#![allow(rustdoc::private_intra_doc_links)] #[macro_use] pub mod error; #[macro_use] pub mod extractors; #[cfg(all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "analytics"))] pub mod analytics; pub mod helpers; pub mod option; pub mod routes; use std::path::Path; use std::time::Duration; use crate::extractors::authentication::AuthConfig; pub use option::Opt; use actix_web::web; use extractors::authentication::policies::*; use extractors::payload::PayloadConfig; use meilisearch_lib::MeiliSearch; use sha2::Digest; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ApiKeys { pub public: Option, pub private: Option, pub master: Option, } impl ApiKeys { pub fn generate_missing_api_keys(&mut self) { if let Some(master_key) = &self.master { if self.private.is_none() { let key = format!("{}-private", master_key); let sha = sha2::Sha256::digest(key.as_bytes()); self.private = Some(format!("{:x}", sha)); } if self.public.is_none() { let key = format!("{}-public", master_key); let sha = sha2::Sha256::digest(key.as_bytes()); self.public = Some(format!("{:x}", sha)); } } } } pub fn setup_meilisearch(opt: &Opt) -> anyhow::Result { let mut meilisearch = MeiliSearch::builder(); meilisearch .set_max_index_size(opt.max_index_size.get_bytes() as usize) .set_max_update_store_size(opt.max_udb_size.get_bytes() as usize) .set_ignore_missing_snapshot(opt.ignore_missing_snapshot) .set_ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists(opt.ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists) .set_dump_dst(opt.dumps_dir.clone()) .set_snapshot_interval(Duration::from_secs(opt.snapshot_interval_sec)) .set_snapshot_dir(opt.snapshot_dir.clone()); if let Some(ref path) = opt.import_snapshot { meilisearch.set_import_snapshot(path.clone()); } if let Some(ref path) = opt.import_dump { meilisearch.set_dump_src(path.clone()); } if opt.schedule_snapshot { meilisearch.set_schedule_snapshot(); } meilisearch.build(opt.db_path.clone(), opt.indexer_options.clone()) } /// Cleans and setup the temporary file folder in the database directory. This must be done after /// the meilisearch instance has been created, to not interfere with the snapshot and dump loading. pub fn setup_temp_dir(db_path: impl AsRef) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Set the tempfile directory in the current db path, to avoid cross device references. Also // remove the previous outstanding files found there // // TODO: if two processes open the same db, one might delete the other tmpdir. Need to make // sure that no one is using it before deleting it. let temp_path = db_path.as_ref().join("tmp"); // Ignore error if tempdir doesn't exist let _ = std::fs::remove_dir_all(&temp_path); std::fs::create_dir_all(&temp_path)?; if cfg!(windows) { std::env::set_var("TMP", temp_path); } else { std::env::set_var("TMPDIR", temp_path); } Ok(()) } pub fn configure_data( config: &mut web::ServiceConfig, data: MeiliSearch, opt: &Opt, ) { let http_payload_size_limit = opt.http_payload_size_limit.get_bytes() as usize; config .app_data(data) // TODO!: Why are we passing the data with two different things? //.app_data(data) .app_data( web::JsonConfig::default() .limit(http_payload_size_limit) .content_type(|_mime| true) // Accept all mime types .error_handler(|err, _req| error::payload_error_handler(err).into()), ) .app_data(PayloadConfig::new(http_payload_size_limit)) .app_data( web::QueryConfig::default() .error_handler(|err, _req| error::payload_error_handler(err).into()), ); } pub fn configure_auth(config: &mut web::ServiceConfig, opts: &Opt) { let mut keys = ApiKeys { master: opts.master_key.clone(), private: None, public: None, }; keys.generate_missing_api_keys(); let auth_config = if let Some(ref master_key) = keys.master { let private_key = keys.private.as_ref().unwrap(); let public_key = keys.public.as_ref().unwrap(); let mut policies = init_policies!(Public, Private, Admin); create_users!( policies, master_key.as_bytes() => { Admin, Private, Public }, private_key.as_bytes() => { Private, Public }, public_key.as_bytes() => { Public } ); AuthConfig::Auth(policies) } else { AuthConfig::NoAuth }; config.app_data(auth_config) .app_data(keys); } #[cfg(feature = "mini-dashboard")] pub fn dashboard(config: &mut web::ServiceConfig, enable_frontend: bool) { use actix_web::HttpResponse; use actix_web_static_files::Resource; mod generated { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/generated.rs")); } if enable_frontend { let generated = generated::generate(); let mut scope = web::scope("/"); // Generate routes for mini-dashboard assets for (path, resource) in generated.into_iter() { let Resource { mime_type, data, .. } = resource; // Redirect index.html to / if path == "index.html" { config.service(web::resource("/").route( web::get().to(move || HttpResponse::Ok().content_type(mime_type).body(data)), )); } else { scope = scope.service(web::resource(path).route( web::get().to(move || HttpResponse::Ok().content_type(mime_type).body(data)), )); } } config.service(scope); } else { config.service(web::resource("/").route(web::get().to(routes::running))); } } #[cfg(not(feature = "mini-dashboard"))] pub fn dashboard(config: &mut web::ServiceConfig, _enable_frontend: bool) { config.service(web::resource("/").route(web::get().to(routes::running))); } #[macro_export] macro_rules! create_app { ($data:expr, $enable_frontend:expr, $opt:expr) => {{ use actix_cors::Cors; use actix_web::middleware::TrailingSlash; use actix_web::App; use actix_web::{middleware, web}; use meilisearch_http::routes; use meilisearch_http::{configure_auth, configure_data, dashboard}; App::new() .configure(|s| configure_data(s, $data.clone(), &$opt)) .configure(|s| configure_auth(s, &$opt)) .configure(routes::configure) .configure(|s| dashboard(s, $enable_frontend)) .wrap( Cors::default() .send_wildcard() .allowed_headers(vec!["content-type", "x-meili-api-key"]) .allow_any_origin() .allow_any_method() .max_age(86_400), // 24h ) .wrap(middleware::Logger::default()) .wrap(middleware::Compress::default()) .wrap(middleware::NormalizePath::new( middleware::TrailingSlash::Trim, )) }}; }