use std::io::{self, Read}; use std::iter::FromIterator; pub struct ReadableSlices { inner: Vec, pos: u64, } impl FromIterator for ReadableSlices { fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { ReadableSlices { inner: iter.into_iter().collect(), pos: 0 } } } impl> Read for ReadableSlices { fn read(&mut self, mut buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { let original_buf_len = buf.len(); // We explore the list of slices to find the one where we must start reading. let mut pos = self.pos; let index = match self .inner .iter() .map(|s| s.as_ref().len() as u64) .position(|size| pos.checked_sub(size).map(|p| pos = p).is_none()) { Some(index) => index, None => return Ok(0), }; let mut inner_pos = pos as usize; for slice in &self.inner[index..] { let slice = &slice.as_ref()[inner_pos..]; if buf.len() > slice.len() { // We must exhaust the current slice and go to the next one there is not enough here. buf[..slice.len()].copy_from_slice(slice); buf = &mut buf[slice.len()..]; inner_pos = 0; } else { // There is enough in this slice to fill the remaining bytes of the buffer. // Let's break just after filling it. buf.copy_from_slice(&slice[..buf.len()]); buf = &mut []; break; } } let written = original_buf_len - buf.len(); self.pos += written as u64; Ok(written) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::io::Read; use super::ReadableSlices; #[test] fn basic() { let data: Vec<_> = (0..100).collect(); let splits: Vec<_> = data.chunks(3).collect(); let mut rdslices: ReadableSlices<_> = splits.into_iter().collect(); let mut output = Vec::new(); let length = rdslices.read_to_end(&mut output).unwrap(); assert_eq!(length, data.len()); assert_eq!(output, data); } #[test] fn small_reads() { let data: Vec<_> = (0..u8::MAX).collect(); let splits: Vec<_> = data.chunks(27).collect(); let mut rdslices: ReadableSlices<_> = splits.into_iter().collect(); let buffer = &mut [0; 45]; let length =; let expected: Vec<_> = (0..buffer.len() as u8).collect(); assert_eq!(length, buffer.len()); assert_eq!(buffer, &expected[..]); } }