use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::Read; use crate::entry::{ Entry, Event, MemoryStats, NewCallsite, NewSpan, NewThread, ResourceId, SpanClose, SpanEnter, SpanExit, SpanId, }; use crate::{Error, TraceReader}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum SpanStatus { Outside, Inside(std::time::Duration), } pub fn print_trace(trace: TraceReader) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut calls = HashMap::new(); let mut threads = HashMap::new(); let mut spans = HashMap::new(); for entry in trace { let entry = entry?; match entry { Entry::NewCallsite(callsite) => { calls.insert(callsite.call_id, callsite); } Entry::NewThread(NewThread { thread_id, name }) => { threads.insert(thread_id, name); } Entry::NewSpan(span) => { spans.insert(, (span, SpanStatus::Outside)); } Entry::SpanEnter(SpanEnter { id, time, memory }) => { let (span, status) = spans.get_mut(&id).unwrap(); let SpanStatus::Outside = status else { continue; }; *status = SpanStatus::Inside(time); let span = *span; match memory { Some(stats) => println!( "[{}]{}::{} ({}) <-", print_thread(&threads, span.thread_id), print_backtrace(&spans, &calls, &span), print_span(&calls, &span), print_memory(stats), ), None => println!( "[{}]{}::{} <-", print_thread(&threads, span.thread_id), print_backtrace(&spans, &calls, &span), print_span(&calls, &span), ), } } Entry::SpanExit(SpanExit { id, time, memory }) => { let (span, status) = spans.get_mut(&id).unwrap(); let SpanStatus::Inside(begin) = status else { continue; }; let begin = *begin; *status = SpanStatus::Outside; let span = *span; match memory { Some(stats) => println!( "[{}]{}::{} ({}) -> {}", print_thread(&threads, span.thread_id), print_backtrace(&spans, &calls, &span), print_span(&calls, &span), print_memory(stats), print_duration(time - begin), ), None => println!( "[{}]{}::{} -> {}", print_thread(&threads, span.thread_id), print_backtrace(&spans, &calls, &span), print_span(&calls, &span), print_duration(time - begin), ), } } Entry::SpanClose(SpanClose { id, time: _ }) => { spans.remove(&id); } Entry::Event(Event { call_id, thread_id, parent_id, time: _, memory }) => { let parent_span = parent_id.and_then(|parent_id| spans.get(&parent_id)).and_then( |(span, status)| match status { SpanStatus::Outside => None, SpanStatus::Inside(_) => Some(span), }, ); match (parent_span, memory) { (Some(parent_span), Some(stats)) => println!( "[{}]{}::{} ({}) event: {}", print_thread(&threads, thread_id), print_backtrace(&spans, &calls, parent_span), print_span(&calls, parent_span), print_memory(stats), print_call(&calls, call_id) ), (Some(parent_span), None) => println!( "[{}]{}::{} event: {}", print_thread(&threads, thread_id), print_backtrace(&spans, &calls, parent_span), print_span(&calls, parent_span), print_call(&calls, call_id) ), (None, None) => println!( "[{}] event: {}", print_thread(&threads, thread_id), print_call(&calls, call_id) ), (None, Some(stats)) => println!( "[{}] ({}) event: {}", print_thread(&threads, thread_id), print_memory(stats), print_call(&calls, call_id) ), } } } } Ok(()) } fn print_thread(threads: &HashMap>, thread_id: ResourceId) -> String { let thread = threads.get(&thread_id).unwrap(); let thread = thread.as_ref().cloned().unwrap_or_else(|| format!("ThreadId({})", thread_id.to_usize())); thread } fn print_backtrace( spans: &HashMap, calls: &HashMap, span: &NewSpan, ) -> String { let mut parents = Vec::new(); let mut current = span.parent_id; while let Some(current_id) = ¤t { let (span, _) = spans.get(current_id).unwrap(); let callsite = calls.get(&span.call_id).unwrap(); parents.push(; current = span.parent_id; } let x: Vec = parents.into_iter().rev().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(); x.join("::") } fn print_span(calls: &HashMap, span: &NewSpan) -> String { print_call(calls, span.call_id) } fn print_call(calls: &HashMap, call_id: ResourceId) -> String { let callsite = calls.get(&call_id).unwrap(); match (callsite.file.clone(), callsite.line) { (Some(file), None) => format!("{} ({})",, file), (Some(file), Some(line)) => format!("{} ({}:{})",, file, line), _ =>, } } fn print_duration(duration: std::time::Duration) -> String { if duration.as_nanos() < 1000 { format!("{}ns", duration.as_nanos()) } else if duration.as_micros() < 1000 { format!("{}μs", duration.as_micros()) } else if duration.as_millis() < 1000 { format!("{}ms", duration.as_millis()) } else if duration.as_secs() < 120 { format!("{}s", duration.as_secs()) } else if duration.as_secs_f64() / 60.0 < 60.0 { format!("{}min", duration.as_secs_f64() / 60.0) } else if duration.as_secs_f64() / 3600.0 < 8.0 { format!("{}h", duration.as_secs_f64() / 3600.0) } else { format!("{}d", duration.as_secs_f64() / 3600.0 / 24.0) } } /// Format only the allocated bytes, deallocated bytes and reallocated bytes in GiB, MiB, KiB, Bytes. fn print_memory(memory: MemoryStats) -> String { use byte_unit::Byte; let allocated_bytes = Byte::from_bytes(memory.bytes_allocated.try_into().unwrap()); let deallocated_bytes = Byte::from_bytes(memory.bytes_deallocated.try_into().unwrap()); let reallocated_sign = if memory.bytes_reallocated < 0 { "-" } else { "" }; let reallocated_bytes = Byte::from_bytes(memory.bytes_reallocated.abs_diff(0).try_into().unwrap()); let adjusted_allocated_bytes = allocated_bytes.get_appropriate_unit(true); let adjusted_deallocated_bytes = deallocated_bytes.get_appropriate_unit(true); let adjusted_reallocated_bytes = reallocated_bytes.get_appropriate_unit(true); format!( "Allocated {adjusted_allocated_bytes:.2}, \ Deallocated {adjusted_deallocated_bytes:.2}, \ Reallocated {reallocated_sign}{adjusted_reallocated_bytes:.2}" ) }