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synced 2025-03-13 20:31:52 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,12 @@ Terms & Conditions: License.md in the root directory
__version__ = "1.4.0"
__vername__ = "红石指令音乐的生成"
__author__ = (("金羿", "Eilles Wan"), ("诸葛亮与八卦阵", "bgArray"), ("鸣凤鸽子", "MingFengPigeon"))
__author__ = (
("金羿", "Eilles Wan"),
("诸葛亮与八卦阵", "bgArray"),
("偷吃不是Touch", "Touch"),
("鸣凤鸽子", "MingFengPigeon"),
__all__ = [
# 主要类
@ -73,9 +73,11 @@
## 作者 ✒
金羿 Eilles:我的世界基岩版指令师,个人开发者,B 站不知名 UP 主,江西在校高中生。
**金羿 Eilles**:我的世界基岩版指令师,个人开发者,B 站不知名 UP 主,江西在校高中生。
诸葛亮与八卦阵 bgArray:我的世界基岩版玩家,喜欢编程和音乐,深圳初二学生。
**诸葛亮与八卦阵 bgArray**:我的世界基岩版玩家,喜欢编程和音乐,深圳初二学生。
**偷吃不是Touch Touch**:我的世界基岩版指令师,提供 BDX 导入测试支持
## 致谢 🙏
@ -84,11 +86,10 @@
- 感谢 **昀梦**\<QQ1515399885\> 找出指令生成错误 bug 并指正
- 感谢由 **Charlie_Ping “查理平”** 带来的 BDX 文件转换参考,以及 MIDI-我的世界对应乐器 参考表格
- 感谢由 **[CMA_2401PT](https://github.com/CMA2401PT)** 为我们的软件开发的一些方面进行指导,同时我们参考了他的 BDXworkshop 作为 BDX 结构编辑的参考
- 感谢由 **[Dislink Sforza](https://github.com/Dislink) “断联·斯福尔扎”**\<QQ1600515314\> 带来的 midi 音色解析以及转换指令的算法,我们将其改编并应用;同时,感谢他的[网页版转换器](https://dislink.github.io/midi2bdx/)给我们的开发与更新带来巨大的压力和动力,让我们在原本一骑绝尘的摸鱼道路上转向开发,希望他能考上一个理想的大学!
- 感谢 **Touch “偷吃”**\<QQ1793537164\> 提供的 BDX 导入测试支持,并对程序的改进提供了丰富的意见;同时也感谢他的不断尝试新的内容,使我们的排错更进一步
- 感谢由 **[Dislink Sforza](https://github.com/Dislink) “断联·斯福尔扎”**\<QQ1600515314\> 带来的 midi 音色解析以及转换指令的算法,我们将其改编并应用;同时,感谢他的[网页版转换器](https://dislink.github.io/midi2bdx/)给我们的开发与更新带来巨大的压力和动力,让我们在原本一骑绝尘的摸鱼道路上转向开发。
- 感谢 **Mono**\<QQ738893087\> 反馈安装时的问题,辅助我们找到了视窗操作系统下的兼容性问题;感谢其反馈延迟播放器出现的重大问题,让我们得以修改全部延迟播放错误;尤其感谢他对于我们的软件的大力宣传
- 感谢 **Ammelia “艾米利亚”**\<QQ2838334637\> 敦促我们进行新的功能开发,并为新功能提出了非常优秀的大量建议,以及提供的 BDX 导入测试支持,为我们的新结构生成算法提供了大量的实际理论支持
- 感谢 **[神羽](https://gitee.com/snowykami) “[SnowyKami](https://github.com/snowyfirefly)”** 对我们项目的支持与宣传,希望他能考得一所优秀的大学!
- 感谢 **[神羽](https://gitee.com/snowykami) “[SnowyKami](https://github.com/snowyfirefly)”** 对我们项目的支持与宣传,非常感谢他为我们提供的服务器!
- 感谢 **指令师\_苦力怕 playjuice123**\<QQ240667197\> 为我们的程序找出错误,并提醒我们修复一个一直存在的大 bug。
- 感谢 **雷霆**\<QQ3555268519\> 用他那令所有开发者都大为光火的操作方法为我们的程序找出错误,并提醒修复 bug。
- 感谢 **小埋**\<2039310975\> 反馈附加包生成时缺少描述和标题的问题。
@ -103,6 +104,8 @@
如果需要与开发组进行交流,欢迎加入我们的[开发闲聊 Q 群](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=hpeRxrYr)。
此项目并非一个官方 《我的世界》(_Minecraft_)项目
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Welcome to join our QQ group: [861684859](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=hpeRxrYr
Commands such as `python`、`pip` could be changed to some like `python3` or `pip3` according to the difference of platforms.
## Documentation📄
## Documentation 📄
(Not in English yet)
@ -73,24 +73,25 @@ Commands such as `python`、`pip` could be changed to some like `python3` or `pi
[仓库 API 文档](./docs/%E5%BA%93%E7%9A%84%E7%94%9F%E6%88%90%E4%B8%8E%E5%8A%9F%E8%83%BD%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3.md)
### Authors✒
### Authors ✒
Eilles (金羿):A senior high school student, individual developer, unfamous Bilibili UPer, which knows a little about commands in _Minecraft: Bedrock Edition_
**Eilles (金羿)**:A senior high school student, individual developer, unfamous Bilibili UPer, which knows a little about commands in _Minecraft: Bedrock Edition_
bgArray "诸葛亮与八卦阵": A junior high school student, player of _Minecraft: Bedrock Edition_, which is a fan of music and programming.
**bgArray (诸葛亮与八卦阵)**: A junior high school student, player of _Minecraft: Bedrock Edition_, which is a fan of music and programming.
## Thanks🙏
**Touch (偷吃不是Touch)**: A man who is used to use command(s) in _Minecraft: Bedrock Edition_, who supported us of debugging and testing program and algorithm
## Thanks 🙏
This list is not in any order.
- Thank _昀梦_\<QQ1515399885\> for finding and correcting the bugs in the commands that _Musicreater_ generated.
- Thank _Charlie_Ping “查理平”_ for the bdx convert function for reference, and the reference chart that's used to convert the mid's instruments into Minecraft's instruments.
- Thank _[CMA_2401PT](https://github.com/CMA2401PT)_ for BDXWorkShop for reference of the .bdx structure's operation, and his guidance in some aspects of our development.
- Thank _[Dislink Sforza](https://github.com/Dislink) “断联·斯福尔扎”_ \<QQ1600515314\> for his midi analysis algorithm brought to us, we had adapted it and made it applied in one of our working method; Also, thank him for the [WebConvertor](https://dislink.github.io/midi2bdx/) which brought us so much pressure and power to develop as well as update our projects better, instead of loaf on our project. We hope he can get into a good university as he wantted to!
- Thank _Touch “偷吃”_\<QQ1793537164\> for support of debugging and testing program and algorithm, as well his/her suggestions to the improvement of our project
- Thank _[Dislink Sforza](https://github.com/Dislink) “断联·斯福尔扎”_ \<QQ1600515314\> for his midi analysis algorithm brought to us, we had adapted it and made it applied in one of our working method; Also, thank him for the [WebConvertor](https://dislink.github.io/midi2bdx/) which brought us so much pressure and power to develop as well as update our projects better, instead of loaf on our project.
- Thank _Mono_\<QQ738893087\> for reporting problems while installing
- Thank _Ammelia “艾米利亚”_\<QQ2838334637\> for urging us to develop new functions, and put forward a lot of excellent suggestions for new functions, as well as the BDX file's importing test support provided, which has given a lot of practical theoretical support for our new Structure Generating Algorithm
- Thank _[神羽](https://gitee.com/snowykami) “[SnowyKami](https://github.com/snowyfirefly)”_ for supporting and promoting our project. Hope he could get into a good university!
- Thank _[神羽](https://gitee.com/snowykami) “[SnowyKami](https://github.com/snowyfirefly)”_ for supporting and promoting our project, and also thanks him for his server which given us to use for free.
- Thank **指令师\_苦力怕 playjuice123**\<QQ240667197\> for finding bugs within our code, and noticed us to repair a big problem.
- Thank **雷霆**\<QQ3555268519\> for his annoying and provoking operations which may awake some problems within the program by chance and reminding us to repair.
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ This list is not in any order.
> If you have given contribution but haven't been in the list, please contact us!
## Contact Us📞
## Contact Us 📞
Meet problems? Welcome to give out your issue [here](https://github.com/EillesWan/Musicreater/issues/new)!
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