count(),
byte_end: "split".len(),
Some(MatchType::Full { char_len: 5, ids: &(0..=0) })
.match_token(&Token {
kind: TokenKind::Word,
lemma: Cow::Borrowed("nyc"),
char_end: "nyc".chars().count(),
byte_end: "nyc".len(),
.match_token(&Token {
kind: TokenKind::Word,
lemma: Cow::Borrowed("world"),
char_end: "world".chars().count(),
byte_end: "world".len(),
Some(MatchType::Full { char_len: 5, ids: &(2..=2) })
.match_token(&Token {
kind: TokenKind::Word,
lemma: Cow::Borrowed("worlded"),
char_end: "worlded".chars().count(),
byte_end: "worlded".len(),
Some(MatchType::Full { char_len: 5, ids: &(2..=2) })
.match_token(&Token {
kind: TokenKind::Word,
lemma: Cow::Borrowed("thisnew"),
char_end: "thisnew".chars().count(),
byte_end: "thisnew".len(),