use crate::serde::{DeserializerError, SerializerError}; use serde_json::Error as SerdeJsonError; use pest::error::Error as PestError; use crate::filters::Rule; use std::{error, fmt, io}; pub use bincode::Error as BincodeError; pub use fst::Error as FstError; pub use heed::Error as HeedError; pub use pest::error as pest_error; use meilisearch_error::{ErrorCode, Code}; pub type MResult = Result; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { Bincode(bincode::Error), Deserializer(DeserializerError), FacetError(FacetError), FilterParseError(PestError), Fst(fst::Error), Heed(heed::Error), IndexAlreadyExists, Io(io::Error), MaxFieldsLimitExceeded, MissingDocumentId, MissingPrimaryKey, Schema(meilisearch_schema::Error), SchemaMissing, SerdeJson(SerdeJsonError), Serializer(SerializerError), VersionMismatch(String), WordIndexMissing, } impl ErrorCode for Error { fn error_code(&self) -> Code { use Error::*; match self { FacetError(_) => Code::Facet, FilterParseError(_) => Code::Filter, IndexAlreadyExists => Code::IndexAlreadyExists, MissingPrimaryKey => Code::MissingPrimaryKey, MissingDocumentId => Code::MissingDocumentId, MaxFieldsLimitExceeded => Code::MaxFieldsLimitExceeded, Schema(s) => s.error_code(), WordIndexMissing | SchemaMissing => Code::InvalidState, Heed(_) | Fst(_) | SerdeJson(_) | Bincode(_) | Serializer(_) | Deserializer(_) | VersionMismatch(_) | Io(_) => Code::Internal, } } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: io::Error) -> Error { Error::Io(error) } } impl From> for Error { fn from(error: PestError) -> Error { Error::FilterParseError(error.renamed_rules(|r| { let s = match r { Rule::or => "OR", Rule::and => "AND", Rule::not => "NOT", Rule::string => "string", Rule::word => "word", Rule::greater => "field > value", Rule::less => "field < value", Rule::eq => "field = value", Rule::leq => "field <= value", Rule::geq => "field >= value", Rule::key => "key", _ => "other", }; s.to_string() })) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: FacetError) -> Error { Error::FacetError(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: meilisearch_schema::Error) -> Error { Error::Schema(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: HeedError) -> Error { Error::Heed(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: FstError) -> Error { Error::Fst(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: SerdeJsonError) -> Error { Error::SerdeJson(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: BincodeError) -> Error { Error::Bincode(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: SerializerError) -> Error { match error { SerializerError::DocumentIdNotFound => Error::MissingDocumentId, e => Error::Serializer(e), } } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: DeserializerError) -> Error { Error::Deserializer(error) } } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use self::Error::*; match self { Bincode(e) => write!(f, "bincode error; {}", e), Deserializer(e) => write!(f, "deserializer error; {}", e), FacetError(e) => write!(f, "error processing facet filter: {}", e), FilterParseError(e) => write!(f, "error parsing filter; {}", e), Fst(e) => write!(f, "fst error; {}", e), Heed(e) => write!(f, "heed error; {}", e), IndexAlreadyExists => write!(f, "index already exists"), Io(e) => write!(f, "{}", e), MaxFieldsLimitExceeded => write!(f, "maximum number of fields in a document exceeded"), MissingDocumentId => write!(f, "document id is missing"), MissingPrimaryKey => write!(f, "schema cannot be built without a primary key"), Schema(e) => write!(f, "schema error; {}", e), SchemaMissing => write!(f, "this index does not have a schema"), SerdeJson(e) => write!(f, "serde json error; {}", e), Serializer(e) => write!(f, "serializer error; {}", e), VersionMismatch(version) => write!(f, "Cannot open database, expected Meilisearch version: {}", version), WordIndexMissing => write!(f, "this index does not have a word index"), } } } impl error::Error for Error {} struct FilterParseError(PestError); impl fmt::Display for FilterParseError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { use crate::pest_error::LineColLocation::*; let (line, column) = match self.0.line_col { Span((line, _), (column, _)) => (line, column), Pos((line, column)) => (line, column), }; write!(f, "parsing error on line {} at column {}: {}", line, column, self.0.variant.message()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum FacetError { EmptyArray, ParsingError(String), UnexpectedToken { expected: &'static [&'static str], found: String }, InvalidFormat(String), AttributeNotFound(String), AttributeNotSet { expected: Vec, found: String }, InvalidDocumentAttribute(String), NoAttributesForFaceting, } impl FacetError { pub fn unexpected_token(expected: &'static [&'static str], found: impl ToString) -> FacetError { FacetError::UnexpectedToken{ expected, found: found.to_string() } } pub fn attribute_not_set(expected: Vec, found: impl ToString) -> FacetError { FacetError::AttributeNotSet{ expected, found: found.to_string() } } } impl fmt::Display for FacetError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use FacetError::*; match self { EmptyArray => write!(f, "empty array in facet filter is unspecified behavior"), ParsingError(msg) => write!(f, "parsing error: {}", msg), UnexpectedToken { expected, found } => write!(f, "unexpected token {}, expected {}", found, expected.join("or")), InvalidFormat(found) => write!(f, "invalid facet: {}, facets should be \"facetName:facetValue\"", found), AttributeNotFound(attr) => write!(f, "unknown {:?} attribute", attr), AttributeNotSet { found, expected } => write!(f, "`{}` is not set as a faceted attribute. available facet attributes: {}", found, expected.join(", ")), InvalidDocumentAttribute(attr) => write!(f, "invalid document attribute {}, accepted types: String and [String]", attr), NoAttributesForFaceting => write!(f, "impossible to perform faceted search, no attributes for faceting are set"), } } }