/*! The autobatcher is responsible for combining the next enqueued tasks affecting a single index into a [batch](crate::batch::Batch). The main function of the autobatcher is [`next_autobatch`]. */ use meilisearch_types::milli::update::IndexDocumentsMethod::{ self, ReplaceDocuments, UpdateDocuments, }; use meilisearch_types::tasks::TaskId; use std::ops::ControlFlow::{self, Break, Continue}; use crate::KindWithContent; /// Succinctly describes a task's [`Kind`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Kind) /// for the purpose of simplifying the implementation of the autobatcher. /// /// Only the non-prioritised tasks that can be grouped in a batch have a corresponding [`AutobatchKind`] enum AutobatchKind { DocumentImport { method: IndexDocumentsMethod, allow_index_creation: bool, }, DocumentDeletion, DocumentClear, Settings { allow_index_creation: bool, }, IndexCreation, IndexDeletion, IndexUpdate, IndexSwap, } impl AutobatchKind { #[rustfmt::skip] fn allow_index_creation(&self) -> Option { match self { AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { allow_index_creation, .. } | AutobatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, .. } => Some(*allow_index_creation), _ => None, } } } impl From for AutobatchKind { fn from(kind: KindWithContent) -> Self { match kind { KindWithContent::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, .. } => AutobatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, }, KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion { .. } => AutobatchKind::DocumentDeletion, KindWithContent::DocumentClear { .. } => AutobatchKind::DocumentClear, KindWithContent::Settings { allow_index_creation, .. } => AutobatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, }, KindWithContent::IndexDeletion { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexDeletion, KindWithContent::IndexCreation { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexCreation, KindWithContent::IndexUpdate { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexUpdate, KindWithContent::IndexSwap { .. } => AutobatchKind::IndexSwap, KindWithContent::TaskCancelation { .. } | KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { .. } | KindWithContent::DumpExport { .. } | KindWithContent::Snapshot => { panic!("The autobatcher should never be called with tasks that don't apply to an index.") } } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum BatchKind { DocumentClear { ids: Vec, }, DocumentImport { method: IndexDocumentsMethod, allow_index_creation: bool, import_ids: Vec, }, DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: Vec, }, ClearAndSettings { other: Vec, allow_index_creation: bool, settings_ids: Vec, }, SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: Vec, method: IndexDocumentsMethod, allow_index_creation: bool, import_ids: Vec, }, Settings { allow_index_creation: bool, settings_ids: Vec, }, IndexDeletion { ids: Vec, }, IndexCreation { id: TaskId, }, IndexUpdate { id: TaskId, }, IndexSwap { id: TaskId, }, } impl BatchKind { #[rustfmt::skip] fn allow_index_creation(&self) -> Option { match self { BatchKind::DocumentImport { allow_index_creation, .. } | BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { allow_index_creation, .. } | BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { allow_index_creation, .. } | BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, .. } => Some(*allow_index_creation), _ => None, } } } impl BatchKind { /// Returns a `ControlFlow::Break` if you must stop right now. // TODO use an AutoBatchKind as input pub fn new(task_id: TaskId, kind: KindWithContent) -> ControlFlow { use AutobatchKind as K; match AutobatchKind::from(kind) { K::IndexCreation => Break(BatchKind::IndexCreation { id: task_id }), K::IndexDeletion => Break(BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids: vec![task_id] }), K::IndexUpdate => Break(BatchKind::IndexUpdate { id: task_id }), K::IndexSwap => Break(BatchKind::IndexSwap { id: task_id }), K::DocumentClear => Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: vec![task_id] }), K::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, } => Continue(BatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, import_ids: vec![task_id], }), K::DocumentDeletion => Continue(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: vec![task_id], }), K::Settings { allow_index_creation, } => Continue(BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, settings_ids: vec![task_id], }), } } /// Returns a `ControlFlow::Break` if you must stop right now. #[rustfmt::skip] fn accumulate(self, id: TaskId, kind: AutobatchKind) -> ControlFlow { use AutobatchKind as K; match (self, kind) { // We don't batch any of these operations (this, K::IndexCreation | K::IndexUpdate | K::IndexSwap) => Break(this), // We must not batch tasks that don't have the same index creation rights (this, kind) if this.allow_index_creation() == Some(false) && kind.allow_index_creation() == Some(true) => { Break(this) }, // The index deletion can batch with everything but must stop after ( BatchKind::DocumentClear { mut ids } | BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: mut ids } | BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, import_ids: mut ids } | BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation: _, settings_ids: mut ids }, K::IndexDeletion, ) => { ids.push(id); Break(BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids }) } ( BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { settings_ids: mut ids, allow_index_creation: _, mut other } | BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { import_ids: mut ids, method: _, allow_index_creation: _, settings_ids: mut other }, K::IndexDeletion, ) => { ids.push(id); ids.append(&mut other); Break(BatchKind::IndexDeletion { ids }) } ( BatchKind::DocumentClear { mut ids }, K::DocumentClear | K::DocumentDeletion, ) => { ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids }) } ( this @ BatchKind::DocumentClear { .. }, K::DocumentImport { .. } | K::Settings { .. }, ) => Break(this), ( BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: _, allow_index_creation: _, import_ids: mut ids }, K::DocumentClear, ) => { ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids }) } // we can autobatch the same kind of document additions / updates ( BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation, mut import_ids }, K::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, .. }, ) => { import_ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation, import_ids, }) } ( BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, mut import_ids }, K::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, .. }, ) => { import_ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, import_ids, }) } // but we can't autobatch documents if it's not the same kind // this match branch MUST be AFTER the previous one ( this @ BatchKind::DocumentImport { .. }, K::DocumentDeletion | K::DocumentImport { .. }, ) => Break(this), ( BatchKind::DocumentImport { method, allow_index_creation, import_ids }, K::Settings { .. }, ) => Continue(BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: vec![id], method, allow_index_creation, import_ids, }), (BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids }, K::DocumentClear) => { deletion_ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::DocumentClear { ids: deletion_ids }) } (this @ BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { .. }, K::DocumentImport { .. }) => Break(this), (BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { mut deletion_ids }, K::DocumentDeletion) => { deletion_ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids }) } (this @ BatchKind::DocumentDeletion { .. }, K::Settings { .. }) => Break(this), ( BatchKind::Settings { settings_ids, allow_index_creation }, K::DocumentClear, ) => Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { settings_ids, allow_index_creation, other: vec![id], }), ( this @ BatchKind::Settings { .. }, K::DocumentImport { .. } | K::DocumentDeletion, ) => Break(this), ( BatchKind::Settings { mut settings_ids, allow_index_creation }, K::Settings { .. }, ) => { settings_ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::Settings { allow_index_creation, settings_ids, }) } ( BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { mut other, settings_ids, allow_index_creation }, K::DocumentClear, ) => { other.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { other, settings_ids, allow_index_creation, }) } (this @ BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { .. }, K::DocumentImport { .. }) => Break(this), ( BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { mut other, settings_ids, allow_index_creation, }, K::DocumentDeletion, ) => { other.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { other, settings_ids, allow_index_creation, }) } ( BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { mut settings_ids, other, allow_index_creation }, K::Settings { .. }, ) => { settings_ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { other, settings_ids, allow_index_creation, }) } ( BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: _, import_ids: mut other, allow_index_creation }, K::DocumentClear, ) => { other.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::ClearAndSettings { settings_ids, other, allow_index_creation, }) } ( BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: ReplaceDocuments, mut import_ids, allow_index_creation }, K::DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, .. }, ) => { import_ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation, import_ids, }) } ( BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, mut import_ids }, K::DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, .. }, ) => { import_ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation, import_ids, }) } // But we can't batch a settings and a doc op with another doc op // this MUST be AFTER the two previous branch ( this @ BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { .. }, K::DocumentDeletion | K::DocumentImport { .. }, ) => Break(this), ( BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { mut settings_ids, method, allow_index_creation, import_ids }, K::Settings { .. }, ) => { settings_ids.push(id); Continue(BatchKind::SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids, method, allow_index_creation, import_ids, }) } ( BatchKind::IndexCreation { .. } | BatchKind::IndexDeletion { .. } | BatchKind::IndexUpdate { .. } | BatchKind::IndexSwap { .. }, _, ) => { unreachable!() } } } } /// Create a batch from an ordered list of tasks. /// /// ## Preconditions /// 1. The tasks must be enqueued and given in the order in which they were enqueued /// 2. The tasks must not be prioritised tasks (e.g. task cancellation, dump, snapshot, task deletion) /// 3. The tasks must all be related to the same index /// /// ## Return /// `None` if the list of tasks is empty. Otherwise, an [`AutoBatch`] that represents /// a subset of the given tasks. pub fn autobatch(enqueued: Vec<(TaskId, KindWithContent)>) -> Option { let mut enqueued = enqueued.into_iter(); let (id, kind) = enqueued.next()?; let mut acc = match BatchKind::new(id, kind) { Continue(acc) => acc, Break(acc) => return Some(acc), }; for (id, kind) in enqueued { acc = match acc.accumulate(id, kind.into()) { Continue(acc) => acc, Break(acc) => return Some(acc), }; } Some(acc) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::debug_snapshot; use super::*; use uuid::Uuid; fn autobatch_from(input: impl IntoIterator) -> Option { autobatch( input .into_iter() .enumerate() .map(|(id, kind)| (id as TaskId, kind.into())) .collect(), ) } fn doc_imp(method: IndexDocumentsMethod, allow_index_creation: bool) -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::DocumentImport { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), primary_key: None, method, content_file: Uuid::new_v4(), documents_count: 0, allow_index_creation, } } fn doc_del() -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), documents_ids: Vec::new(), } } fn doc_clr() -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::DocumentClear { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), } } fn settings(allow_index_creation: bool) -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::Settings { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), new_settings: Default::default(), is_deletion: false, allow_index_creation, } } fn idx_create() -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), primary_key: None, } } fn idx_update() -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::IndexUpdate { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), primary_key: None, } } fn idx_del() -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::IndexDeletion { index_uid: String::from("doggo"), } } fn idx_swap() -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::IndexSwap { lhs: String::from("doggo"), rhs: String::from("catto"), } } #[test] fn autobatch_simple_operation_together() { // we can autobatch one or multiple DocumentAddition together debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp( ReplaceDocuments, true ), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true )]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] })"); // we can autobatch one or multiple DocumentUpdate together debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1, 2] })"); // we can autobatch one or multiple DocumentDeletion together debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_del()]), @"Some(DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_del(), doc_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some(DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0, 1, 2] })"); // we can autobatch one or multiple Settings together debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([settings(true)]), @"Some(Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([settings(true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some(Settings { allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 1, 2] })"); } #[test] fn simple_document_operation_dont_autobatch_with_other() { // addition, updates and deletion can't batch together debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_del()]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_del()]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), idx_create()]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), idx_create()]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_del(), idx_create()]), @"Some(DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), idx_update()]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), idx_update()]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_del(), idx_update()]), @"Some(DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), idx_swap()]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), idx_swap()]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_del(), idx_swap()]), @"Some(DocumentDeletion { deletion_ids: [0] })"); } #[test] fn document_addition_batch_with_settings() { // simple case debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); // multiple settings and doc addition debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [2, 3], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), settings(true)]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [2, 3], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1] })"); // addition and setting unordered debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1, 3], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 2] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1, 3], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 2] })"); // We ensure this kind of batch doesn't batch with forbidden operations debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_del()]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_create()]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_update()]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_swap()]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: UpdateDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); } #[test] fn clear_and_additions() { // these two doesn't need to batch debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentClear { ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentClear { ids: [0] })"); // Basic use case debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_clr()]), @"Some(DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_clr()]), @"Some(DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] })"); // This batch kind doesn't mix with other document addition debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_clr(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_clr(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2] })"); // But you can batch multiple clear together debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some(DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), doc_clr(), doc_clr(), doc_clr()]), @"Some(DocumentClear { ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] })"); } #[test] fn clear_and_additions_and_settings() { // A clear don't need to autobatch the settings that happens AFTER there is no documents debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some(DocumentClear { ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([settings(true), doc_clr(), settings(true)]), @"Some(ClearAndSettings { other: [1], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [0, 2] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some(ClearAndSettings { other: [0, 2], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr()]), @"Some(ClearAndSettings { other: [0, 2], allow_index_creation: true, settings_ids: [1] })"); } #[test] fn anything_and_index_deletion() { // The indexdeletion doesn't batch with anything that happens AFTER debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([idx_del(), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([idx_del(), doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true)]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([idx_del(), doc_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([idx_del(), doc_clr()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([idx_del(), settings(true)]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0] })"); // The index deletion can accept almost any type of BatchKind and transform it to an idx_del() // First, the basic cases debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), idx_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), idx_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_del(), idx_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 1] })"); // Then the mixed cases debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), idx_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [0, 2, 1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(UpdateDocuments, true), settings(true), doc_clr(), idx_del()]), @"Some(IndexDeletion { ids: [1, 3, 0, 2] })"); } #[test] fn allowed_and_disallowed_index_creation() { // doc_imp(indexes canbe)ixed with those disallowed to do so debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true)]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0, 1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false)]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0, 1] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, true), settings(true)]), @"Some(SettingsAndDocumentImport { settings_ids: [1], method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: true, import_ids: [0] })"); debug_snapshot!(autobatch_from([doc_imp(ReplaceDocuments, false), settings(true)]), @"Some(DocumentImport { method: ReplaceDocuments, allow_index_creation: false, import_ids: [0] })"); } }