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2022-05-11 23:38:26 +08:00

音·创 Musicreater

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简体中文🇨🇳 | English🇬🇧

Who has dropped political gunpowder into the technology

Who has dyed clear blue sky into the dark grey

All Chinese people love our great homeland

We WILL remember the remain pain of the humiliating history

We love the whole world but in peace

We love everyone but under respect

It is to be hoped that the war ends forever

Whatever it is cold or hot

Whatever it is economical or political

Just let the wonderful music of peace surround the world

                        ---- Eilles Wan
                             7/5 2022

Notice that the language support of README may be a little SLOW.


Musicreater(音·创) is an free open source software which is used for making and also creating music in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.

Welcome to join our QQ group: 861684859


Eilles (金羿)A high school student, individual developer, unfamous BilibiliUPer, which knows a little about commands in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition

bgArray "诸葛亮与八卦阵": Fix bugs, improve code aesthetics, add new functions, change data format, etc.


A simple Python package.


  1. Install Python 3.6+

    During installation, be sure to check "add Python 3.X to path", otherwise it needs to be set manually

    At the same time, after the installation, remember to enter in CMD: "Python" to try

    whether the installation is successful,

    Python installation tutorial can be found on the Internet easily.

  2. Install (download this program) Git, you can use the following commands:

git clone -b pkgver https://gitee.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git

If Git is not installed, you can download the zip package from the website. Then decompress it and enter the directory.

  1. Run (enter directory)

Open CMD in the directory, enter the directory, and execute the following commands:

pip install mido

pip install brotli

  1. Start using!

Open CMD in the directory, enter the directory, and execute the following commands:

(Choose what you need)

python example_convert_bdx.py

python example_convert_mcpack.py

Instructions for Customize Progress Bar

We have supported the function of making progress bar in Minecraft's music player. And also the method of customize them. So the following instructions are about the parameters of the Progress Bar Customizition.

A Progress Bar, of course, is composed of changeless parts and changable parts. And the changable parts include texts or images(these images are made up of texts, or we can say, character paintings 😁). That is, for Minecraft, a changable image in a progress bar is just the "bar" part(which is like a stripe).

We use a string to describe the style of progress bar you need, and it includes many identifiers to replace the changable parts.

There are the identifiers:

Identifier Changable Part
%%N Music name(file name which is imported into program)
%%s Value of scoreboard of now
%^s Max value of scoreboard
%%t Current playback time
%^t Total music time
%%% Current playback progress
_ To be replaced by the Bar part of the progress bar

The _ is a placeholder to identifying the bar part, yeah, just the changable image.

This is an example of style description string, and this is also the default style of Musicreater's progress bar.

▶ %%N [ %%s/%^s %%% __________ %%t|%^t]

This is a progress bar with only one line, but it is possible if you want to give a multiline parameter into the style description string.

But the string above is only for style identification, but we also need to identifying the changable image's image(just what the bar's look).

A "bar", simply, included 2 parts: Have Been Played & Not Been Played. So we use a tuple to pass the parameter. It's under a simple format: (str: played, str: not). For example, the default parameter is below:

('§e=§r', '§7=§r')

So it's time to combine what I said in one parameter now!

This is a default definder parameter:

('▶ %%N [ %%s/%^s %%% __________ %%t|%^t]',('§e=§r', '§7=§r'))

Tip: To avoid errors, please not to use the identifiers as the other part of your style.


  • Thank Fuckcraft (“鸣凤鸽子” ,etc) for the function of Creating the Websocket Server for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.
    • !! They have given me the rights to directly copy the lib into Musicreater
  • Thank 昀梦<QQ1515399885> for finding and correcting the bugs in the commands that Musicreater Created.
  • Thank Charlie_Ping “查理平” for bdx convert funtion.
  • Thank CMA_2401PT for BDXWorkShop as the .bdx structure's operation guide.
  • Thank Miracle Plume “神羽” <QQshenyu40403> for the Miracle Plume Bedrock Edition Audio Resource Pack
  • 感谢由 Dislink Sforza <QQ1600515314>带来的midi转换算法我们将其加入了我们众多算法之一
  • Thank Arthur Morgan for his/her biggest support for the debugging of Musicreater
  • Thanks for a lot of groupmates who support me and help me to test the program.
  • If you have give me some help but u haven't been in the list, please contact me.

Contact Information📞

Author Eilles(金羿)

  1. QQ 2647547478
  2. E-mail EillesWan2006@163.com W-YI_DoctorYI@outlook.com EillesWan@outlook.com
  3. WeChat WYI_DoctorYI

Author bgArray(诸葛亮与八卦阵)

  1. QQ 4740437765
a free open-source library of converting midi files into Minecraft formats.|一款免费开源的 《我的世界》 MIDI音乐转换库
Readme 42 MiB