use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use log::error; use rand::seq::SliceRandom; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use actix_web::*; use crate::error::ResponseError; use crate::Data; fn generate_uid() -> String { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let sample = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; sample .choose_multiple(&mut rng, 8) .map(|c| *c as char) .collect() } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct IndexResponse { name: String, uid: String, created_at: DateTime, updated_at: DateTime, primary_key: Option, } #[get("/indexes")] pub async fn list_indexes( data: web::Data, ) -> Result>> { let reader = data.db.main_read_txn() .map_err(|_| ResponseError::CreateTransaction)?; let mut response_body = Vec::new(); for index_uid in data.db.indexes_uids() { let index = data.db.open_index(&index_uid); match index { Some(index) => { let name = .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("Impossible to get the name of an index".to_string()))?; let created_at = index.main.created_at(&reader) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("Impossible to get the create date of an index".to_string()))?; let updated_at = index.main.updated_at(&reader) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("Impossible to get the last update date of an index".to_string()))?; let primary_key = match index.main.schema(&reader) { Ok(Some(schema)) => match schema.primary_key() { Some(primary_key) => Some(primary_key.to_owned()), None => None, }, _ => None, }; let index_response = IndexResponse { name, uid: index_uid, created_at, updated_at, primary_key, }; response_body.push(index_response); } None => error!( "Index {} is referenced in the indexes list but cannot be found", index_uid ), } } Ok(web::Json(response_body)) } #[get("/indexes/{index_uid}")] pub async fn get_index( data: web::Data, path: web::Path, ) -> Result> { let index = data.db.open_index(path.clone()) .ok_or(ResponseError::IndexNotFound(path.clone()))?; let reader = data.db.main_read_txn() .map_err(|_| ResponseError::CreateTransaction)?; let name = .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("Impossible to get the name of an index".to_string()))?; let created_at = index.main.created_at(&reader) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("Impossible to get the create date of an index".to_string()))?; let updated_at = index.main.updated_at(&reader) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("Impossible to get the last update date of an index".to_string()))?; let primary_key = match index.main.schema(&reader) { Ok(Some(schema)) => match schema.primary_key() { Some(primary_key) => Some(primary_key.to_owned()), None => None, }, _ => None, }; Ok(web::Json(IndexResponse { name, uid: path.to_string(), created_at, updated_at, primary_key, })) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase", deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct IndexCreateRequest { name: Option, uid: Option, primary_key: Option, } #[post("/indexes")] pub async fn create_index( data: web::Data, body: web::Json ) -> Result> { if let (None, None) = (, body.uid.clone()) { return Err(ResponseError::BadRequest("Index creation must have an uid".to_string()))?; } let uid = match body.uid.clone() { Some(uid) => { if uid .chars() .all(|x| x.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || x == '-' || x == '_') { uid } else { return Err(ResponseError::InvalidIndexUid)?; } } None => loop { let uid = generate_uid(); if data.db.open_index(&uid).is_none() { break uid; } }, }; let created_index = data.db.create_index(&uid) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::CreateIndex(e.to_string()))?; let mut writer = data.db.main_write_txn() .map_err(|_| ResponseError::CreateTransaction)?; let name =; created_index.main.put_name(&mut writer, &name) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))?; let created_at = created_index .main .created_at(&writer) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("".to_string()))?; let updated_at = created_index .main .updated_at(&writer) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("".to_string()))?; if let Some(id) = body.primary_key.clone() { if let Some(mut schema) = created_index.main.schema(&mut writer) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? { schema.set_primary_key(&id) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::BadRequest(e.to_string()))?; created_index.main.put_schema(&mut writer, &schema) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))?; } } writer.commit() .map_err(|_| ResponseError::CommitTransaction)?; Ok(web::Json(IndexResponse { name, uid, created_at, updated_at, primary_key: body.primary_key.clone(), })) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase", deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct UpdateIndexRequest { name: Option, primary_key: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct UpdateIndexResponse { name: String, uid: String, created_at: DateTime, updated_at: DateTime, primary_key: Option, } #[post("/indexes/{index_uid}")] pub async fn update_index( data: web::Data, path: web::Path, body: web::Json ) -> Result> { let index = data.db.open_index(path.clone()) .ok_or(ResponseError::IndexNotFound(path.clone()))?; let mut writer = data.db.main_write_txn() .map_err(|_| ResponseError::CreateTransaction)?; if let Some(name) = { index.main.put_name(&mut writer, &name) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))?; } if let Some(id) = body.primary_key.clone() { if let Some(mut schema) = index.main.schema(&mut writer) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? { match schema.primary_key() { Some(_) => { return Err(ResponseError::BadRequest("The primary key cannot be updated".to_string()))?; } None => { schema .set_primary_key(&id) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))?; index.main.put_schema(&mut writer, &schema) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))?; } } } } index.main.put_updated_at(&mut writer) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))?; writer.commit() .map_err(|_| ResponseError::CommitTransaction)?; let reader = data.db.main_read_txn() .map_err(|_| ResponseError::CreateTransaction)?; let name = .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("Impossible to get the name of an index".to_string()))?; let created_at = index.main.created_at(&reader) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("Impossible to get the create date of an index".to_string()))?; let updated_at = index.main.updated_at(&reader) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))? .ok_or(ResponseError::Internal("Impossible to get the last update date of an index".to_string()))?; let primary_key = match index.main.schema(&reader) { Ok(Some(schema)) => match schema.primary_key() { Some(primary_key) => Some(primary_key.to_owned()), None => None, }, _ => None, }; Ok(web::Json(IndexResponse { name, uid: path.clone(), created_at, updated_at, primary_key, })) } #[delete("/indexes/{index_uid}")] pub async fn delete_index( data: web::Data, path: web::Path, ) -> Result { data.db.delete_index(&path.to_string()) .map_err(|e| ResponseError::Internal(e.to_string()))?; HttpResponse::NoContent().await }