音·创 Musicreater
A free open-source library of converting digital music files into Minecraft formats.
简体中文 🇨🇳 | English🇬🇧
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Musicreater is a free open-source library used for converting digital music files into formats that could be read in Minecraft.
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Installation 🔳
Via pypi
pip install Musicreater
If not work, also try:
pip install -i https://pypi.python.org/simple Musicreater
pip install -i https://pypi.python.org/simple Musicreater --upgrade
Clone repo and Install:
git clone https://github.com/TriM-Organization/Musicreater.git cd Musicreater python setup.py install
Commands such as python
could be changed to some like python3
or pip3
according to the difference of platforms.
Documentation 📄
(Not in English yet)
Authors ✒
Eilles (金羿):A senior high school student, individual developer, unfamous Bilibili UPer, which knows a little about commands in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
bgArray (诸葛亮与八卦阵): A junior high school student, player of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, which is a fan of music and programming.
Touch (偷吃不是Touch): A man who is used to use command(s) in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, who supported us of debugging and testing program and algorithm
Thanks 🙏
This list is not in any order.
- Thank 昀梦<QQ1515399885> for finding and correcting the bugs in the commands that Musicreater generated.
- Thank Charlie_Ping “查理平” for the bdx convert function for reference, and the reference chart that's used to convert the mid's instruments into Minecraft's instruments.
- Thank CMA_2401PT for BDXWorkShop for reference of the .bdx structure's operation, and his guidance in some aspects of our development.
- Thank Dislink Sforza “断联·斯福尔扎” <QQ1600515314> for his midi analysis algorithm brought to us, we had adapted it and made it applied in one of our working method; Also, thank him for the WebConvertor which brought us so much pressure and power to develop as well as update our projects better, instead of loaf on our project.
- Thank Mono<QQ738893087> for reporting problems while installing
- Thank Ammelia “艾米利亚”<QQ2838334637> for urging us to develop new functions, and put forward a lot of excellent suggestions for new functions, as well as the BDX file's importing test support provided, which has given a lot of practical theoretical support for our new Structure Generating Algorithm
- Thank 神羽 “SnowyKami” for supporting and promoting our project, and also thanks him for his server which given us to use for free.
- Thank 指令师_苦力怕 playjuice123<QQ240667197> for finding bugs within our code, and noticed us to repair a big problem.
- Thank 雷霆<QQ3555268519> for his annoying and provoking operations which may awake some problems within the program by chance and reminding us to repair.
Thanks for a lot of groupmates' support and help
If you have given contribution but haven't been in the list, please contact us!
Contact Us 📞
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“Minecraft”是 Mojang Synergies AB 的商标,此项目中所有对于“我的世界”、“Minecraft”等相关称呼均为引用性使用
- 上文提及的 网易 公司,指代的是在中国大陆运营《我的世界:中国版》的上海网之易网络科技发展有限公司