use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::{collections::HashMap, path::Path}; static SNAPSHOT_NAMES: Lazy>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::default()); /// Return the md5 hash of the given string pub fn hash_snapshot(snap: &str) -> String { let hash = md5::compute(snap.as_bytes()); let hash_str = format!("{hash:x}"); hash_str } #[track_caller] pub fn default_snapshot_settings_for_test(name: Option<&str>) -> (insta::Settings, Cow<'_, str>) { let mut settings = insta::Settings::clone_current(); settings.set_prepend_module_to_snapshot(false); let path = Path::new(std::panic::Location::caller().file()); let filename = path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); settings.set_omit_expression(true); let test_name = std::thread::current() .name() .unwrap() .rsplit("::") .next() .unwrap() .to_owned(); let path = Path::new("snapshots") .join(filename) .join(&test_name) .to_owned(); settings.set_snapshot_path(path.clone()); let snap_name = if let Some(name) = name { Cow::Borrowed(name) } else { let mut snapshot_names = SNAPSHOT_NAMES.lock().unwrap(); let counter = snapshot_names.entry(path).or_default(); *counter += 1; Cow::Owned(format!("{counter}")) }; (settings, snap_name) } /** Create a hashed snapshot test. ## Arguments: 1. The content of the snapshot. It is an expression whose result implements the `fmt::Display` trait. 2. `name: `: the identifier for the snapshot test (optional) 3. `@""` to write the hash of the snapshot inline ## Behaviour The content of the snapshot will be saved both in full and as a hash. The full snapshot will be saved with the name `.full.snap` but will not be saved to the git repository. The hashed snapshot will be saved inline. If `` is not specified, then a global counter is used to give an identifier to the snapshot. Running `cargo test` will check whether the old snapshot is identical to the current one. If they are equal, the test passes. Otherwise, the test fails. Use the command line `cargo insta` to approve or reject new snapshots. ## Example ```ignore // The full snapshot is saved under 1.full.snap and contains `10` snapshot_hash!(10, @"d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820"); // The full snapshot is saved under snap_name.full.snap and contains `hello world` snapshot_hash!("hello world", name: "snap_name", @"5f93f983524def3dca464469d2cf9f3e"); ``` */ #[macro_export] macro_rules! snapshot_hash { ($value:expr, @$inline:literal) => { let (settings, snap_name) = $crate::default_snapshot_settings_for_test(None); settings.bind(|| { let snap = format!("{}", $value); let hash_snap = $crate::hash_snapshot(&snap); insta::assert_snapshot!(hash_snap, @$inline); insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{}.full", snap_name), snap); }); }; ($value:expr, name: $name:expr, @$inline:literal) => { let snap_name = format!("{}", $name); let (settings, snap_name) = $crate::default_snapshot_settings_for_test(Some(&snap_name)); settings.bind(|| { let snap = format!("{}", $value); let hash_snap = $crate::hash_snapshot(&snap); insta::assert_snapshot!(hash_snap, @$inline); insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{}.full", snap_name), snap); }); }; } /** Create a hashed snapshot test. ## Arguments: 1. The content of the snapshot. It is an expression whose result implements the `fmt::Display` trait. 2. Optionally one of: 1. `name: `: the identifier for the snapshot test 2. `@""` to write the hash of the snapshot inline ## Behaviour The content of the snapshot will be saved in full with the given name or using a global counter to give it an identifier. Running `cargo test` will check whether the old snapshot is identical to the current one. If they are equal, the test passes. Otherwise, the test fails. Use the command line `cargo insta` to approve or reject new snapshots. ## Example ```ignore // The full snapshot is saved under 1.snap and contains `10` snapshot!(10); // The full snapshot is saved under snap_name.snap and contains `10` snapshot!("hello world", name: "snap_name"); // The full snapshot is saved inline snapshot!(format!("{:?}", vec![1, 2]), @"[1, 2]"); ``` */ #[macro_export] macro_rules! snapshot { ($value:expr, name: $name:expr) => { let snap_name = format!("{}", $name); let (settings, snap_name) = $crate::default_snapshot_settings_for_test(Some(&snap_name)); settings.bind(|| { let snap = format!("{}", $value); insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{}", snap_name), snap); }); }; ($value:expr, @$inline:literal) => { // Note that the name given as argument does not matter since it is only an inline snapshot // We don't pass None because otherwise `meili-snap` will try to assign it a unique identifier let (settings, _) = $crate::default_snapshot_settings_for_test(Some("_dummy_argument")); settings.bind(|| { let snap = format!("{}", $value); insta::assert_snapshot!(snap, @$inline); }); }; ($value:expr) => { let (settings, snap_name) = $crate::default_snapshot_settings_for_test(None); settings.bind(|| { let snap = format!("{}", $value); insta::assert_snapshot!(format!("{}", snap_name), snap); }); }; } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[test] fn snap() { snapshot_hash!(10, @"d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820"); snapshot_hash!(20, @"98f13708210194c475687be6106a3b84"); snapshot_hash!(30, @"34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f"); snapshot!(40, @"40"); snapshot!(50, @"50"); snapshot!(60, @"60"); snapshot!(70); snapshot!(80); snapshot!(90); snapshot!(100, name: "snap_name_1"); snapshot_hash!(110, name: "snap_name_2", @"5f93f983524def3dca464469d2cf9f3e"); snapshot!(120); snapshot!(format!("{:?}", vec![1, 2]), @"[1, 2]"); } // Currently the name of this module is not part of the snapshot path // It does not bother me, but maybe it is worth changing later on. mod snap { #[test] fn some_test() { snapshot_hash!(10, @"d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820"); snapshot_hash!(20, @"98f13708210194c475687be6106a3b84"); snapshot_hash!(30, @"34173cb38f07f89ddbebc2ac9128303f"); snapshot!(40, @"40"); snapshot!(50, @"50"); snapshot!(60, @"60"); snapshot!(70); snapshot!(80); snapshot!(90); snapshot!(100, name: "snap_name_1"); snapshot_hash!(110, name: "snap_name_2", @"5f93f983524def3dca464469d2cf9f3e"); snapshot!(120); snapshot_hash!("", name: "", @"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"); } } } /// Create a string from the value by serializing it as Json, optionally /// redacting some parts of it. /// /// The second argument to the macro can be an object expression for redaction. /// It's in the form { selector => replacement }. For more information about redactions /// refer to the redactions feature in the `insta` guide. #[macro_export] macro_rules! json_string { ($value:expr, {$($k:expr => $v:expr),*$(,)?}) => { { let (_, snap) = insta::_prepare_snapshot_for_redaction!($value, {$($k => $v),*}, Json, File); snap } }; ($value:expr) => {{ let value = insta::_macro_support::serialize_value( &$value, insta::_macro_support::SerializationFormat::Json, insta::_macro_support::SnapshotLocation::File ); value }}; }