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synced 2025-02-18 16:47:57 +08:00
483: Enhance matching words r=Kerollmops a=ManyTheFish # Summary Enhance milli word-matcher making it handle match computing and cropping. # Implementation ## Computing best matches for cropping Before we were considering that the first match of the attribute was the best one, this was accurate when only one word was searched but was missing the target when more than one word was searched. Now we are searching for the best matches interval to crop around, the chosen interval is the one: 1) that have the highest count of unique matches > for example, if we have a query `split the world`, then the interval `the split the split the` has 5 matches but only 2 unique matches (1 for `split` and 1 for `the`) where the interval `split of the world` has 3 matches and 3 unique matches. So the interval `split of the world` is considered better. 2) that have the minimum distance between matches > for example, if we have a query `split the world`, then the interval `split of the world` has a distance of 3 (2 between `split` and `the`, and 1 between `the` and `world`) where the interval `split the world` has a distance of 2. So the interval `split the world` is considered better. 3) that have the highest count of ordered matches > for example, if we have a query `split the world`, then the interval `the world split` has 2 ordered words where the interval `split the world` has 3. So the interval `split the world` is considered better. ## Cropping around the best matches interval Before we were cropping around the interval without checking the context. Now we are cropping around words in the same context as matching words. This means that we will keep words that are farther from the matching words but are in the same phrase, than words that are nearer but separated by a dot. > For instance, for the matching word `Split` the text: `Natalie risk her future. Split The World is a book written by Emily Henry. I never read it.` will be cropped like: `…. Split The World is a book written by Emily Henry. …` and not like: `Natalie risk her future. Split The World is a book …` Co-authored-by: ManyTheFish <many@meilisearch.com>
282 lines
11 KiB
282 lines
11 KiB
pub mod documents;
mod asc_desc;
mod criterion;
mod error;
mod external_documents_ids;
pub mod facet;
mod fields_ids_map;
pub mod heed_codec;
pub mod index;
pub mod proximity;
mod search;
pub mod update;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
pub use filter_parser::{Condition, FilterCondition};
use fxhash::{FxHasher32, FxHasher64};
pub use grenad::CompressionType;
use serde_json::{Map, Value};
pub use {heed, meilisearch_tokenizer as tokenizer};
pub use self::asc_desc::{AscDesc, AscDescError, Member, SortError};
pub use self::criterion::{default_criteria, Criterion, CriterionError};
pub use self::error::{
Error, FieldIdMapMissingEntry, InternalError, SerializationError, UserError,
pub use self::external_documents_ids::ExternalDocumentsIds;
pub use self::fields_ids_map::FieldsIdsMap;
pub use self::heed_codec::{
BEU32StrCodec, BoRoaringBitmapCodec, BoRoaringBitmapLenCodec, CboRoaringBitmapCodec,
CboRoaringBitmapLenCodec, FieldIdWordCountCodec, ObkvCodec, RoaringBitmapCodec,
RoaringBitmapLenCodec, StrBEU32Codec, StrStrU8Codec,
pub use self::index::Index;
pub use self::search::{
FacetDistribution, Filter, FormatOptions, MatchBounds, MatcherBuilder, MatchingWord,
MatchingWords, Search, SearchResult,
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, error::Error>;
pub type FastMap4<K, V> = HashMap<K, V, BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher32>>;
pub type FastMap8<K, V> = HashMap<K, V, BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher64>>;
pub type SmallString32 = smallstr::SmallString<[u8; 32]>;
pub type SmallVec16<T> = smallvec::SmallVec<[T; 16]>;
pub type SmallVec32<T> = smallvec::SmallVec<[T; 32]>;
pub type SmallVec8<T> = smallvec::SmallVec<[T; 8]>;
pub type BEU32 = heed::zerocopy::U32<heed::byteorder::BE>;
pub type BEU64 = heed::zerocopy::U64<heed::byteorder::BE>;
pub type Attribute = u32;
pub type DocumentId = u32;
pub type FieldId = u16;
pub type Position = u32;
pub type RelativePosition = u16;
pub type FieldDistribution = BTreeMap<String, u64>;
/// A GeoPoint is a point in cartesian plan, called xyz_point in the code. Its metadata
/// is a tuple composed of 1. the DocumentId of the associated document and 2. the original point
/// expressed in term of latitude and longitude.
pub type GeoPoint = rstar::primitives::GeomWithData<[f64; 3], (DocumentId, [f64; 2])>;
pub const MAX_POSITION_PER_ATTRIBUTE: u32 = u16::MAX as u32 + 1;
// Convert an absolute word position into a relative position.
// Return the field id of the attribute related to the absolute position
// and the relative position in the attribute.
pub fn relative_from_absolute_position(absolute: Position) -> (FieldId, RelativePosition) {
((absolute >> 16) as u16, (absolute & 0xFFFF) as u16)
// Compute the absolute word position with the field id of the attribute and relative position in the attribute.
pub fn absolute_from_relative_position(field_id: FieldId, relative: RelativePosition) -> Position {
(field_id as u32) << 16 | (relative as u32)
/// Transform a raw obkv store into a JSON Object.
pub fn obkv_to_json(
displayed_fields: &[FieldId],
fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap,
obkv: obkv::KvReaderU16,
) -> Result<Map<String, Value>> {
.flat_map(|id| obkv.get(id).map(|value| (id, value)))
.map(|(id, value)| {
let name = fields_ids_map.name(id).ok_or(error::FieldIdMapMissingEntry::FieldId {
field_id: id,
process: "obkv_to_json",
let value = serde_json::from_slice(value).map_err(error::InternalError::SerdeJson)?;
Ok((name.to_owned(), value))
/// Transform a JSON value into a string that can be indexed.
pub fn json_to_string(value: &Value) -> Option<String> {
fn inner(value: &Value, output: &mut String) -> bool {
use std::fmt::Write;
match value {
Value::Null => false,
Value::Bool(boolean) => write!(output, "{}", boolean).is_ok(),
Value::Number(number) => write!(output, "{}", number).is_ok(),
Value::String(string) => write!(output, "{}", string).is_ok(),
Value::Array(array) => {
let mut count = 0;
for value in array {
if inner(value, output) {
output.push_str(". ");
count += 1;
// check that at least one value was written
count != 0
Value::Object(object) => {
let mut buffer = String::new();
let mut count = 0;
for (key, value) in object {
let _ = write!(&mut buffer, "{}: ", key);
if inner(value, &mut buffer) {
buffer.push_str(". ");
// We write the "key: value. " pair only when
// we are sure that the value can be written.
count += 1;
// check that at least one value was written
count != 0
let mut string = String::new();
if inner(value, &mut string) {
} else {
/// Divides one slice into two at an index, returns `None` if mid is out of bounds.
fn try_split_at<T>(slice: &[T], mid: usize) -> Option<(&[T], &[T])> {
if mid <= slice.len() {
} else {
/// Divides one slice into an array and the tail at an index,
/// returns `None` if `N` is out of bounds.
fn try_split_array_at<T, const N: usize>(slice: &[T]) -> Option<([T; N], &[T])>
[T; N]: for<'a> TryFrom<&'a [T]>,
let (head, tail) = try_split_at(slice, N)?;
let head = head.try_into().ok()?;
Some((head, tail))
/// Return the distance between two points in meters. Each points are composed of two f64,
/// one latitude and one longitude.
pub fn distance_between_two_points(a: &[f64; 2], b: &[f64; 2]) -> f64 {
let a = geoutils::Location::new(a[0], a[1]);
let b = geoutils::Location::new(b[0], b[1]);
/// Convert a point expressed in terms of latitude and longitude to a point in the
/// cartesian coordinate expressed in terms of x, y and z.
pub fn lat_lng_to_xyz(coord: &[f64; 2]) -> [f64; 3] {
let [lat, lng] = coord.map(|f| f.to_radians());
let x = lat.cos() * lng.cos();
let y = lat.cos() * lng.sin();
let z = lat.sin();
[x, y, z]
/// Returns `true` if the field match one of the faceted fields.
/// See the function [`is_faceted_by`] below to see what “matching” means.
pub fn is_faceted(field: &str, faceted_fields: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<str>>) -> bool {
faceted_fields.into_iter().find(|facet| is_faceted_by(field, facet.as_ref())).is_some()
/// Returns `true` if the field match the facet.
/// ```
/// use milli::is_faceted_by;
/// // -- the valid basics
/// assert!(is_faceted_by("animaux", "animaux"));
/// assert!(is_faceted_by("animaux.chien", "animaux"));
/// assert!(is_faceted_by("animaux.chien.race.bouvier bernois.fourrure.couleur", "animaux"));
/// assert!(is_faceted_by("animaux.chien.race.bouvier bernois.fourrure.couleur", "animaux.chien"));
/// assert!(is_faceted_by("animaux.chien.race.bouvier bernois.fourrure.couleur", "animaux.chien.race.bouvier bernois"));
/// assert!(is_faceted_by("animaux.chien.race.bouvier bernois.fourrure.couleur", "animaux.chien.race.bouvier bernois.fourrure"));
/// assert!(is_faceted_by("animaux.chien.race.bouvier bernois.fourrure.couleur", "animaux.chien.race.bouvier bernois.fourrure.couleur"));
/// // -- the wrongs
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("chien", "chat"));
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("animaux", "animaux.chien"));
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("animaux.chien", "animaux.chat"));
/// // -- the strange edge cases
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("animaux.chien", "anima"));
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("animaux.chien", "animau"));
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("animaux.chien", "animaux."));
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("animaux.chien", "animaux.c"));
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("animaux.chien", "animaux.ch"));
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("animaux.chien", "animaux.chi"));
/// assert!(!is_faceted_by("animaux.chien", "animaux.chie"));
/// ```
pub fn is_faceted_by(field: &str, facet: &str) -> bool {
&& field[facet.len()..].chars().next().map(|c| c == '.').unwrap_or(true)
mod tests {
use serde_json::json;
use super::*;
fn json_to_string_object() {
let value = json!({
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 43,
"not_there": null,
let string = json_to_string(&value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(string, "name: John Doe. age: 43. ");
fn json_to_string_array() {
let value = json!([
{ "name": "John Doe" },
[ "I", "am", "fine" ],
let string = json_to_string(&value).unwrap();
// We don't care about having two point (.) after the other as
// the distance of hard separators is clamped to 8 anyway.
assert_eq!(string, "name: John Doe. . 43. hello. I. am. fine. . ");
fn test_relative_position_conversion() {
assert_eq!((0x0000, 0x0000), relative_from_absolute_position(0x00000000));
assert_eq!((0x0000, 0xFFFF), relative_from_absolute_position(0x0000FFFF));
assert_eq!((0xFFFF, 0x0000), relative_from_absolute_position(0xFFFF0000));
assert_eq!((0xFF00, 0xFF00), relative_from_absolute_position(0xFF00FF00));
assert_eq!((0xFF00, 0x00FF), relative_from_absolute_position(0xFF0000FF));
assert_eq!((0x1234, 0x5678), relative_from_absolute_position(0x12345678));
assert_eq!((0xFFFF, 0xFFFF), relative_from_absolute_position(0xFFFFFFFF));
fn test_absolute_position_conversion() {
assert_eq!(0x00000000, absolute_from_relative_position(0x0000, 0x0000));
assert_eq!(0x0000FFFF, absolute_from_relative_position(0x0000, 0xFFFF));
assert_eq!(0xFFFF0000, absolute_from_relative_position(0xFFFF, 0x0000));
assert_eq!(0xFF00FF00, absolute_from_relative_position(0xFF00, 0xFF00));
assert_eq!(0xFF0000FF, absolute_from_relative_position(0xFF00, 0x00FF));
assert_eq!(0x12345678, absolute_from_relative_position(0x1234, 0x5678));
assert_eq!(0xFFFFFFFF, absolute_from_relative_position(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF));