use heed::RoTxn; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use super::db_cache::DatabaseCache; use super::{ RankingRule, RankingRuleOutput, RankingRuleOutputIter, RankingRuleOutputIterWrapper, RankingRuleQueryTrait, }; use crate::{ // facet::FacetType, heed_codec::{facet::FacetGroupKeyCodec, ByteSliceRefCodec}, search::facet::{ascending_facet_sort, descending_facet_sort}, FieldId, Index, Result, }; // TODO: The implementation of Sort is not correct: // (1) it should not return documents it has already returned (does the current implementation have the same bug?) // (2) at the end, it should return all the remaining documents (this could be ensured at the trait level?) pub struct Sort<'transaction, Query> { field_id: Option, is_ascending: bool, iter: Option>, } impl<'transaction, Query> Sort<'transaction, Query> { pub fn new( index: &'transaction Index, rtxn: &'transaction heed::RoTxn, field_name: String, is_ascending: bool, ) -> Result { let fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?; let field_id =; Ok(Self { field_id, is_ascending, iter: None }) } } impl<'transaction, Query: RankingRuleQueryTrait> RankingRule<'transaction, Query> for Sort<'transaction, Query> { fn start_iteration( &mut self, index: &Index, txn: &'transaction RoTxn, _db_cache: &mut DatabaseCache<'transaction>, parent_candidates: &RoaringBitmap, parent_query_graph: &Query, ) -> Result<()> { let iter: RankingRuleOutputIterWrapper = match self.field_id { Some(field_id) => { let make_iter = if self.is_ascending { ascending_facet_sort } else { descending_facet_sort }; let number_iter = make_iter( txn, index .facet_id_f64_docids .remap_key_type::>(), field_id, parent_candidates.clone(), )?; let string_iter = make_iter( txn, index .facet_id_string_docids .remap_key_type::>(), field_id, parent_candidates.clone(), )?; let query_graph = parent_query_graph.clone(); RankingRuleOutputIterWrapper::new(Box::new(number_iter.chain(string_iter).map( move |docids| { Ok(RankingRuleOutput { query: query_graph.clone(), candidates: docids? }) }, ))) } None => RankingRuleOutputIterWrapper::new(Box::new(std::iter::empty())), }; self.iter = Some(iter); Ok(()) } fn next_bucket( &mut self, _index: &Index, _txn: &'transaction RoTxn, _db_cache: &mut DatabaseCache<'transaction>, _universe: &RoaringBitmap, ) -> Result>> { let iter = self.iter.as_mut().unwrap(); // TODO: we should make use of the universe in the function below iter.next_bucket() } fn end_iteration( &mut self, _index: &Index, _txn: &'transaction RoTxn, _db_cache: &mut DatabaseCache<'transaction>, ) { self.iter = None; } }