use std::collections::BTreeSet; use std::convert::Infallible; use std::error::Error as StdError; use std::{fmt, io, str}; use heed::{Error as HeedError, MdbError}; use rayon::ThreadPoolBuildError; use serde_json::{Map, Value}; use crate::{CriterionError, DocumentId, FieldId, SortError}; pub type Object = Map; pub fn is_reserved_keyword(keyword: &str) -> bool { ["_geo", "_geoDistance", "_geoPoint", "_geoRadius"].contains(&keyword) } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { InternalError(InternalError), IoError(io::Error), UserError(UserError), } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum InternalError { DatabaseClosing, DatabaseMissingEntry { db_name: &'static str, key: Option<&'static str> }, FieldIdMapMissingEntry(FieldIdMapMissingEntry), Fst(fst::Error), GrenadInvalidCompressionType, GrenadInvalidFormatVersion, IndexingMergingKeys { process: &'static str }, InvalidDatabaseTyping, RayonThreadPool(ThreadPoolBuildError), SerdeJson(serde_json::Error), Serialization(SerializationError), Store(MdbError), Utf8(str::Utf8Error), } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum SerializationError { Decoding { db_name: Option<&'static str> }, Encoding { db_name: Option<&'static str> }, InvalidNumberSerialization, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum FieldIdMapMissingEntry { FieldId { field_id: FieldId, process: &'static str }, FieldName { field_name: String, process: &'static str }, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum UserError { AttributeLimitReached, CriterionError(CriterionError), DocumentLimitReached, InvalidDocumentId { document_id: Value }, InvalidFacetsDistribution { invalid_facets_name: BTreeSet }, InvalidGeoField { document_id: Value, object: Value }, InvalidFilter(String), InvalidSortableAttribute { field: String, valid_fields: BTreeSet }, SortRankingRuleMissing, InvalidStoreFile, MaxDatabaseSizeReached, MissingDocumentId { primary_key: String, document: Object }, MissingPrimaryKey, NoSpaceLeftOnDevice, PrimaryKeyCannotBeChanged(String), SerdeJson(serde_json::Error), SortError(SortError), UnknownInternalDocumentId { document_id: DocumentId }, } impl From for Error { fn from(error: io::Error) -> Error { // TODO must be improved and more precise Error::IoError(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: fst::Error) -> Error { Error::InternalError(InternalError::Fst(error)) } } impl From> for Error where Error: From, { fn from(error: grenad::Error) -> Error { match error { grenad::Error::Io(error) => Error::IoError(error), grenad::Error::Merge(error) => Error::from(error), grenad::Error::InvalidCompressionType => { Error::InternalError(InternalError::GrenadInvalidCompressionType) } grenad::Error::InvalidFormatVersion => { Error::InternalError(InternalError::GrenadInvalidFormatVersion) } } } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: str::Utf8Error) -> Error { Error::InternalError(InternalError::Utf8(error)) } } impl From for Error { fn from(_error: Infallible) -> Error { unreachable!() } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: HeedError) -> Error { use self::Error::*; use self::InternalError::*; use self::SerializationError::*; use self::UserError::*; match error { HeedError::Io(error) => Error::from(error), HeedError::Mdb(MdbError::MapFull) => UserError(MaxDatabaseSizeReached), HeedError::Mdb(MdbError::Invalid) => UserError(InvalidStoreFile), HeedError::Mdb(error) => InternalError(Store(error)), HeedError::Encoding => InternalError(Serialization(Encoding { db_name: None })), HeedError::Decoding => InternalError(Serialization(Decoding { db_name: None })), HeedError::InvalidDatabaseTyping => InternalError(InvalidDatabaseTyping), HeedError::DatabaseClosing => InternalError(DatabaseClosing), } } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: ThreadPoolBuildError) -> Error { Error::InternalError(InternalError::RayonThreadPool(error)) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: FieldIdMapMissingEntry) -> Error { Error::InternalError(InternalError::FieldIdMapMissingEntry(error)) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: InternalError) -> Error { Error::InternalError(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: UserError) -> Error { Error::UserError(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: SerializationError) -> Error { Error::InternalError(InternalError::Serialization(error)) } } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::InternalError(error) => write!(f, "internal: {}.", error), Self::IoError(error) => error.fmt(f), Self::UserError(error) => error.fmt(f), } } } impl StdError for Error {} impl fmt::Display for InternalError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::DatabaseMissingEntry { db_name, key } => { write!(f, "Missing {} in the {} database.", key.unwrap_or("key"), db_name) } Self::FieldIdMapMissingEntry(error) => error.fmt(f), Self::Fst(error) => error.fmt(f), Self::GrenadInvalidCompressionType => { f.write_str("Invalid compression type have been specified to grenad.") } Self::GrenadInvalidFormatVersion => { f.write_str("Invalid grenad file with an invalid version format.") } Self::IndexingMergingKeys { process } => { write!(f, "Invalid merge while processing {}.", process) } Self::Serialization(error) => error.fmt(f), Self::InvalidDatabaseTyping => HeedError::InvalidDatabaseTyping.fmt(f), Self::RayonThreadPool(error) => error.fmt(f), Self::SerdeJson(error) => error.fmt(f), Self::DatabaseClosing => HeedError::DatabaseClosing.fmt(f), Self::Store(error) => error.fmt(f), Self::Utf8(error) => error.fmt(f), } } } impl StdError for InternalError {} impl fmt::Display for UserError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::InvalidFilter(error) => f.write_str(error), Self::AttributeLimitReached => f.write_str("A document cannot contain more than 65,535 fields."), Self::CriterionError(error) => write!(f, "{}", error), Self::DocumentLimitReached => f.write_str("Maximum number of documents reached."), Self::InvalidFacetsDistribution { invalid_facets_name } => { let name_list = invalid_facets_name.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).collect::>().join(", "); write!( f, "Invalid facet distribution, the fields `{}` are not set as filterable.", name_list ) } Self::InvalidGeoField { document_id, object } => { let document_id = match document_id { Value::String(id) => id.clone(), _ => document_id.to_string(), }; let object = match object { Value::String(id) => id.clone(), _ => object.to_string(), }; write!( f, "The document with the id: `{}` contains an invalid _geo field: `{}`.", document_id, object ) }, Self::InvalidDocumentId { document_id } => { let document_id = match document_id { Value::String(id) => id.clone(), _ => document_id.to_string(), }; write!( f, "Document identifier `{}` is invalid. \ A document identifier can be of type integer or string, \ only composed of alphanumeric characters (a-z A-Z 0-9), hyphens (-) and underscores (_).", document_id ) } Self::InvalidSortableAttribute { field, valid_fields } => { let valid_names = valid_fields.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).collect::>().join(", "); if valid_names.is_empty() { write!( f, "Attribute `{}` is not sortable. This index does not have configured sortable attributes.", field ) } else { write!( f, "Attribute `{}` is not sortable. Available sortable attributes are: `{}`.", field, valid_names ) } } Self::SortRankingRuleMissing => f.write_str( "The sort ranking rule must be specified in the \ ranking rules settings to use the sort parameter at search time.", ), Self::MissingDocumentId { primary_key, document } => { let json = serde_json::to_string(document).unwrap(); write!(f, "Document doesn't have a `{}` attribute: `{}`.", primary_key, json) } Self::MissingPrimaryKey => f.write_str("The primary key inference process failed because the engine did not find any fields containing `id` substring in their name. If your document identifier does not contain any `id` substring, you can set the primary key of the index."), Self::MaxDatabaseSizeReached => f.write_str("Maximum database size has been reached."), Self::NoSpaceLeftOnDevice => f.write_str("There is no more space left on the device. Consider increasing the size of the disk/partition."), Self::InvalidStoreFile => f.write_str("The database file is in an invalid state."), Self::PrimaryKeyCannotBeChanged(primary_key) => { write!(f, "Index already has a primary key: `{}`.", primary_key) } Self::SerdeJson(error) => error.fmt(f), Self::SortError(error) => write!(f, "{}", error), Self::UnknownInternalDocumentId { document_id } => { write!(f, "An unknown internal document id have been used: `{}`.", document_id) } } } } impl StdError for UserError {} impl fmt::Display for FieldIdMapMissingEntry { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::FieldId { field_id, process } => { write!(f, "unknown field id {} coming from the {} process", field_id, process) } Self::FieldName { field_name, process } => { write!(f, "unknown field name {} coming from the {} process", field_name, process) } } } } impl StdError for FieldIdMapMissingEntry {} impl fmt::Display for SerializationError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::Decoding { db_name: Some(name) } => { write!(f, "decoding from the {} database failed", name) } Self::Decoding { db_name: None } => f.write_str("decoding failed"), Self::Encoding { db_name: Some(name) } => { write!(f, "encoding into the {} database failed", name) } Self::Encoding { db_name: None } => f.write_str("encoding failed"), Self::InvalidNumberSerialization => f.write_str("number is not a valid finite number"), } } } impl StdError for SerializationError {} #[test] fn conditionally_lookup_for_error_message() { let prefix = "Attribute `name` is not sortable."; let messages = vec![ (BTreeSet::new(), "This index does not have configured sortable attributes."), (BTreeSet::from(["age".to_string()]), "Available sortable attributes are: `age`."), ]; for (list, suffix) in messages { let err = UserError::InvalidSortableAttribute { field: "name".to_string(), valid_fields: list }; assert_eq!(err.to_string(), format!("{} {}", prefix, suffix)); } }