2024-08-17 02:24:25 +08:00

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Installation download 1 deployment


Conventional deployment

  1. Install Git and Python3.10+ environment
# Clone the project locally, --depth=1 to reduce the size of the cloned repository, this project updates depend on Git
git clone --depth=1
# change the directory to the project root
cd LiteyukiBot
# install the project dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# start bot


Recommended to use venv to run Liteyuki to avoid dependency conflicts, you can use python -m venv .venv to create a virtual environment, and then use .venv\Scripts\activate to activate the virtual environment (use source .venv/bin/activate to activate on Linux)

Use docker

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone project repo git clone --depth=1
  3. change directory cd LiteyukiBot
  4. build image with docker build -t liteyukibot .
  5. start container docker run -p 20216:20216 -v $(pwd):/liteyukibot -v $(pwd)/.cache:/root/.cache liteyukibot


For Windows, please use the absolute project directory /path/to/LiteyukiBot instead of $(pwd)

If you have changed the port number, replace 20216 in 20216:20216 with your port number

Use TRSS Scripts

TRSS_Liteyuki LiteyukiBot manage script, This feature is supported by TRSS and is not an official feature of LiteyukiBot. It is recommended to use Arch Linux.

Device requirements

  • Minimum Windows system version: Windows 10+ / Windows Server 2019+
  • Linux systems need to support Python 3.10+, with Ubuntu 20.04+ recommended
  • CPU: 1 vCPU and more(Bot is multi processes, the more cores, the better the performance)
  • Memory: Without other plugins, the Bot will occupy 300~500MB, including processes like chromium and node. The memory occupied by other plugins depends on the specific plugins, and it is recommended to have more than 1GB.
  • Storage: At least 1GB of space is required.


If there are multiple environments on the device, please use path/to/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies, where path/to/python is the path to your Python executable.


The update feature of Liteyuki depends on Git. If you have not installed Git and directly download the source code to run, you will not be able to use the update feature.

For other issues, please go to Q&A