//! BNF grammar: //! //! ```text //! filter = expression EOF //! expression = or //! or = and ("OR" WS+ and)* //! and = not ("AND" WS+ not)* //! not = ("NOT" WS+ not) | primary //! primary = (WS* "(" WS* expression WS* ")" WS*) | geoRadius | in | condition | exists | not_exists | to //! in = value "IN" WS* "[" value_list "]" //! condition = value ("=" | "!=" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=") value //! exists = value "EXISTS" //! not_exists = value "NOT" WS+ "EXISTS" //! to = value value "TO" WS+ value //! value = WS* ( word | singleQuoted | doubleQuoted) WS+ //! value_list = (value ("," value)* ","?)? //! singleQuoted = "'" .* all but quotes "'" //! doubleQuoted = "\"" .* all but double quotes "\"" //! word = (alphanumeric | _ | - | .)+ //! geoRadius = "_geoRadius(" WS* float WS* "," WS* float WS* "," float WS* ")" //! ``` //! //! Other BNF grammar used to handle some specific errors: //! ```text //! geoPoint = WS* "_geoPoint(" (float ",")* ")" //! ``` //! //! Specific errors: //! ================ //! - If a user try to use a geoPoint, as a primary OR as a value we must throw an error. //! ```text //! field = _geoPoint(12, 13, 14) //! field < 12 AND _geoPoint(1, 2) //! ``` //! //! - If a user try to use a geoRadius as a value we must throw an error. //! ```text //! field = _geoRadius(12, 13, 14) //! ``` //! mod condition; mod error; mod value; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::str::FromStr; pub use condition::{parse_condition, parse_to, Condition}; use condition::{parse_exists, parse_not_exists}; use error::{cut_with_err, NomErrorExt}; pub use error::{Error, ErrorKind}; use nom::branch::alt; use nom::bytes::complete::tag; use nom::character::complete::{char, multispace0, multispace1}; use nom::combinator::{cut, eof, map, opt}; use nom::multi::{many0, separated_list1}; use nom::number::complete::recognize_float; use nom::sequence::{delimited, preceded, terminated, tuple}; use nom::Finish; use nom_locate::LocatedSpan; pub(crate) use value::parse_value; pub type Span<'a> = LocatedSpan<&'a str, &'a str>; type IResult<'a, Ret> = nom::IResult, Ret, Error<'a>>; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq)] pub struct Token<'a> { /// The token in the original input, it should be used when possible. span: Span<'a>, /// If you need to modify the original input you can use the `value` field /// to store your modified input. value: Option, } impl<'a> PartialEq for Token<'a> { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.span.fragment() == other.span.fragment() } } impl<'a> Token<'a> { pub fn new(span: Span<'a>, value: Option) -> Self { Self { span, value } } pub fn lexeme(&self) -> &str { &self.span } pub fn value(&self) -> &str { self.value.as_ref().map_or(&self.span, |value| value) } pub fn as_external_error(&self, error: impl std::error::Error) -> Error<'a> { Error::new_from_external(self.span, error) } pub fn parse(&self) -> Result where T: FromStr, T::Err: std::error::Error, { self.span.parse().map_err(|e| self.as_external_error(e)) } } impl<'a> From> for Token<'a> { fn from(span: Span<'a>) -> Self { Self { span, value: None } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum FilterCondition<'a> { Not(Box), Condition { fid: Token<'a>, op: Condition<'a> }, In { fid: Token<'a>, els: Vec> }, Or(Vec), And(Vec), GeoLowerThan { point: [Token<'a>; 2], radius: Token<'a> }, } impl<'a> FilterCondition<'a> { /// Returns the first token found at the specified depth, `None` if no token at this depth. pub fn token_at_depth(&self, depth: usize) -> Option<&Token> { match self { FilterCondition::Condition { fid, .. } if depth == 0 => Some(fid), FilterCondition::Or(subfilters) => { let depth = depth.saturating_sub(1); for f in subfilters.iter() { if let Some(t) = f.token_at_depth(depth) { return Some(t); } } None } FilterCondition::And(subfilters) => { let depth = depth.saturating_sub(1); for f in subfilters.iter() { if let Some(t) = f.token_at_depth(depth) { return Some(t); } } None } FilterCondition::GeoLowerThan { point: [point, _], .. } if depth == 0 => Some(point), _ => None, } } pub fn parse(input: &'a str) -> Result, Error> { if input.trim().is_empty() { return Ok(None); } let span = Span::new_extra(input, input); parse_filter(span).finish().map(|(_rem, output)| Some(output)) } } /// remove OPTIONAL whitespaces before AND after the provided parser. fn ws<'a, O>(inner: impl FnMut(Span<'a>) -> IResult) -> impl FnMut(Span<'a>) -> IResult { delimited(multispace0, inner, multispace0) } /// value_list = (value ("," value)* ","?)? fn parse_value_list<'a>(input: Span<'a>) -> IResult>> { // TODO: here, I should return a failure with a clear explanation whenever possible // for example: // * expected the name of a field, but got `AND` // * expected closing square bracket, but got `AND` let (input, first_value) = opt(parse_value)(input)?; if let Some(first_value) = first_value { let value_list_el_parser = preceded(ws(tag(",")), parse_value); let (input, mut values) = many0(value_list_el_parser)(input)?; let (input, _) = opt(ws(tag(",")))(input)?; values.insert(0, first_value); Ok((input, values)) } else { Ok((input, vec![])) } } /// in = value "IN" "[" value_list "]" fn parse_in(input: Span) -> IResult { let (input, value) = parse_value(input)?; let (input, _) = ws(tag("IN"))(input)?; // everything after `IN` can be a failure let (input, _) = cut_with_err(tag("["), |_| { Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::InOpeningBracket) })(input)?; let (input, content) = cut(parse_value_list)(input)?; // everything after `IN` can be a failure let (input, _) = cut_with_err(tag("]"), |_| { if eof::<_, ()>(input).is_ok() { Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::InClosingBracket) } else { Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::InExpectedValue) } })(input)?; let filter = FilterCondition::In { fid: value, els: content }; Ok((input, filter)) } /// in = value "NOT" WS* "IN" "[" value_list "]" fn parse_not_in(input: Span) -> IResult { let (input, value) = parse_value(input)?; let (input, _) = tag("NOT")(input)?; let (input, _) = multispace1(input)?; let (input, _) = ws(tag("IN"))(input)?; // everything after `IN` can be a failure let (input, _) = cut_with_err(tag("["), |_| { Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::InOpeningBracket) })(input)?; let (input, content) = cut(parse_value_list)(input)?; // everything after `IN` can be a failure let (input, _) = cut_with_err(tag("]"), |_| { Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::InClosingBracket) })(input)?; let filter = FilterCondition::Not(Box::new(FilterCondition::In { fid: value, els: content })); Ok((input, filter)) } /// or = and ("OR" and) fn parse_or(input: Span) -> IResult { let (input, first_filter) = parse_and(input)?; // if we found a `OR` then we MUST find something next let (input, mut ors) = many0(preceded(ws(tuple((tag("OR"), multispace1))), cut(parse_and)))(input)?; let filter = if ors.is_empty() { first_filter } else { ors.insert(0, first_filter); FilterCondition::Or(ors) }; Ok((input, filter)) } /// and = not ("AND" not)* fn parse_and(input: Span) -> IResult { let (input, first_filter) = parse_not(input)?; // if we found a `AND` then we MUST find something next let (input, mut ands) = many0(preceded(ws(tuple((tag("AND"), multispace1))), cut(parse_not)))(input)?; let filter = if ands.is_empty() { first_filter } else { ands.insert(0, first_filter); FilterCondition::And(ands) }; Ok((input, filter)) } /// not = ("NOT" WS+ not) | primary /// We can have multiple consecutive not, eg: `NOT NOT channel = mv`. /// If we parse a `NOT` we MUST parse something behind. fn parse_not(input: Span) -> IResult { alt(( map(preceded(ws(tuple((tag("NOT"), multispace1))), cut(parse_not)), |e| { FilterCondition::Not(Box::new(e)) }), parse_primary, ))(input) } /// geoRadius = WS* "_geoRadius(float WS* "," WS* float WS* "," WS* float) /// If we parse `_geoRadius` we MUST parse the rest of the expression. fn parse_geo_radius(input: Span) -> IResult { // we want to allow space BEFORE the _geoRadius but not after let parsed = preceded( tuple((multispace0, tag("_geoRadius"))), // if we were able to parse `_geoRadius` and can't parse the rest of the input we return a failure cut(delimited(char('('), separated_list1(tag(","), ws(recognize_float)), char(')'))), )(input) .map_err(|e| e.map(|_| Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::Geo))); let (input, args) = parsed?; if args.len() != 3 { return Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::Geo))); } let res = FilterCondition::GeoLowerThan { point: [args[0].into(), args[1].into()], radius: args[2].into(), }; Ok((input, res)) } /// geoPoint = WS* "_geoPoint(float WS* "," WS* float WS* "," WS* float) fn parse_geo_point(input: Span) -> IResult { // we want to forbid space BEFORE the _geoPoint but not after tuple(( multispace0, tag("_geoPoint"), // if we were able to parse `_geoPoint` we are going to return a Failure whatever happens next. cut(delimited(char('('), separated_list1(tag(","), ws(recognize_float)), char(')'))), ))(input) .map_err(|e| e.map(|_| Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::ReservedGeo("_geoPoint"))))?; // if we succeeded we still return a `Failure` because geoPoints are not allowed Err(nom::Err::Failure(Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::ReservedGeo("_geoPoint")))) } /// primary = (WS* "(" WS* expression WS* ")" WS*) | geoRadius | condition | exists | not_exists | to fn parse_primary(input: Span) -> IResult { alt(( // if we find a first parenthesis, then we must parse an expression and find the closing parenthesis delimited( ws(char('(')), cut(parse_expression), cut_with_err(ws(char(')')), |c| { Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::MissingClosingDelimiter(c.char())) }), ), parse_geo_radius, parse_in, parse_not_in, parse_condition, parse_exists, parse_not_exists, parse_to, // the next lines are only for error handling and are written at the end to have the less possible performance impact parse_geo_point, ))(input) // if the inner parsers did not match enough information to return an accurate error .map_err(|e| e.map_err(|_| Error::new_from_kind(input, ErrorKind::InvalidPrimary))) // TODO: if the filter starts with a reserved keyword that is not NOT, then we should return the reserved keyword error // TODO: if the filter is x = reserved, idem } /// expression = or pub fn parse_expression(input: Span) -> IResult { parse_or(input) } /// filter = expression EOF pub fn parse_filter(input: Span) -> IResult { terminated(parse_expression, eof)(input) } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use super::*; /// Create a raw [Token]. You must specify the string that appear BEFORE your element followed by your element pub fn rtok<'a>(before: &'a str, value: &'a str) -> Token<'a> { // if the string is empty we still need to return 1 for the line number let lines = before.is_empty().then(|| 1).unwrap_or_else(|| before.lines().count()); let offset = before.chars().count(); // the extra field is not checked in the tests so we can set it to nothing unsafe { Span::new_from_raw_offset(offset, lines as u32, value, "") }.into() } #[test] fn parse() { use FilterCondition as Fc; let test_case = [ // simple test ( "x = AND", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::In { fid: rtok("NOT NOT", "colour"), els: vec![] })))) ), ( "colour IN[]", Fc::In { fid: rtok("", "colour"), els: vec![] } ), ( "colour IN[green]", Fc::In { fid: rtok("", "colour"), els: vec![rtok("colour IN[", "green")] } ), ( "colour IN[green,]", Fc::In { fid: rtok("", "colour"), els: vec![rtok("colour IN[", "green")] } ), ( "colour IN[green,blue]", Fc::In { fid: rtok("", "colour"), els: vec![ rtok("colour IN[", "green"), rtok("colour IN[green, ", "blue"), ] } ), ( "colour NOT IN[green,blue]", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::In { fid: rtok("", "colour"), els: vec![ rtok("colour NOT IN[", "green"), rtok("colour NOT IN[green, ", "blue"), ] })) ), ( " colour IN [ green , blue , ]", Fc::In { fid: rtok(" ", "colour"), els: vec![ rtok("colour IN [ ", "green"), rtok("colour IN [ green , ", "blue"), ] } ), ( "channel = Ponce", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "channel"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "Ponce")), }, ), ( "subscribers = 12", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "subscribers"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("subscribers = ", "12")), }, ), // test all the quotes and simple quotes ( "channel = 'Mister Mv'", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "channel"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("channel = '", "Mister Mv")), }, ), ( "channel = \"Mister Mv\"", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "channel"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("channel = \"", "Mister Mv")), }, ), ( "'dog race' = Borzoi", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("'", "dog race"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("'dog race' = ", "Borzoi")), }, ), ( "\"dog race\" = Chusky", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("\"", "dog race"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("\"dog race\" = ", "Chusky")), }, ), ( "\"dog race\" = \"Bernese Mountain\"", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("\"", "dog race"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("\"dog race\" = \"", "Bernese Mountain")), }, ), ( "'dog race' = 'Bernese Mountain'", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("'", "dog race"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("'dog race' = '", "Bernese Mountain")), }, ), ( "\"dog race\" = 'Bernese Mountain'", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("\"", "dog race"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("\"dog race\" = \"", "Bernese Mountain")), }, ), // test all the operators ( "channel != ponce", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "channel"), op: Condition::NotEqual(rtok("channel != ", "ponce")), }, ), ( "NOT channel = ponce", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("NOT ", "channel"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("NOT channel = ", "ponce")), })), ), ( "subscribers < 1000", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "subscribers"), op: Condition::LowerThan(rtok("subscribers < ", "1000")), }, ), ( "subscribers > 1000", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "subscribers"), op: Condition::GreaterThan(rtok("subscribers > ", "1000")), }, ), ( "subscribers <= 1000", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "subscribers"), op: Condition::LowerThanOrEqual(rtok("subscribers <= ", "1000")), }, ), ( "subscribers >= 1000", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "subscribers"), op: Condition::GreaterThanOrEqual(rtok("subscribers >= ", "1000")), }, ), ( "NOT subscribers < 1000", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"), op: Condition::LowerThan(rtok("NOT subscribers < ", "1000")), })), ), ( "NOT subscribers > 1000", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"), op: Condition::GreaterThan(rtok("NOT subscribers > ", "1000")), })), ), ( "NOT subscribers <= 1000", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"), op: Condition::LowerThanOrEqual(rtok("NOT subscribers <= ", "1000")), })), ), ( "NOT subscribers >= 1000", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"), op: Condition::GreaterThanOrEqual(rtok("NOT subscribers >= ", "1000")), })), ), ( "subscribers EXISTS", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "subscribers"), op: Condition::Exists, }, ), ( "NOT subscribers EXISTS", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"), op: Condition::Exists, })), ), ( "subscribers NOT EXISTS", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "subscribers"), op: Condition::Exists, })), ), ( "NOT subscribers NOT EXISTS", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"), op: Condition::Exists, })))), ), ( "subscribers NOT EXISTS", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "subscribers"), op: Condition::Exists, })), ), ( "subscribers 100 TO 1000", Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "subscribers"), op: Condition::Between { from: rtok("subscribers ", "100"), to: rtok("subscribers 100 TO ", "1000"), }, }, ), ( "NOT subscribers 100 TO 1000", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("NOT ", "subscribers"), op: Condition::Between { from: rtok("NOT subscribers ", "100"), to: rtok("NOT subscribers 100 TO ", "1000"), }, })), ), ( "_geoRadius(12, 13, 14)", Fc::GeoLowerThan { point: [rtok("_geoRadius(", "12"), rtok("_geoRadius(12, ", "13")], radius: rtok("_geoRadius(12, 13, ", "14"), }, ), ( "NOT _geoRadius(12, 13, 14)", Fc::Not(Box::new(Fc::GeoLowerThan { point: [rtok("NOT _geoRadius(", "12"), rtok("NOT _geoRadius(12, ", "13")], radius: rtok("NOT _geoRadius(12, 13, ", "14"), })), ), // test simple `or` and `and` ( "channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain'", Fc::And(vec![ Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "channel"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "ponce")), } .into(), Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("channel = ponce AND '", "dog race"), op: Condition::NotEqual(rtok( "channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != '", "bernese mountain", )), } .into(), ]), ), ( "channel = ponce OR 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain'", Fc::Or(vec![ Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "channel"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "ponce")), } .into(), Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("channel = ponce OR '", "dog race"), op: Condition::NotEqual(rtok( "channel = ponce OR 'dog race' != '", "bernese mountain", )), } .into(), ]), ), ( "channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000", Fc::Or(vec![ Fc::And(vec![ Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "channel"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "ponce")), } .into(), Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("channel = ponce AND '", "dog race"), op: Condition::NotEqual(rtok( "channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != '", "bernese mountain", )), } .into(), ]) .into(), Fc::Condition { fid: rtok( "channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR ", "subscribers", ), op: Condition::GreaterThan(rtok( "channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > ", "1000", )), } .into(), ]), ), // test parenthesis ( "channel = ponce AND ( 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000 )", Fc::And(vec![ Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("", "channel"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("channel = ", "ponce")) }.into(), Fc::Or(vec![ Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("channel = ponce AND ( '", "dog race"), op: Condition::NotEqual(rtok("channel = ponce AND ( 'dog race' != '", "bernese mountain"))}.into(), Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("channel = ponce AND ( 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR ", "subscribers"), op: Condition::GreaterThan(rtok("channel = ponce AND ( 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > ", "1000")) }.into(),] ).into()]), ), ( "(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(12, 13, 14)", Fc::And(vec![ Fc::Or(vec![ Fc::And(vec![ Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("(", "channel"), op: Condition::Equal(rtok("(channel = ", "ponce")) }.into(), Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("(channel = ponce AND '", "dog race"), op: Condition::NotEqual(rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != '", "bernese mountain")) }.into(), ]).into(), Fc::Condition { fid: rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR ", "subscribers"), op: Condition::GreaterThan(rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > ", "1000")) }.into(), ]).into(), Fc::GeoLowerThan { point: [rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(", "12"), rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(12, ", "13")], radius: rtok("(channel = ponce AND 'dog race' != 'bernese mountain' OR subscribers > 1000) AND _geoRadius(12, 13, ", "14") }.into() ]) ) ]; for (input, expected) in test_case { let result = Fc::parse(input); assert!( result.is_ok(), "Filter `{:?}` was supposed to be parsed but failed with the following error: `{}`", expected, result.unwrap_err() ); let filter = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(filter, Some(expected), "Filter `{}` failed.", input); } } #[test] fn error() { use FilterCondition as Fc; let test_case = [ // simple test ("channel = Ponce = 12", "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `= 12`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule."), ("channel = ", "Was expecting a value but instead got nothing."), ("channel = 🐻", "Was expecting a value but instead got `🐻`."), ("channel = 🐻 AND followers < 100", "Was expecting a value but instead got `🐻`."), ("OR", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `OR`."), ("AND", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `AND`."), ("channel Ponce", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `channel Ponce`."), ("channel = Ponce OR", "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `OR`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule."), ("_geoRadius", "The `_geoRadius` filter expects three arguments: `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, radius)`."), ("_geoRadius = 12", "The `_geoRadius` filter expects three arguments: `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, radius)`."), ("_geoPoint(12, 13, 14)", "`_geoPoint` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance) built-in rule to filter on `_geo` coordinates."), ("position <= _geoPoint(12, 13, 14)", "`_geoPoint` is a reserved keyword and thus can't be used as a filter expression. Use the `_geoRadius(latitude, longitude, distance) built-in rule to filter on `_geo` coordinates."), ("position <= _geoRadius(12, 13, 14)", "The `_geoRadius` filter is an operation and can't be used as a value."), ("channel = 'ponce", "Expression `\\'ponce` is missing the following closing delimiter: `'`."), ("channel = \"ponce", "Expression `\\\"ponce` is missing the following closing delimiter: `\"`."), ("channel = mv OR (followers >= 1000", "Expression `(followers >= 1000` is missing the following closing delimiter: `)`."), ("channel = mv OR followers >= 1000)", "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `)`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule."), ("colour NOT EXIST", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `colour NOT EXIST`."), ("subscribers 100 TO1000", "Was expecting an operation `=`, `!=`, `>=`, `>`, `<=`, `<`, `TO`, `EXISTS`, `NOT EXISTS`, or `_geoRadius` at `subscribers 100 TO1000`."), ("channel = ponce ORdog != 'bernese mountain'", "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `ORdog != \\'bernese mountain\\'`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule."), ("channel = ponce AND'dog' != 'bernese mountain'", "Found unexpected characters at the end of the filter: `AND\\'dog\\' != \\'bernese mountain\\'`. You probably forgot an `OR` or an `AND` rule."), ("colour IN blue, green]", "Expected `[` after `IN` keyword."), ("colour IN [blue, green, 'blue' > 2]", "Expected only comma-separated field names inside `IN[..]` but instead found `> 2]`"), ("colour IN [blue, green, AND]", "Expected only comma-separated field names inside `IN[..]` but instead found `AND]`"), ("colour IN [blue, green", "Expected matching `]` after the list of field names given to `IN[`"), ("colour IN ['blue, green", "Expression `\\'blue, green` is missing the following closing delimiter: `'`."), ]; for (input, expected) in test_case { let result = Fc::parse(input); assert!( result.is_err(), "Filter `{}` wasn't supposed to be parsed but it did with the following result: `{:?}`", input, result.unwrap() ); let filter = result.unwrap_err().to_string(); assert!(filter.starts_with(expected), "Filter `{:?}` was supposed to return the following error:\n{}\n, but instead returned\n{}\n.", input, expected, filter); } } #[test] fn depth() { let filter = FilterCondition::parse("account_ids=1 OR account_ids=2 OR account_ids=3 OR account_ids=4 OR account_ids=5 OR account_ids=6").unwrap().unwrap(); assert!(filter.token_at_depth(1).is_some()); assert!(filter.token_at_depth(2).is_none()); let filter = FilterCondition::parse("(account_ids=1 OR (account_ids=2 AND account_ids=3) OR (account_ids=4 AND account_ids=5) OR account_ids=6)").unwrap().unwrap(); assert!(filter.token_at_depth(2).is_some()); assert!(filter.token_at_depth(3).is_none()); let filter = FilterCondition::parse("account_ids=1 OR account_ids=2 AND account_ids=3 OR account_ids=4 AND account_ids=5 OR account_ids=6").unwrap().unwrap(); assert!(filter.token_at_depth(2).is_some()); assert!(filter.token_at_depth(3).is_none()); } }