noneflow[bot] ac79ae2bfc
Some checks failed
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Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, macos-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, macos-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, macos-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.10) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.10) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.10) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.10) (push) Failing after 1m25s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Failing after 1m24s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Failing after 1m30s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.9) (push) Failing after 1m23s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.10) (push) Failing after 1m28s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Failing after 1m33s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Failing after 1m22s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.9) (push) Failing after 1m37s
Pyright Lint / Pyright Lint (pydantic-v1) (push) Failing after 1m23s
Pyright Lint / Pyright Lint (pydantic-v2) (push) Failing after 1m19s
Ruff Lint / Ruff Lint (push) Successful in 27s
Site Deploy / publish (push) Failing after 1m31s
🔖 Release 2.4.2
2025-03-12 03:56:28 +00:00

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1 自定义响应规则
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appendices 20


机器人在实际应用中往往会接收到多种多样的事件类型NoneBot 通过响应规则来控制事件的处理。

指南中,我们为 weather 命令添加了一个 rule=to_me() 参数,这个参数就是一个响应规则,确保只有在私聊或者 @bot 时才会响应。

响应规则是一个 Rule 对象,它由一系列的 RuleChecker 函数组成,每个 RuleChecker 函数都会检查事件是否符合条件,如果所有的检查都通过,则事件会被处理。


RuleChecker 是一个返回值为 bool 类型的依赖函数,即 RuleChecker 支持依赖注入。我们可以根据上一节中添加的配置项,在 weather 插件目录中编写一个响应规则:

from nonebot import get_plugin_config

from .config import Config

plugin_config = get_plugin_config(Config)

async def is_enable() -> bool:
    return plugin_config.weather_plugin_enabled

weather = on_command("天气", rule=is_enable)

在上面的代码中,我们定义了一个函数 is_enable,它会检查配置项 weather_plugin_enabled 是否为 True。这个函数 is_enable 即为一个 RuleChecker


Rule 是若干个 RuleChecker 的集合,它会并发调用每个 RuleChecker,只有当所有 RuleChecker 检查通过时匹配成功。例如:我们可以组合两个 RuleChecker,一个用于检查插件是否启用,一个用于检查用户是否在黑名单中:

from nonebot.rule import Rule
from nonebot.adapters import Event

async def is_enable() -> bool:
    return plugin_config.weather_plugin_enabled

async def is_blacklisted(event: Event) -> bool:
    return event.get_user_id() not in BLACKLIST

rule = Rule(is_enable, is_blacklisted)

weather = on_command("天气", rule=rule)


在定义响应规则时,我们可以将规则进行细分,来更好地复用规则。而在使用时,我们需要合并多个规则。除了使用 Rule 对象来组合多个 RuleChecker 外,我们还可以对 Rule 对象进行合并。在原 weather 插件中,我们可以将 rule=to_me()rule=is_enable 使用 & 运算符合并:

from nonebot.rule import to_me
from nonebot import get_plugin_config

from .config import Config

plugin_config = get_plugin_config(Config)

async def is_enable() -> bool:
    return plugin_config.weather_plugin_enabled

weather = on_command(
    rule=to_me() & is_enable,
    aliases={"weather", "查天气"},

这样,weather 命令就只会在插件启用且在私聊或者 @bot 时才会响应。


rule1 = Rule(foo_checker)
rule2 = Rule(bar_checker)

rule = rule1 & rule2
rule = rule1 & bar_checker
rule = foo_checker & rule2

同时,我们也无需担心合并了一个 None 值,Rule 会忽略 None 值。

assert (rule & None) is rule



rule = Rule(some_checker)

result: bool = await rule(bot, event, state)

我们只需要传入 Bot 对象、事件和会话状态,Rule 会并发调用所有 RuleChecker 进行检查,并返回结果。


NoneBot 内置了一些常用的响应规则,可以直接通过事件响应器辅助函数或者自行合并其他规则使用。内置响应规则列表可以参考事件响应器进阶