noneflow[bot] ac79ae2bfc
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Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, windows-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
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Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, macos-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.10) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.11) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.12) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, windows-latest, 3.9) (push) Waiting to run
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.10) (push) Failing after 1m25s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Failing after 1m24s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Failing after 1m30s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v1, ubuntu-latest, 3.9) (push) Failing after 1m23s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.10) (push) Failing after 1m28s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.11) (push) Failing after 1m33s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.12) (push) Failing after 1m22s
Code Coverage / Test Coverage (pydantic-v2, ubuntu-latest, 3.9) (push) Failing after 1m37s
Pyright Lint / Pyright Lint (pydantic-v1) (push) Failing after 1m23s
Pyright Lint / Pyright Lint (pydantic-v2) (push) Failing after 1m19s
Ruff Lint / Ruff Lint (push) Successful in 27s
Site Deploy / publish (push) Failing after 1m31s
🔖 Release 2.4.2
2025-03-12 03:56:28 +00:00

4.5 KiB

sidebar_position description options
9 添加服务端路由规则
category weight
advanced 100


驱动器一节中,我们了解了驱动器的两种类型。既然驱动器可以作为服务端运行,那么我们就可以向驱动器添加路由规则,从而实现自定义的 API 接口等功能。在添加路由规则时,我们需要注意驱动器的类型,详情可以参考选择驱动器

NoneBot 中,我们可以通过两种途径向 ASGI 驱动器添加路由规则:

  1. 通过 NoneBot 的兼容层建立路由规则。
  2. 直接向 ASGI 应用添加路由规则。

这两种途径各有优劣,前者可以在各种服务端型驱动器下运行,但并不能直接使用 ASGI 应用框架提供的特性与功能;后者直接使用 ASGI 应用,更自由、功能完整,但只能在特定类型驱动器下运行。


from nonebot import get_driver
from nonebot.drivers import ASGIMixin

# highlight-next-line
can_use = isinstance(get_driver(), ASGIMixin)


NoneBot 兼容层定义了两个数据类 HTTPServerSetupWebSocketServerSetup,分别用于定义 HTTP 服务端和 WebSocket 服务端的路由规则。


HTTPServerSetup 具有四个属性:

  • path:路由路径,不支持特殊占位表达式。类型为 URL
  • method:请求方法。类型为 str
  • name:路由名称,不可重复。类型为 str
  • handle_func:路由处理函数。类型为 Callable[[Request], Awaitable[Response]]

例如,我们添加一个 /hello 的路由,当请求方法为 GET 时,返回 200 OK 以及返回体信息:

from nonebot import get_driver
from nonebot.drivers import URL, Request, Response, ASGIMixin, HTTPServerSetup

async def hello(request: Request) -> Response:
    return Response(200, content="Hello, world!")

if isinstance((driver := get_driver()), ASGIMixin):

对于 RequestResponse 的详细信息,可以参考 API 文档

WebSocket 路由

WebSocketServerSetup 具有三个属性:

  • path:路由路径,不支持特殊占位表达式。类型为 URL
  • name:路由名称,不可重复。类型为 str
  • handle_func:路由处理函数。类型为 Callable[[WebSocket], Awaitable[Any]]

例如,我们添加一个 /ws 的路由,发送所有接收到的数据:

from nonebot import get_driver
from nonebot.drivers import URL, ASGIMixin, WebSocket, WebSocketServerSetup

async def ws_handler(ws: WebSocket):
    await ws.accept()
      while True:
          data = await ws.receive()
          await ws.send(data)
    except WebSocketClosed as e:
        # handle closed
        with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
            await websocket.close()
        # do some cleanup

if isinstance((driver := get_driver()), ASGIMixin):

对于 WebSocket 的详细信息,可以参考 API 文档

使用 ASGI 应用添加路由

获取 ASGI 应用

NoneBot 服务端类型的驱动器具有两个属性 server_appasgi,分别对应驱动框架应用和 ASGI 应用。通常情况下,这两个应用是同一个对象。我们可以通过 get_app() 方法快速获取:

import nonebot

app = nonebot.get_app()
asgi = nonebot.get_asgi()


在获取到了 ASGI 应用后,我们就可以直接使用 ASGI 应用框架提供的功能来添加路由规则了。这里我们以 FastAPI 为例,演示如何添加路由规则。

在下面的代码中,我们添加了一个 GET 类型的 /api 路由,具体方法参考 FastAPI 文档

import nonebot
from fastapi import FastAPI

app: FastAPI = nonebot.get_app()

async def custom_api():
    return {"message": "Hello, world!"}