use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Cursor, Read, Seek, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::{env, fs}; use bytes::Bytes; use convert_case::{Case, Casing}; use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use reqwest::IntoUrl; const BASE_URL: &str = ""; const DATASET_SONGS: (&str, &str) = ("smol-songs", "csv"); const DATASET_SONGS_1_2: (&str, &str) = ("smol-songs-1_2", "csv"); const DATASET_SONGS_3_4: (&str, &str) = ("smol-songs-3_4", "csv"); const DATASET_SONGS_4_4: (&str, &str) = ("smol-songs-4_4", "csv"); const DATASET_WIKI: (&str, &str) = ("smol-wiki-articles", "csv"); const DATASET_WIKI_1_2: (&str, &str) = ("smol-wiki-articles-1_2", "csv"); const DATASET_WIKI_3_4: (&str, &str) = ("smol-wiki-articles-3_4", "csv"); const DATASET_WIKI_4_4: (&str, &str) = ("smol-wiki-articles-4_4", "csv"); const DATASET_MOVIES: (&str, &str) = ("movies", "json"); const DATASET_MOVIES_1_2: (&str, &str) = ("movies-1_2", "json"); const DATASET_MOVIES_3_4: (&str, &str) = ("movies-3_4", "json"); const DATASET_MOVIES_4_4: (&str, &str) = ("movies-4_4", "json"); const DATASET_NESTED_MOVIES: (&str, &str) = ("nested_movies", "json"); const DATASET_GEO: (&str, &str) = ("smol-all-countries", "jsonl"); const ALL_DATASETS: &[(&str, &str)] = &[ DATASET_SONGS, DATASET_SONGS_1_2, DATASET_SONGS_3_4, DATASET_SONGS_4_4, DATASET_WIKI, DATASET_WIKI_1_2, DATASET_WIKI_3_4, DATASET_WIKI_4_4, DATASET_MOVIES, DATASET_MOVIES_1_2, DATASET_MOVIES_3_4, DATASET_MOVIES_4_4, DATASET_NESTED_MOVIES, DATASET_GEO, ]; /// The name of the environment variable used to select the path /// of the directory containing the datasets const BASE_DATASETS_PATH_KEY: &str = "MILLI_BENCH_DATASETS_PATH"; fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var(BASE_DATASETS_PATH_KEY).unwrap_or(env::var("OUT_DIR")?)); let benches_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")?).join("benches"); let mut manifest_paths_file = File::create(benches_dir.join(""))?; write!( manifest_paths_file, r#"//! This file is generated by the build script. //! Do not modify by hand, use the file. #![allow(dead_code)] "# )?; writeln!(manifest_paths_file)?; for (dataset, extension) in ALL_DATASETS { let out_path = out_dir.join(dataset); let out_file = out_path.with_extension(extension); writeln!( &mut manifest_paths_file, r#"pub const {}: &str = {:?};"#, dataset.to_case(Case::ScreamingSnake), out_file.display(), )?; if out_file.exists() { eprintln!( "The dataset {} already exists on the file system and will not be downloaded again", out_path.display(), ); continue; } let url = format!("{}/{}.{}.gz", BASE_URL, dataset, extension); eprintln!("downloading: {}", url); let bytes = download_dataset(url.clone())?; eprintln!("{} downloaded successfully", url); eprintln!("uncompressing in {}", out_file.display()); uncompress_in_file(bytes, &out_file)?; } Ok(()) } fn download_dataset<U: IntoUrl>(url: U) -> anyhow::Result<Cursor<Bytes>> { let bytes = reqwest::blocking::Client::builder().timeout(None).build()?.get(url).send()?.bytes()?; Ok(Cursor::new(bytes)) } fn uncompress_in_file<R: Read + Seek, P: AsRef<Path>>(bytes: R, path: P) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let path = path.as_ref(); let mut gz = GzDecoder::new(bytes); let mut dataset = Vec::new(); gz.read_to_end(&mut dataset)?; fs::write(path, dataset)?; Ok(()) }