mod v1_10; mod v1_11; mod v1_12; mod v1_9; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use anyhow::{bail, Context}; use meilisearch_types::versioning::create_version_file; use v1_10::v1_9_to_v1_10; use v1_12::{v1_11_to_v1_12, v1_12_to_v1_12_3}; use crate::upgrade::v1_11::v1_10_to_v1_11; pub struct OfflineUpgrade { pub db_path: PathBuf, pub current_version: (String, String, String), pub target_version: (String, String, String), } impl OfflineUpgrade { pub fn upgrade(self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let upgrade_list = [ ( v1_9_to_v1_10 as fn(&Path, &str, &str, &str) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>, "1", "10", "0", ), (v1_10_to_v1_11, "1", "11", "0"), (v1_11_to_v1_12, "1", "12", "0"), (v1_12_to_v1_12_3, "1", "12", "3"), ]; let (current_major, current_minor, current_patch) = &self.current_version; let start_at = match ( current_major.as_str(), current_minor.as_str(), current_patch.as_str(), ) { ("1", "9", _) => 0, ("1", "10", _) => 1, ("1", "11", _) => 2, ("1", "12", x) if x == "0" || x == "1" || x == "2" => 3, _ => { bail!("Unsupported current version {current_major}.{current_minor}.{current_patch}. Can only upgrade from v1.9 and v1.10") } }; let (target_major, target_minor, target_patch) = &self.target_version; let ends_at = match (target_major.as_str(), target_minor.as_str(), target_patch.as_str()) { ("1", "10", _) => 0, ("1", "11", _) => 1, ("1", "12", x) if x == "0" || x == "1" || x == "2" => 2, ("1", "12", "3") => 3, (major, _, _) if major.starts_with('v') => { bail!("Target version must not starts with a `v`. Instead of writing `v1.9.0` write `1.9.0` for example.") } _ => { bail!("Unsupported target version {target_major}.{target_minor}.{target_patch}. Can only upgrade to v1.10 and v1.11") } }; println!("Starting the upgrade from {current_major}.{current_minor}.{current_patch} to {target_major}.{target_minor}.{target_patch}"); #[allow(clippy::needless_range_loop)] for index in start_at..=ends_at { let (func, major, minor, patch) = upgrade_list[index]; (func)(&self.db_path, current_major, current_minor, current_patch)?; println!("Done"); // We're writing the version file just in case an issue arise _while_ upgrading. // We don't want the DB to fail in an unknown state. println!("Writing VERSION file"); create_version_file(&self.db_path, major, minor, patch) .context("while writing VERSION file after the upgrade")?; } println!("Success"); Ok(()) } }