mod index_actor; mod update_actor; mod update_handler; mod update_store; mod updates; mod uuid_resolver; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use actix_web::web::{Bytes, Payload}; use futures::stream::StreamExt; use milli::update::{IndexDocumentsMethod, UpdateFormat}; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot}; use tokio::time::sleep; use uuid::Uuid; pub use updates::{Processed, Processing, Failed}; use crate::index::{SearchResult, SearchQuery, Document}; use crate::index::{UpdateResult, Settings, Facets}; pub type UpdateStatus = updates::UpdateStatus; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct IndexMetadata { name: String, #[serde(flatten)] meta: index_actor::IndexMeta, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(tag = "type")] pub enum UpdateMeta { DocumentsAddition { method: IndexDocumentsMethod, format: UpdateFormat, primary_key: Option, }, ClearDocuments, DeleteDocuments, Settings(Settings), Facets(Facets), } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct IndexSettings { pub name: Option, pub primary_key: Option, } pub struct IndexController { uuid_resolver: uuid_resolver::UuidResolverHandle, index_handle: index_actor::IndexActorHandle, update_handle: update_actor::UpdateActorHandle, } enum IndexControllerMsg { CreateIndex { uuid: Uuid, primary_key: Option, ret: oneshot::Sender>, }, Shutdown, } impl IndexController { pub fn new(path: impl AsRef) -> anyhow::Result { let uuid_resolver = uuid_resolver::UuidResolverHandle::new(); let index_actor = index_actor::IndexActorHandle::new(&path)?; let update_handle = update_actor::UpdateActorHandle::new(index_actor.clone(), &path); Ok(Self { uuid_resolver, index_handle: index_actor, update_handle }) } pub async fn add_documents( &self, index: String, method: milli::update::IndexDocumentsMethod, format: milli::update::UpdateFormat, mut payload: Payload, primary_key: Option, ) -> anyhow::Result { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver.get_or_create(index).await?; let meta = UpdateMeta::DocumentsAddition { method, format, primary_key }; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(10); // It is necessary to spawn a local task to senf the payload to the update handle to // prevent dead_locking between the update_handle::update that waits for the update to be // registered and the update_actor that waits for the the payload to be sent to it. tokio::task::spawn_local(async move { while let Some(bytes) = { match bytes { Ok(bytes) => { sender.send(Ok(bytes)).await; }, Err(e) => { let error: Box = Box::new(e); sender.send(Err(error)).await; }, } } }); // This must be done *AFTER* spawning the task. let status = self.update_handle.update(meta, receiver, uuid).await?; Ok(status) } pub async fn clear_documents(&self, index: String) -> anyhow::Result { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver.resolve(index).await?; let meta = UpdateMeta::ClearDocuments; let (_, receiver) = mpsc::channel(1); let status = self.update_handle.update(meta, receiver, uuid).await?; Ok(status) } pub async fn delete_documents(&self, index: String, document_ids: Vec) -> anyhow::Result { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver.resolve(index).await?; let meta = UpdateMeta::DeleteDocuments; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(10); tokio::task::spawn(async move { let json = serde_json::to_vec(&document_ids).unwrap(); let bytes = Bytes::from(json); let _ = sender.send(Ok(bytes)).await; }); let status = self.update_handle.update(meta, receiver, uuid).await?; Ok(status) } pub async fn update_settings(&self, index_uid: String, settings: Settings) -> anyhow::Result { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver.get_or_create(index_uid).await?; let meta = UpdateMeta::Settings(settings); // Nothing so send, drop the sender right away, as not to block the update actor. let (_, receiver) = mpsc::channel(1); let status = self.update_handle.update(meta, receiver, uuid).await?; Ok(status) } pub async fn create_index(&self, index_settings: IndexSettings) -> anyhow::Result { let IndexSettings { name, primary_key } = index_settings; let name = name.unwrap(); let uuid = self.uuid_resolver.create(name.clone()).await?; let meta = self.index_handle.create_index(uuid, primary_key).await?; let meta = IndexMetadata { name, meta }; Ok(meta) } pub async fn delete_index(&self, index_uid: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver .delete(index_uid) .await?; self.update_handle.delete(uuid.clone()).await?; self.index_handle.delete(uuid).await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn update_status(&self, index: String, id: u64) -> anyhow::Result> { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver .resolve(index) .await?; let result = self.update_handle.update_status(uuid, id).await?; Ok(result) } pub async fn all_update_status(&self, index: String) -> anyhow::Result> { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver .resolve(index).await?; let result = self.update_handle.get_all_updates_status(uuid).await?; Ok(result) } pub async fn list_indexes(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { let uuids = self.uuid_resolver.list().await?; let mut ret = Vec::new(); for (name, uuid) in uuids { if let Some(meta) = self.index_handle.get_index_meta(uuid).await? { let meta = IndexMetadata { name, meta }; ret.push(meta); } } Ok(ret) } pub async fn settings(&self, index: String) -> anyhow::Result { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver .resolve(index.clone()) .await?; let settings = self.index_handle.settings(uuid).await?; Ok(settings) } pub async fn documents( &self, index: String, offset: usize, limit: usize, attributes_to_retrieve: Option>, ) -> anyhow::Result> { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver .resolve(index.clone()) .await?; let documents = self.index_handle.documents(uuid, offset, limit, attributes_to_retrieve).await?; Ok(documents) } pub async fn document( &self, index: String, doc_id: String, attributes_to_retrieve: Option>, ) -> anyhow::Result { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver .resolve(index.clone()) .await?; let document = self.index_handle.document(uuid, doc_id, attributes_to_retrieve).await?; Ok(document) } fn update_index(&self, name: String, index_settings: IndexSettings) -> anyhow::Result { todo!() } pub async fn search(&self, name: String, query: SearchQuery) -> anyhow::Result { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver.resolve(name).await?; let result =, query).await?; Ok(result) } pub async fn get_index(&self, name: String) -> anyhow::Result> { let uuid = self.uuid_resolver.resolve(name.clone()).await?; let result = self.index_handle .get_index_meta(uuid) .await? .map(|meta| IndexMetadata { name, meta }); Ok(result) } } pub async fn get_arc_ownership_blocking(mut item: Arc) -> T { loop { match Arc::try_unwrap(item) { Ok(item) => return item, Err(item_arc) => { item = item_arc; sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; continue; } } } }