use std::{ fs::{self, File}, io::{Read, Write}, path::PathBuf, }; use flate2::{write::GzEncoder, Compression}; use serde::Serialize; use tempfile::TempDir; use time::OffsetDateTime; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::{Metadata, Result, CURRENT_DUMP_VERSION}; pub struct DumpWriter { dir: TempDir, } impl DumpWriter { pub fn new(instance_uuid: Uuid) -> Result { let dir = TempDir::new()?; fs::write( dir.path().join("instance-uid"), &instance_uuid.as_hyphenated().to_string(), )?; let metadata = Metadata { dump_version: CURRENT_DUMP_VERSION, db_version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string(), dump_date: OffsetDateTime::now_utc(), }; fs::write( dir.path().join("metadata.json"), serde_json::to_string(&metadata)?, )?; std::fs::create_dir(&dir.path().join("indexes"))?; Ok(DumpWriter { dir }) } pub fn create_index(&self, index_name: &str) -> Result { IndexWriter::new(self.dir.path().join("indexes").join(index_name)) } pub fn create_keys(&self) -> Result { KeyWriter::new(self.dir.path().to_path_buf()) } pub fn create_tasks_queue(&self) -> Result { TaskWriter::new(self.dir.path().join("tasks")) } pub fn persist_to(self, mut writer: impl Write) -> Result<()> { let gz_encoder = GzEncoder::new(&mut writer, Compression::default()); let mut tar_encoder = tar::Builder::new(gz_encoder); tar_encoder.append_dir_all(".", self.dir.path())?; let gz_encoder = tar_encoder.into_inner()?; gz_encoder.finish()?; writer.flush()?; Ok(()) } } pub struct KeyWriter { file: File, } impl KeyWriter { pub(crate) fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Result { let file = File::create(path.join("keys.jsonl"))?; Ok(KeyWriter { file }) } pub fn push_key(&mut self, key: impl Serialize) -> Result<()> { self.file.write_all(&serde_json::to_vec(&key)?)?; self.file.write_all(b"\n")?; Ok(()) } } pub struct TaskWriter { queue: File, update_files: PathBuf, } impl TaskWriter { pub(crate) fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Result { std::fs::create_dir(&path)?; let queue = File::create(path.join("queue.jsonl"))?; let update_files = path.join("update_files"); std::fs::create_dir(&update_files)?; Ok(TaskWriter { queue, update_files, }) } /// Pushes tasks in the dump. /// If the tasks has an associated `update_file` it'll use the `task_id` as its name. pub fn push_task( &mut self, task_id: u32, task: impl Serialize, update_file: Option, ) -> Result<()> { self.queue.write_all(&serde_json::to_vec(&task)?)?; self.queue.write_all(b"\n")?; if let Some(mut update_file) = update_file { let mut file = File::create(&self.update_files.join(task_id.to_string()))?; std::io::copy(&mut update_file, &mut file)?; } Ok(()) } } pub struct IndexWriter { documents: File, settings: File, } impl IndexWriter { pub(crate) fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Result { std::fs::create_dir(&path)?; let documents = File::create(path.join("documents.jsonl"))?; let settings = File::create(path.join("settings.json"))?; Ok(IndexWriter { documents, settings, }) } pub fn push_document(&mut self, document: impl Serialize) -> Result<()> { self.documents.write_all(&serde_json::to_vec(&document)?)?; self.documents.write_all(b"\n")?; Ok(()) } pub fn settings(mut self, settings: impl Serialize) -> Result<()> { self.settings.write_all(&serde_json::to_vec(&settings)?)?; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod test { use std::{ fmt::Write, io::{Seek, SeekFrom}, path::Path, }; use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use serde_json::json; use super::*; fn create_directory_hierarchy(dir: &Path) -> String { let mut ret = String::new(); writeln!(ret, ".").unwrap(); ret.push_str(&_create_directory_hierarchy(dir, 0)); ret } fn _create_directory_hierarchy(dir: &Path, depth: usize) -> String { let mut ret = String::new(); // the entries are not guarenteed to be returned in the same order thus we need to sort them. let mut entries = fs::read_dir(dir) .unwrap() .collect::, _>>() .unwrap(); // I want the directories first and then sort by name. entries.sort_by(|a, b| { let (aft, bft) = (a.file_type().unwrap(), b.file_type().unwrap()); if aft.is_dir() && bft.is_dir() { a.file_name().cmp(&b.file_name()) } else if aft.is_file() { std::cmp::Ordering::Greater } else if bft.is_file() { std::cmp::Ordering::Less } else { a.file_name().cmp(&b.file_name()) } }); for (idx, entry) in entries.iter().enumerate() { let mut ident = String::new(); for _ in 0..depth { ident.push_str(&"│"); ident.push_str(&" ".repeat(4)); } if idx == entries.len() - 1 { ident.push_str(&"└"); } else { ident.push_str(&"├"); } ident.push_str(&"-".repeat(4)); let name = entry.file_name().into_string().unwrap(); let file_type = entry.file_type().unwrap(); let is_dir = file_type.is_dir().then_some("/").unwrap_or(""); assert!(!file_type.is_symlink()); writeln!(ret, "{ident} {name}{is_dir}").unwrap(); if file_type.is_dir() { ret.push_str(&_create_directory_hierarchy(&entry.path(), depth + 1)); } } ret } #[test] fn test_creating_dump() { let instance_uid = Uuid::parse_str("9e15e977-f2ae-4761-943f-1eaf75fd736d").unwrap(); let dump = DumpWriter::new(instance_uid.clone()).unwrap(); // ========== Adding an index let documents = [ json!({ "id": 1, "race": "golden retriever" }), json!({ "id": 2, "race": "bernese mountain" }), json!({ "id": 3, "race": "great pyrenees" }), ]; let settings = json!({ "the empty setting": [], "the null setting": null, "the string setting": "hello" }); let mut index = dump.create_index("doggos").unwrap(); for document in &documents { index.push_document(document).unwrap(); } index.settings(&settings).unwrap(); // ========== pushing the task queue let tasks = [ (0, json!({ "is this a good task": "yes" }), None), ( 1, json!({ "is this a good boi": "absolutely" }), Some(br#"{ "id": 4, "race": "leonberg" }"#), ), ( 3, json!({ "and finally": "one last task with a missing id in the middle" }), None, ), ]; // ========== pushing the task queue let mut task_queue = dump.create_tasks_queue().unwrap(); for (task_id, task, update_file) in &tasks { task_queue .push_task(*task_id, task,|c| c.as_slice())) .unwrap(); } // ========== pushing the api keys let api_keys = [ json!({ "one api key": 1, "for": "golden retriever" }), json!({ "id": 2, "race": "bernese mountain" }), json!({ "id": 3, "race": "great pyrenees" }), ]; let mut keys = dump.create_keys().unwrap(); for key in &api_keys { keys.push_key(key).unwrap(); } // create the dump let mut file = tempfile::tempfile().unwrap(); dump.persist_to(&mut file).unwrap(); // ============ testing we write everything in the correct place.; let dump = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let gz = GzDecoder::new(&mut file); let mut tar = tar::Archive::new(gz); tar.unpack(dump.path()).unwrap(); let dump_path = dump.path(); // ==== checking global file hierarchy (we want to be sure there isn't too many files or too few) insta::assert_display_snapshot!(create_directory_hierarchy(dump_path), @r###" . ├---- indexes/ │ └---- doggos/ │ │ ├---- settings.json │ │ └---- documents.jsonl ├---- tasks/ │ ├---- update_files/ │ │ └---- 1 │ └---- queue.jsonl ├---- keys.jsonl ├---- metadata.json └---- instance-uid "###); // ==== checking the top level infos let metadata = fs::read_to_string(dump_path.join("metadata.json")).unwrap(); let metadata: Metadata = serde_json::from_str(&metadata).unwrap(); insta::assert_json_snapshot!(metadata, { ".dumpDate" => "[date]" }, @r###" { "dumpVersion": "V6", "dbVersion": "0.29.0", "dumpDate": "[date]" } "###); assert_eq!( instance_uid.to_string(), fs::read_to_string(dump_path.join("instance-uid")).unwrap() ); // ==== checking the index let docs = fs::read_to_string(dump_path.join("indexes/doggos/documents.jsonl")).unwrap(); for (document, expected) in docs.lines().zip(documents) { assert_eq!(document, serde_json::to_string(&expected).unwrap()); } let test_settings = fs::read_to_string(dump_path.join("indexes/doggos/settings.json")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(test_settings, serde_json::to_string(&settings).unwrap()); // ==== checking the task queue let tasks_queue = fs::read_to_string(dump_path.join("tasks/queue.jsonl")).unwrap(); for (task, expected) in tasks_queue.lines().zip(tasks) { assert_eq!(task, serde_json::to_string(&expected.1).unwrap()); if let Some(expected_update) = expected.2 { let path = dump_path.join(format!("tasks/update_files/{}", expected.0)); println!("trying to open {}", path.display()); let update = fs::read(path).unwrap(); assert_eq!(update, expected_update); } } // ==== checking the keys let keys = fs::read_to_string(dump_path.join("keys.jsonl")).unwrap(); for (key, expected) in keys.lines().zip(api_keys) { assert_eq!(key, serde_json::to_string(&expected).unwrap()); } } }