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synced 2025-02-06 19:06:43 +08:00
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313 lines
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use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::Path;
use anyhow::Context;
use heed::types::*;
use heed::{PolyDatabase, Database, RwTxn, RoTxn};
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::facet::FacetType;
use crate::fields_ids_map::FieldsIdsMap;
use crate::{default_criteria, Criterion, Search};
use crate::{BEU32, DocumentId, FieldId, ExternalDocumentsIds};
use crate::{
RoaringBitmapCodec, BEU32StrCodec, StrStrU8Codec, ObkvCodec,
BoRoaringBitmapCodec, CboRoaringBitmapCodec,
pub const CRITERIA_KEY: &str = "criteria";
pub const DISPLAYED_FIELDS_KEY: &str = "displayed-fields";
pub const DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY: &str = "documents-ids";
pub const FACETED_DOCUMENTS_IDS_PREFIX: &str = "faceted-documents-ids";
pub const FACETED_FIELDS_KEY: &str = "faceted-fields";
pub const FIELDS_IDS_MAP_KEY: &str = "fields-ids-map";
pub const PRIMARY_KEY_KEY: &str = "primary-key";
pub const SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY: &str = "searchable-fields";
pub const HARD_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY: &str = "hard-external-documents-ids";
pub const SOFT_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY: &str = "soft-external-documents-ids";
pub const WORDS_FST_KEY: &str = "words-fst";
pub struct Index {
/// The LMDB environment which this index is associated with.
pub env: heed::Env,
/// Contains many different types (e.g. the fields ids map).
pub main: PolyDatabase,
/// A word and all the documents ids containing the word.
pub word_docids: Database<Str, RoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Maps a word and a document id (u32) to all the positions where the given word appears.
pub docid_word_positions: Database<BEU32StrCodec, BoRoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Maps the proximity between a pair of words with all the docids where this relation appears.
pub word_pair_proximity_docids: Database<StrStrU8Codec, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Maps the facet field id and the globally ordered value with the docids that corresponds to it.
pub facet_field_id_value_docids: Database<ByteSlice, CboRoaringBitmapCodec>,
/// Maps the document id, the facet field id and the globally ordered value.
pub field_id_docid_facet_values: Database<ByteSlice, Unit>,
/// Maps the document id to the document as an obkv store.
pub documents: Database<OwnedType<BEU32>, ObkvCodec>,
impl Index {
pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(mut options: heed::EnvOpenOptions, path: P) -> anyhow::Result<Index> {
let env = options.open(path)?;
let main = env.create_poly_database(Some("main"))?;
let word_docids = env.create_database(Some("word-docids"))?;
let docid_word_positions = env.create_database(Some("docid-word-positions"))?;
let word_pair_proximity_docids = env.create_database(Some("word-pair-proximity-docids"))?;
let facet_field_id_value_docids = env.create_database(Some("facet-field-id-value-docids"))?;
let field_id_docid_facet_values = env.create_database(Some("field-id-docid-facet-values"))?;
let documents = env.create_database(Some("documents"))?;
Ok(Index {
/// Create a write transaction to be able to write into the index.
pub fn write_txn(&self) -> heed::Result<RwTxn> {
/// Create a read transaction to be able to read the index.
pub fn read_txn(&self) -> heed::Result<RoTxn> {
/// Returns the canonicalized path where the heed `Env` of this `Index` lives.
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
/// Returns an `EnvClosingEvent` that can be used to wait for the closing event,
/// multiple threads can wait on this event.
/// Make sure that you drop all the copies of `Index`es you have, env closing are triggered
/// when all references are dropped, the last one will eventually close the environment.
pub fn prepare_for_closing(self) -> heed::EnvClosingEvent {
/* documents ids */
/// Writes the documents ids that corresponds to the user-ids-documents-ids FST.
pub fn put_documents_ids(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, docids: &RoaringBitmap) -> heed::Result<()> {
self.main.put::<_, Str, RoaringBitmapCodec>(wtxn, DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY, docids)
/// Returns the internal documents ids.
pub fn documents_ids(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> heed::Result<RoaringBitmap> {
Ok(self.main.get::<_, Str, RoaringBitmapCodec>(rtxn, DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY)?.unwrap_or_default())
/* primary key */
/// Writes the documents primary key, this is the field name that is used to store the id.
pub fn put_primary_key(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, primary_key: FieldId) -> heed::Result<()> {
self.main.put::<_, Str, OwnedType<FieldId>>(wtxn, PRIMARY_KEY_KEY, &primary_key)
/// Deletes the primary key of the documents, this can be done to reset indexes settings.
pub fn delete_primary_key(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn) -> heed::Result<bool> {
self.main.delete::<_, Str>(wtxn, PRIMARY_KEY_KEY)
/// Returns the documents primary key, `None` if it hasn't been defined.
pub fn primary_key(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> heed::Result<Option<FieldId>> {
self.main.get::<_, Str, OwnedType<FieldId>>(rtxn, PRIMARY_KEY_KEY)
/* external documents ids */
/// Writes the external documents ids and internal ids (i.e. `u32`).
pub fn put_external_documents_ids<'a>(
wtxn: &mut RwTxn,
external_documents_ids: &ExternalDocumentsIds<'a>,
) -> heed::Result<()>
let ExternalDocumentsIds { hard, soft } = external_documents_ids;
let hard = hard.as_fst().as_bytes();
let soft = soft.as_fst().as_bytes();
self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(wtxn, HARD_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY, hard)?;
self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(wtxn, SOFT_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY, soft)?;
/// Returns the external documents ids map which associate the external ids
/// with the internal ids (i.e. `u32`).
pub fn external_documents_ids<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn) -> anyhow::Result<ExternalDocumentsIds<'t>> {
let hard = self.main.get::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(rtxn, HARD_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY)?;
let soft = self.main.get::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(rtxn, SOFT_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY)?;
let hard = match hard {
Some(hard) => fst::Map::new(hard)?.map_data(Cow::Borrowed)?,
None => fst::Map::default().map_data(Cow::Owned)?,
let soft = match soft {
Some(soft) => fst::Map::new(soft)?.map_data(Cow::Borrowed)?,
None => fst::Map::default().map_data(Cow::Owned)?,
Ok(ExternalDocumentsIds::new(hard, soft))
/* fields ids map */
/// Writes the fields ids map which associate the documents keys with an internal field id
/// (i.e. `u8`), this field id is used to identify fields in the obkv documents.
pub fn put_fields_ids_map(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, map: &FieldsIdsMap) -> heed::Result<()> {
self.main.put::<_, Str, SerdeJson<FieldsIdsMap>>(wtxn, FIELDS_IDS_MAP_KEY, map)
/// Returns the fields ids map which associate the documents keys with an internal field id
/// (i.e. `u8`), this field id is used to identify fields in the obkv documents.
pub fn fields_ids_map(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> heed::Result<FieldsIdsMap> {
Ok(self.main.get::<_, Str, SerdeJson<FieldsIdsMap>>(rtxn, FIELDS_IDS_MAP_KEY)?.unwrap_or_default())
/* displayed fields */
/// Writes the fields ids that must be displayed in the defined order.
/// There must be not be any duplicate field id.
pub fn put_displayed_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, fields: &[FieldId]) -> heed::Result<()> {
self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(wtxn, DISPLAYED_FIELDS_KEY, fields)
/// Deletes the displayed fields ids, this will make the engine to display
/// all the documents attributes in the order of the `FieldsIdsMap`.
pub fn delete_displayed_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn) -> heed::Result<bool> {
self.main.delete::<_, Str>(wtxn, DISPLAYED_FIELDS_KEY)
/// Returns the displayed fields ids in the order they must be returned. If it returns
/// `None` it means that all the attributes are displayed in the order of the `FieldsIdsMap`.
pub fn displayed_fields<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn) -> heed::Result<Option<&'t [FieldId]>> {
self.main.get::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(rtxn, DISPLAYED_FIELDS_KEY)
/* searchable fields */
/// Writes the searchable fields, when this list is specified, only these are indexed.
pub fn put_searchable_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, fields: &[FieldId]) -> heed::Result<()> {
assert!(fields.windows(2).all(|win| win[0] < win[1])); // is sorted
self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(wtxn, SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY, fields)
/// Deletes the searchable fields, when no fields are specified, all fields are indexed.
pub fn delete_searchable_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn) -> heed::Result<bool> {
self.main.delete::<_, Str>(wtxn, SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY)
/// Returns the searchable fields ids, those are the fields that are indexed,
/// if the searchable fields aren't there it means that **all** the fields are indexed.
pub fn searchable_fields<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn) -> heed::Result<Option<&'t [FieldId]>> {
self.main.get::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(rtxn, SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY)
/* faceted fields */
/// Writes the facet fields ids associated with their facet type or `None` if
/// the facet type is currently unknown.
pub fn put_faceted_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, fields_types: &HashMap<FieldId, FacetType>) -> heed::Result<()> {
self.main.put::<_, Str, SerdeJson<_>>(wtxn, FACETED_FIELDS_KEY, fields_types)
/// Deletes the facet fields ids associated with their facet type.
pub fn delete_faceted_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn) -> heed::Result<bool> {
self.main.delete::<_, Str>(wtxn, FACETED_FIELDS_KEY)
/// Returns the facet fields ids associated with their facet type.
pub fn faceted_fields(&self, wtxn: &RoTxn) -> heed::Result<HashMap<FieldId, FacetType>> {
Ok(self.main.get::<_, Str, SerdeJson<_>>(wtxn, FACETED_FIELDS_KEY)?.unwrap_or_default())
/* faceted documents ids */
/// Writes the documents ids that are faceted under this field id.
pub fn put_faceted_documents_ids(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, field_id: FieldId, docids: &RoaringBitmap) -> heed::Result<()> {
let mut buffer = [0u8; FACETED_DOCUMENTS_IDS_PREFIX.len() + 1];
*buffer.last_mut().unwrap() = field_id;
self.main.put::<_, ByteSlice, RoaringBitmapCodec>(wtxn, &buffer, docids)
/// Retrieve all the documents ids that faceted under this field id.
pub fn faceted_documents_ids(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, field_id: FieldId) -> heed::Result<RoaringBitmap> {
let mut buffer = [0u8; FACETED_DOCUMENTS_IDS_PREFIX.len() + 1];
*buffer.last_mut().unwrap() = field_id;
match self.main.get::<_, ByteSlice, RoaringBitmapCodec>(rtxn, &buffer)? {
Some(docids) => Ok(docids),
None => Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()),
/* criteria */
pub fn put_criteria(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, criteria: &[Criterion]) -> heed::Result<()> {
self.main.put::<_, Str, SerdeJson<&[Criterion]>>(wtxn, CRITERIA_KEY, &criteria)
pub fn delete_criteria(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn) -> heed::Result<bool> {
self.main.delete::<_, Str>(wtxn, CRITERIA_KEY)
pub fn criteria(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> heed::Result<Vec<Criterion>> {
match self.main.get::<_, Str, SerdeJson<Vec<Criterion>>>(rtxn, CRITERIA_KEY)? {
Some(criteria) => Ok(criteria),
None => Ok(default_criteria()),
/* words fst */
/// Writes the FST which is the words dictionnary of the engine.
pub fn put_words_fst<A: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, fst: &fst::Set<A>) -> heed::Result<()> {
self.main.put::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(wtxn, WORDS_FST_KEY, fst.as_fst().as_bytes())
/// Returns the FST which is the words dictionnary of the engine.
pub fn words_fst<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn) -> anyhow::Result<fst::Set<Cow<'t, [u8]>>> {
match self.main.get::<_, Str, ByteSlice>(rtxn, WORDS_FST_KEY)? {
Some(bytes) => Ok(fst::Set::new(bytes)?.map_data(Cow::Borrowed)?),
None => Ok(fst::Set::default().map_data(Cow::Owned)?),
/// Returns a [`Vec`] of the requested documents. Returns an error if a document is missing.
pub fn documents<'t>(
rtxn: &'t RoTxn,
ids: impl IntoIterator<Item=DocumentId>,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<(DocumentId, obkv::KvReader<'t>)>>
let mut documents = Vec::new();
for id in ids {
let kv = self.documents.get(rtxn, &BEU32::new(id))?
.with_context(|| format!("Could not find document {}", id))?;
documents.push((id, kv));
/// Returns the number of documents indexed in the database.
pub fn number_of_documents(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
Ok(self.documents_ids(rtxn).map(|docids| docids.len() as usize)?)
pub fn search<'a>(&'a self, rtxn: &'a RoTxn) -> Search<'a> {
Search::new(rtxn, self)