mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 12:53:57 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,9 +50,18 @@ while True:
isAutoReset = input('是否自动重置计分板(1|0):')
if isAutoReset != '':
isAutoReset = bool(int(isAutoReset))
isProgress = input('是否开启进度条(1|0):')
if isProgress != '':
isProgress = bool(int(isProgress))
while True:
isProgress = input('*进度条[注]:')
if isProgress != '':
if isProgress in ('1', 'True'):
isProgress = True
elif isProgress in ('0', 'False'):
isProgress = False
isProgress = isProgress
sbname = input('请输入计分板名称:')
volume = input('请输入音量(0-1):')
if volume != '':
@ -62,9 +71,18 @@ while True:
speed = float(speed)
elif outFormat == 1:
author = input('请输入作者:')
isProgress = input('是否开启进度条(1|0):')
if isProgress != '':
isProgress = bool(int(isProgress))
while True:
isProgress = input('*进度条[注]:')
if isProgress != '':
if isProgress in ('1', 'True'):
isProgress = True
elif isProgress in ('0', 'False'):
isProgress = False
isProgress = isProgress
maxHeight = input('请输入指令结构最大生成高度:')
if maxHeight != '':
maxHeight = int(maxHeight)
@ -82,6 +100,9 @@ while True:
except BaseException:
if os.path.isdir(midipath):
for i in os.listdir(midipath):
if i.lower().endswith('.mid'):
@ -93,9 +114,7 @@ if os.path.isdir(midipath):
if isAutoReset != ''
else bool(int(input('是否自动重置计分板(1|0):'))),
if isProgress != ''
else bool(int(input('是否开启进度条(1|0):'))),
sbname if sbname != '' else input('请输入计分板名称:'),
volume if volume != '' else float(input('请输入音量(0-1):')),
speed if speed != '' else float(input('请输入速度倍率:')),
@ -104,9 +123,7 @@ if os.path.isdir(midipath):
author if author != '' else input('请输入作者:'),
if isProgress != ''
else bool(int(input('是否开启进度条(1|0):'))),
maxHeight if maxHeight != '' else int(input('请输入指令结构最大生成高度:')),
sbname if sbname != '' else input('请输入计分板名称:'),
volume if volume != '' else float(input('请输入音量(0-1):')),
@ -121,7 +138,7 @@ else:
isAutoReset if isAutoReset != '' else bool(int(input('是否自动重置计分板(1|0):'))),
isProgress if isProgress != '' else bool(int(input('是否开启进度条(1|0):'))),
sbname if sbname != '' else input('请输入计分板名称:'),
volume if volume != '' else float(input('请输入音量(0-1):')),
speed if speed != '' else float(input('请输入速度倍率:')),
@ -130,7 +147,7 @@ else:
author if author != '' else input('请输入作者:'),
isProgress if isProgress != '' else bool(int(input('是否开启进度条(1|0):'))),
maxHeight if maxHeight != '' else int(input('请输入指令结构最大生成高度:')),
sbname if sbname != '' else input('请输入计分板名称:'),
volume if volume != '' else float(input('请输入音量(0-1):')),
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ while True:
authorname = input('请输入作者:')
while True:
isProgress = input('*进度条[注]:')
if isProgress != '' :
if isProgress in ('1','True'):
if isProgress != '':
if isProgress in ('1', 'True'):
isProgress = True
elif isProgress in ('0', 'False'):
isProgress = False
@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ while True:
def operation(i,):
def operation(
convertion.convert(midipath + '/' + i, outpath)
@ -65,9 +67,10 @@ def operation(i,):
if os.path.isdir(midipath):
import threading
for i in os.listdir(midipath):
if i.lower().endswith('.mid'):
threading.Thread(target=operation, args=(i,)).start()
convertion.convert(midipath, outpath)
@ -5,47 +5,112 @@
## Instructions📕
# Instructions for Using Demo(s)
> 0. Install Python 3.6+
> While installing, be sure to check "add Python 3.X to path", otherwise it needs to be set manually
> After the installation, remember to enter in CMD: "python" to try
> whether the installation is successful.
> Python installation tutorial can be found on the Internet easily.
> 1. Install (download this program)
> Git, you can use the following commands:
> `git clone -b pkgver https://gitee.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git`
> If Git is not installed, you can download the zip package from the website. Then decompress it
> and enter the directory.
> 2. Run (enter directory)
> Open CMD in the directory, enter the directory, and execute the following commands:
> `pip install mido`
> `pip install brotli`
> `pip install openpyxl`
> 3. Start using!
> Open CMD in the directory, enter the directory, and execute the following commands:
> (Choose what you need)
> `python example_convert_bdx.py`
> `python example_convert_mcpack.py`
*This is a tutorial for using the demo(s) of this library, not the Development Guide. If you want to see so, please read Below*
### Instructions for **Customize Progress Bar**
## Under Windows
0. Install Python 3.6+
First of all, you need to install the runtime environment of this library, *Python*. And a Installation Pack maybe the best choice:
> [Downloading Python 64-bit](https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.10/python-3.8.10-amd64.exe)
> [Downloading Python 32-bit](https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.10/python-3.8.10.exe)
While installing, it's better to check `Add Python 3.X to PATH`(just as the screenshot showed below), otherwise it needs to be set manually which may cause some time wasting
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1662736520757331846/e38efb81_9911226.png>
If you are new to Python or not very familiar to Computer Programming, and having the disk space in your PC's System Partition (usually C:) of 150 MB, you can directly choose *Install Now*.
However, if you want to do it like a pro, choosing *Customize Installation*, it's a necessary to be sure to check `pip` and `py launcher` will be installed on your computer(see screenshot below). The two options is required for the next step of installing the requirements.
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1662736621235871190/2ac3d98f_9911226.png>
After the installation, you can enter in your terminal(CMD/PowerShell/Bash/etc): "python" to ensure whether the installation was successful. If it was, your terminal will show things like below:
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659972669907359295/cmd.png>
1. Installing Requirements
It's better to open your terminal(CMD/PowerShell/Bash/etc) under Administrator Mode.
For example, if you want to use CMD in Administrator Mode, you can search `cmd` in the *Start Menu*, right click it and *Run as Administrator*
<img src="https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1662736878650993886/62487dd8_9911226.png">
Okay, after that, please enter in your terminal:
`pip install mido`
`pip install brotli`
If successful you will see something like below:
<img src="https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1662737676719454287/f61a70f7_9911226.png">
2. Download This Package and Demo(s)
- If you using Git, you can use the following commands to clone this lib:
`git clone -b pkgver https://gitee.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git`
- If Git is not installed, you can download the zip package from the code page(from [GitHub](https://github.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git) or [Gitee](https://gitee.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git)). Or you are a Chinese fan having a QQ account, you can [Join the QQ Group 861684859](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=hpeRxrYr) and get it from our GroupFiles.
<img src=" https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659972440341216712/下载.png" >
2. Start Using Demo(s)
Open your terminal in the directory of this, taking CMD, for example, just enter the directory and enter `cmd` in the path box:
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659974437388532868/输入.png>
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659974754378201859/输入c.png>
And enter one of the commands below by choosing what you need:
`python demo_convert.py`
`python demo_convert_bdx_byDelay.py`
### Addition for Error(s) Using or Installing
1. Environment Error of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
If you meet this condition as the screenshot shows:
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659972789779764953/bug.jpeg>
Your MSVC Environment may be not installed, and you can download and install
> [Here of 64-Bit VCREDIST](https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe)
> [Here of 32-Bit VCREDIST](https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe)
Thank our groupmate *Mono* again for helping finding this problem.
2. More Info for Parameters of Our Demo Program(s)
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659974810147043475/运行.png>
|Input Prompt|English Translation|Description|
|请输入MIDI文件路径|Midi File Path|Path of a .mid file or a directory. While directory entered, our demo will convert all midi(s) in the directory|
|请输入输出路径|Output Path|Where files converted in|
|是否重置计分板|Whether Reset Scoreboard Automatically|Can only be 1 or 0(Recommanded 1)|
|*进度条[注]|Progressbar|Whether to enable Progressbar and customize progressbar style. Type 0 or False to disable, 1 or True to use default style, or type using format taught in follow the Instructions below to customize one you like|
|请输入计分板名称|Scoreboard Name|*Only not byDelay* The name of scoreboard that player using|
|请输入音量|Volume|Only decimal in [0,1],(Recommanded 1)|
|请输入速度倍率|Speed Multiplying Factor|Maybe you want to play it faster(>1) or slower(>0 <1)?|
|请输入玩家选择器|Player Selector|Full Selector including `@x`. E.g: Play for players tagged `Holo`, enter `@a[tag=Holo]` on this parameter|
# Instructions for **Customize Progress Bar**
We have supported the function of making progress bar in *Minecraft*'s music player. And also the method of customize them. So the following instructions are about the parameters of the Progress Bar Customizition.
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
<h1 align="center">音·创 Musicreater</h1>
<p align="center">
<img width="128" height="128" src="https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/05/06/Ouhghj.md.png" >
# 演示程序使用教程
*由于先前的 **读我文件**(README.md) 过于冗杂,现另辟蹊径来给大家全方位的教程。*
@ -8,18 +14,18 @@
### 运行环境安装
0. 安装python3.6+
0. 安装 Python3.6+
> [下载64位Python安装包](https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.10/python-3.8.10-amd64.exe)
> [下载32位Python安装包](https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.10/python-3.8.10.exe)
在安装时,最好需要勾选 `Add Python 3.X to PATH` ,如下图所示,当然,如果您对自己非常自信,您也可以手动设置此项目:
在安装时,最好需要勾选 `Add Python 3.X to PATH`,如下图所示,当然,如果您对自己非常自信,您也可以手动设置此项目:
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1662736520757331846/e38efb81_9911226.png>
若您对Python一知半解或者不怎么了解、并对自己的系统盘有大约150*MB*的信心的话,您可以在安装时直接选择*快速安装*(Install Now)
若您对Python一知半解或者不怎么了解、并对自己的系统盘(通常是C盘)有大约150*兆字节*(MB)的信心的话,您可以在安装时直接选择*快速安装*(Install Now)
若您选择了*自定义安装*(Customize Installation),请务必勾选 `pip` 和 `py launcher` 便于后续安装依赖,如下图:
@ -29,17 +35,8 @@
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659972669907359295/cmd.png>
1. 下载本代码库以及演示程序
- 若您使用git,请直接拷贝本仓库:
`git clone -b pkgver https://gitee.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git`
- 若您不使用git,可以在*码云*(Gitee)或GitHub下载zip包,或者[加入QQ群聊861684859](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=hpeRxrYr),在群文件中获取。
<img src=" https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659972440341216712/下载.png" >
2. 安装依赖
1. 安装依赖
@ -58,17 +55,30 @@
<img src="https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1662737676719454287/f61a70f7_9911226.png">
2. 下载本代码库以及演示程序
- 若您使用git,请直接克隆本仓库:
`git clone -b pkgver https://gitee.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git`
- 若您不使用git,可以在[*码云*(Gitee)](https://gitee.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git)或[*GitHub*](https://github.com/EillesWan/Musicreater.git)下载zip包,或者[加入QQ群聊861684859](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=hpeRxrYr),在群文件中获取。
<img src=" https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659972440341216712/下载.png" >
3. 开始使用
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659974437388532868/输入.png>
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659974754378201859/输入c.png>
`python example_convert_bdx.py`
`python demo_convert.py`
`python demo_convert_bdx_byDelay.py`
`python example_convert_mcpack.py`
### 补充错误说明
@ -80,7 +90,7 @@
> [下载64位VCREDIST安装包](https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe)
> [下载32位VCREDIST安装包](https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe)
> [下载32位VCREDIST安装包](https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe)
@ -88,26 +98,26 @@
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659974810147043475/运行.png>
- midi路径:含有mid文件路径、文件名、后缀的完整文件路径。可以使用相对或绝对路径皆可
- midi路径:含有mid文件路径、文件名、后缀的完整文件路径,或者一个目录(demo可接受批量转换)。可以使用相对或绝对路径皆可
- 输出路径:输出文件夹的路径,不需要指示文件名
- 是否重置计分板:1或0(歌曲放完是否重置,推荐1)
- 是否启用进度条:1或0(看个人需要)
- *进度条:是否启用进度条,以及自定义进度条样式。输入0或False表示不启用进度条,输入1或True表示使用默认进度条,其余的输入均表示使用输入的格式作为自定义的进度条样式
- 计分板名称:游戏内的计分板名称
- 音量:0-1之间的小数(含0,1)正常来说推荐1
- 变速:float数据,一般写1
- 速度倍率:小数数据,不可为0,一般写1
- 玩家选择器:包括 `@x` 在内的全部选择器,即若要选择全部标签为Holo的玩家,则需要如此输入:`@a[tag=Holo]`
- 玩家选择器:包括 `@x` 在内的全部选择器,即若要选择全部标签为`Holo`的玩家,则需要如此输入:`@a[tag=Holo]`
- 没有报错且在输出路径下找到mcpack或bdx即为生成成功:
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659973655881460036/输出.png>
# 对于 进度条自定义 功能的说明
@ -152,4 +162,3 @@
<img src=https://foruda.gitee.com/images/1659973655881460036/输出.png>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user