use std::{borrow::Cow, mem::take}; use anyhow::bail; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use crate::search::query_tree::{Operation, Query, QueryKind}; use crate::search::word_typos; use super::{Candidates, Criterion, CriterionResult, Context, query_docids, query_pair_proximity_docids}; // FIXME we must stop when the number of typos is equal to // the maximum number of typos for this query tree. const MAX_NUM_TYPOS: u8 = 8; pub struct Typo<'t> { ctx: &'t dyn Context, query_tree: Option, number_typos: u8, candidates: Candidates, bucket_candidates: Option, parent: Option>, } impl<'t> Typo<'t> { pub fn initial( ctx: &'t dyn Context, query_tree: Option, candidates: Option, ) -> anyhow::Result where Self: Sized { Ok(Typo { ctx, query_tree, number_typos: 0, candidates: candidates.map_or_else(Candidates::default, Candidates::Allowed), bucket_candidates: None, parent: None, }) } pub fn new( ctx: &'t dyn Context, parent: Box, ) -> anyhow::Result where Self: Sized { Ok(Typo { ctx, query_tree: None, number_typos: 0, candidates: Candidates::default(), bucket_candidates: None, parent: Some(parent), }) } } impl<'t> Criterion for Typo<'t> { fn next(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result> { use Candidates::{Allowed, Forbidden}; while self.number_typos < MAX_NUM_TYPOS { match (&mut self.query_tree, &mut self.candidates) { (_, Allowed(candidates)) if candidates.is_empty() => { self.query_tree = None; self.candidates = Candidates::default(); }, (Some(query_tree), Allowed(candidates)) => { // TODO if number_typos >= 2 the generated query_tree will allways be the same, // generate a new one on each iteration is a waste of time. let new_query_tree = alterate_query_tree(&self.ctx.words_fst(), query_tree.clone(), self.number_typos)?; let mut new_candidates = resolve_candidates(self.ctx, &new_query_tree, self.number_typos)?; new_candidates.intersect_with(&candidates); candidates.difference_with(&new_candidates); self.number_typos += 1; let bucket_candidates = match self.parent { Some(_) => self.bucket_candidates.take(), None => Some(new_candidates.clone()), }; return Ok(Some(CriterionResult { query_tree: Some(new_query_tree), candidates: new_candidates, bucket_candidates, })); }, (Some(query_tree), Forbidden(candidates)) => { // TODO if number_typos >= 2 the generated query_tree will allways be the same, // generate a new one on each iteration is a waste of time. let new_query_tree = alterate_query_tree(&self.ctx.words_fst(), query_tree.clone(), self.number_typos)?; let mut new_candidates = resolve_candidates(self.ctx, &new_query_tree, self.number_typos)?; new_candidates.difference_with(&candidates); candidates.union_with(&new_candidates); self.number_typos += 1; let bucket_candidates = match self.parent { Some(_) => self.bucket_candidates.take(), None => Some(new_candidates.clone()), }; return Ok(Some(CriterionResult { query_tree: Some(new_query_tree), candidates: new_candidates, bucket_candidates, })); }, (None, Allowed(_)) => { let candidates = take(&mut self.candidates).into_inner(); return Ok(Some(CriterionResult { query_tree: None, candidates: candidates.clone(), bucket_candidates: Some(candidates), })); }, (None, Forbidden(_)) => { match self.parent.as_mut() { Some(parent) => { match { Some(CriterionResult { query_tree, candidates, bucket_candidates }) => { self.query_tree = query_tree; self.candidates = Candidates::Allowed(candidates); self.bucket_candidates = bucket_candidates; }, None => return Ok(None), } }, None => return Ok(None), } }, } } Ok(None) } } /// Modify the query tree by replacing every tolerant query by an Or operation /// containing all of the corresponding exact words in the words FST. Each tolerant /// query will only be replaced by exact query with up to `number_typos` maximum typos. fn alterate_query_tree( words_fst: &fst::Set>, mut query_tree: Operation, number_typos: u8, ) -> anyhow::Result { fn recurse( words_fst: &fst::Set>, operation: &mut Operation, number_typos: u8, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { use Operation::{And, Consecutive, Or}; match operation { And(ops) | Consecutive(ops) | Or(_, ops) => { ops.iter_mut().try_for_each(|op| recurse(words_fst, op, number_typos)) }, Operation::Query(q) => { // TODO may be optimized when number_typos == 0 if let QueryKind::Tolerant { typo, word } = &q.kind { let typo = *typo.min(&number_typos); let words = word_typos(word, q.prefix, typo, words_fst)?; let queries = words.into_iter().map(|(word, _typo)| { Operation::Query(Query { prefix: false, kind: QueryKind::Exact { original_typo: typo, word }, }) }).collect(); *operation = Operation::or(false, queries); } Ok(()) }, } } recurse(words_fst, &mut query_tree, number_typos)?; Ok(query_tree) } fn resolve_candidates<'t>( ctx: &'t dyn Context, query_tree: &Operation, number_typos: u8, ) -> anyhow::Result { // FIXME add a cache // FIXME keep the cache between typos iterations // cache: HashMap<(&Operation, u8), RoaringBitmap>, fn resolve_operation<'t>( ctx: &'t dyn Context, query_tree: &Operation, number_typos: u8, ) -> anyhow::Result { use Operation::{And, Consecutive, Or, Query}; match query_tree { And(ops) => { mdfs(ctx, ops, number_typos) }, Consecutive(ops) => { let mut candidates = RoaringBitmap::new(); let mut first_loop = true; for slice in { match (&slice[0], &slice[1]) { (Operation::Query(left), Operation::Query(right)) => { match query_pair_proximity_docids(ctx, left, right, 1)? { pair_docids if pair_docids.is_empty() => { return Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()) }, pair_docids if first_loop => { candidates = pair_docids; first_loop = false; }, pair_docids => { candidates.intersect_with(&pair_docids); }, } }, _ => bail!("invalid consecutive query type"), } } Ok(candidates) }, Or(_, ops) => { let mut candidates = RoaringBitmap::new(); for op in ops { let docids = resolve_operation(ctx, op, number_typos)?; candidates.union_with(&docids); } Ok(candidates) }, Query(q) => if q.kind.typo() == number_typos { Ok(query_docids(ctx, q)?) } else { Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()) }, } } /// FIXME Make this function generic and mutualize it between Typo and proximity criterion fn mdfs<'t>( ctx: &'t dyn Context, branches: &[Operation], mana: u8, ) -> anyhow::Result { match branches.split_first() { Some((head, [])) => resolve_operation(ctx, head, mana), Some((head, tail)) => { let mut candidates = RoaringBitmap::new(); for m in 0..=mana { let mut head_candidates = resolve_operation(ctx, head, m)?; if !head_candidates.is_empty() { let tail_candidates = mdfs(ctx, tail, mana - m)?; head_candidates.intersect_with(&tail_candidates); candidates.union_with(&head_candidates); } } Ok(candidates) }, None => Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()), } } resolve_operation(ctx, query_tree, number_typos) }