import platform import threading import time from typing import Any import psutil import requests from server_status.timezone import get_timezone excluded_partition_prefix = ( "/var", "/boot", "/run", "/proc", "/sys", "/dev", "/tmp", "/snap", ) include_partition_prefix_mac = ("/Volumes") os_name = "" # linux下为发行版名称,windows下为Windows, macOS下为Darwin os_version = "" # linux下为发行版版本,windows下为Windows版本 try: # read /etc/os-release with open("/etc/os-release") as f: os_release = # 找到NAME=和VERSION=的行 for line in os_release.split("\n"): if line.startswith("NAME="): os_name = line.split("=")[1].replace('"', "") elif line.startswith("VERSION_ID="): os_version = line.split("=")[1].replace('"', "") except FileNotFoundError: os_name = platform.system() os_version = platform.release() print("Current OS:", os_name, os_version) def log(*args): # 在输出前加上时间 print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), *args) def get_network_speed(interval) -> tuple[int, int]: """ 获取网络速度,会阻塞interval秒 Returns: tuple[int, int]: 上行速度, 下行速度 """ net1 = psutil.net_io_counters() time.sleep(interval) net2 = psutil.net_io_counters() return net2.bytes_sent - net1.bytes_sent, net2.bytes_recv - net1.bytes_recv class Hardware: os_release: str = "" mem_total: int = psutil.virtual_memory().total mem_used: int = psutil.virtual_memory().used swap_total: int = psutil.swap_memory().total swap_used: int = psutil.swap_memory().used cpu_cores: int = psutil.cpu_count() cpu_logics: int = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True) cpu_percent: float = psutil.cpu_percent() disks: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {} timezone: str = get_timezone() net_up: int = 0 net_down: int = 0 net_type: str = "ethernet" class Api: def __init__(self, api_root: str, variables: dict[str, str] = None): """ 初始化一个API组 Args: api_root: API根路径,不要用/结尾,且所有类方法参数中的path都前置/但不后置 variables: 变量,使用{}填充 """ self.variables = variables if variables else {} self.api_root = api_root.format(self.variables) self.headers = {} def get(self, path: str, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """ 发送一个GET请求, path中的变量会被替换, 其他参数请使用format Args: path: *args: **kwargs: Returns: """ path = path.format(self.variables) args = self.format(args) kwargs = self.format(kwargs) if "headers" not in kwargs: kwargs["headers"] = self.headers return requests.get(self.api_root + "/" + path, *args, **kwargs) def post(self, path: str, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: path = path.format(self.variables) args = self.format(args) kwargs = self.format(kwargs) if "headers" not in kwargs: kwargs["headers"] = self.headers return + "/" + path, *args, **kwargs) def delete(self, path: str, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: path = path.format(self.variables) args = self.format(args) kwargs = self.format(kwargs) if "headers" not in kwargs: kwargs["headers"] = self.headers return requests.delete(self.api_root + "/" + path, *args, **kwargs) def group(self, path: str) -> "Api": """ 获取一个子API Args: path: 子API路径例如"/user" Returns: 子API对象 """ return type(self)(self.api_root + path, self.variables) def add_headers(self, **headers): """ 添加请求头 Args: **headers: 请求头 """ self.headers.update(self.format(headers)) def format( self, obj: str | list[str] | dict[str, Any] ) -> str | list[str] | dict[str, Any]: if isinstance(obj, str): obj = obj.format(**self.variables) elif isinstance(obj, dict): for key in obj: obj[key] = self.format(obj[key]) elif isinstance(obj, list): for i in range(len(obj)): obj[i] = self.format(obj[i]) return obj class Client: def __init__( self, addr: str, token: str, client_id: str, name: str = "", location: str = "", labels: list[str] = [], link: str = "", interval: int = 2, ): self.api = Api(addr, {"token": token, "id": client_id}) self.api ="/client") self.api.add_headers(Authorization="{token}") self.addr = addr self.start_time = None self.client_id = client_id = name self.location = location self.labels = labels = link self.interval = interval self.start_time: float = psutil.boot_time() self.hardware = Hardware() log( "Client initialized", f"Name: {}({self.client_id}), Location: {self.location}, Labels: {self.labels}", ) def start(self): log("Starting client") threading.Thread(target=self._start_obs, daemon=True).start() threading.Thread(target=self._start_post, daemon=True).start() while True: time.sleep(1) def _start_obs(self): """启动监控记录线程""" while True: try: self.hardware.mem_total = psutil.virtual_memory().total self.hardware.mem_used = psutil.virtual_memory().used self.hardware.swap_total = psutil.swap_memory().total self.hardware.swap_used = psutil.swap_memory().used self.hardware.cpu_cores = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) self.hardware.cpu_logics = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True) for part in psutil.disk_partitions(): try: usage = psutil.disk_usage(part.mountpoint) if ( ( platform.system() == "Linux" and ( part.mountpoint.startswith( excluded_partition_prefix ) ) ) or ( platform.system() == "Darwin" and (not part.mountpoint.startswith( include_partition_prefix_mac ) or part.mountpoint == "/") ) or == 0 ): continue self.hardware.disks[part.device] = { "mountpoint": part.mountpoint, "device": part.device, "fstype": part.fstype, "total":, "used": usage.used, } except: pass self.hardware.cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(1) self.hardware.net_up, self.hardware.net_down = get_network_speed(1) log("Observed") except Exception as e: log(f"Failed to observe: {e}") def _start_post(self): """启动上报进程""" while True: try: resp = self.get_ping() if resp.status_code == 200: log(f"Connected to server {self.addr}") break else: log( f"Failed to connect to server {self.addr}, retrying in 5 seconds: {resp.text}" ) except Exception as e: log( f"Failed to connect to server {self.addr}, retrying in 5 seconds: {e}" ) time.sleep(5) while True: try: resp = self.post_status() if resp.status_code == 200: log("Status updated successfully") else: log(f"Failed to post status: {resp.text}") except Exception as e: log(f"Failed to post status: {e}") time.sleep(self.interval) def get_ping(self): return self.api.get("/ping") def post_status(self): status = self.get_device_status() return"/status", json=status) def get_device_status(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return { "meta": { "id": self.client_id, "name":, "os": { "name": platform.system(), # 系统类型 linux|windows|darwin "version": os_name + os_version, # 系统版本复杂描述 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Sep 13 10:42:50 UTC 2024 (5c05eeb) "machine": platform.machine(), # 机器类型 x86_64 "release": os_version, # 系统版本 }, "labels": self.labels, "location": self.location, "uptime": int(time.time() - self.start_time), "start_time": int(self.start_time), # 系统启动的时间 "link":, "observed_at": int(time.time()), "timezone": self.hardware.timezone, }, "hardware": { "mem": { "total": self.hardware.mem_total, "used": self.hardware.mem_used, }, "swap": { "total": self.hardware.swap_total, "used": self.hardware.swap_used, }, "cpu": { "cores": self.hardware.cpu_cores, "logics": self.hardware.cpu_logics, "percent": self.hardware.cpu_percent, }, "disks": self.hardware.disks, "net": { "up": self.hardware.net_up, "down": self.hardware.net_down, "type": "ethernet", }, }, } def remove(self, client_id) -> requests.Response: return self.api.delete("/host", data={"id": client_id})