use std::io::{BufWriter, Write}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use big_s::S; use crossbeam_channel::RecvTimeoutError; use file_store::File; use meilisearch_types::document_formats::DocumentFormatError; use meilisearch_types::milli::update::IndexDocumentsMethod::ReplaceDocuments; use meilisearch_types::milli::update::IndexerConfig; use meilisearch_types::tasks::KindWithContent; use meilisearch_types::VERSION_FILE_NAME; use tempfile::{NamedTempFile, TempDir}; use uuid::Uuid; use Breakpoint::*; use crate::insta_snapshot::snapshot_index_scheduler; use crate::{Error, IndexScheduler, IndexSchedulerOptions}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) enum Breakpoint { // this state is only encountered while creating the scheduler in the test suite. Init, Start, BatchCreated, AfterProcessing, AbortedIndexation, ProcessBatchSucceeded, ProcessBatchFailed, InsideProcessBatch, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub(crate) enum FailureLocation { InsideCreateBatch, InsideProcessBatch, PanicInsideProcessBatch, ProcessUpgrade, AcquiringWtxn, UpdatingTaskAfterProcessBatchSuccess { task_uid: u32 }, UpdatingTaskAfterProcessBatchFailure, CommittingWtxn, } impl IndexScheduler { /// Blocks the thread until the test handle asks to progress to/through this breakpoint. /// /// Two messages are sent through the channel for each breakpoint. /// The first message is `(b, false)` and the second message is `(b, true)`. /// /// Since the channel has a capacity of zero, the `send` and `recv` calls wait for each other. /// So when the index scheduler calls `test_breakpoint_sdr.send(b, false)`, it blocks /// the thread until the test catches up by calling `test_breakpoint_rcv.recv()` enough. /// From the test side, we call `recv()` repeatedly until we find the message `(breakpoint, false)`. /// As soon as we find it, the index scheduler is unblocked but then wait again on the call to /// `test_breakpoint_sdr.send(b, true)`. This message will only be able to send once the /// test asks to progress to the next `(b2, false)`. pub(crate) fn breakpoint(&self, b: Breakpoint) { // We send two messages. The first one will sync with the call // to `handle.wait_until(b)`. The second one will block until the // the next call to `handle.wait_until(..)`. self.test_breakpoint_sdr.send((b, false)).unwrap(); // This one will only be able to be sent if the test handle stays alive. // If it fails, then it means that we have exited the test. // By crashing with `unwrap`, we kill the run loop. self.test_breakpoint_sdr.send((b, true)).unwrap(); } } impl IndexScheduler { pub(crate) fn test( autobatching_enabled: bool, planned_failures: Vec<(usize, FailureLocation)>, ) -> (Self, IndexSchedulerHandle) { Self::test_with_custom_config(planned_failures, |config| { config.autobatching_enabled = autobatching_enabled; }) } pub(crate) fn test_with_custom_config( planned_failures: Vec<(usize, FailureLocation)>, configuration: impl Fn(&mut IndexSchedulerOptions), ) -> (Self, IndexSchedulerHandle) { let tempdir = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(0); let indexer_config = IndexerConfig { skip_index_budget: true, ..Default::default() }; let mut options = IndexSchedulerOptions { version_file_path: tempdir.path().join(VERSION_FILE_NAME), auth_path: tempdir.path().join("auth"), tasks_path: tempdir.path().join("db_path"), update_file_path: tempdir.path().join("file_store"), indexes_path: tempdir.path().join("indexes"), snapshots_path: tempdir.path().join("snapshots"), dumps_path: tempdir.path().join("dumps"), webhook_url: None, webhook_authorization_header: None, task_db_size: 1000 * 1000 * 10, // 10 MB, we don't use MiB on purpose. index_base_map_size: 1000 * 1000, // 1 MB, we don't use MiB on purpose. enable_mdb_writemap: false, index_growth_amount: 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, // 1 TB index_count: 5, indexer_config: Arc::new(indexer_config), autobatching_enabled: true, cleanup_enabled: true, max_number_of_tasks: 1_000_000, max_number_of_batched_tasks: usize::MAX, batched_tasks_size_limit: u64::MAX, instance_features: Default::default(), auto_upgrade: true, // Don't cost much and will ensure the happy path works }; configuration(&mut options); let index_scheduler = Self::new(options, sender, planned_failures).unwrap(); // To be 100% consistent between all test we're going to start the scheduler right now // and ensure it's in the expected starting state. let breakpoint = match receiver.recv_timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)) { Ok(b) => b, Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => { panic!("The scheduler seems to be waiting for a new task while your test is waiting for a breakpoint.") } Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => panic!("The scheduler crashed."), }; assert_eq!(breakpoint, (Init, false)); let index_scheduler_handle = IndexSchedulerHandle { _tempdir: tempdir, index_scheduler: index_scheduler.private_clone(), test_breakpoint_rcv: receiver, last_breakpoint: breakpoint.0, }; (index_scheduler, index_scheduler_handle) } /// Return a [`PlannedFailure`](Error::PlannedFailure) error if a failure is planned /// for the given location and current run loop iteration. pub(crate) fn maybe_fail(&self, location: FailureLocation) -> crate::Result<()> { if self.planned_failures.contains(&(*, location)) { match location { FailureLocation::PanicInsideProcessBatch => { panic!("simulated panic") } _ => Err(Error::PlannedFailure), } } else { Ok(()) } } } /// Return a `KindWithContent::IndexCreation` task pub(crate) fn index_creation_task( index: &'static str, primary_key: &'static str, ) -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::IndexCreation { index_uid: S(index), primary_key: Some(S(primary_key)) } } /// Create a `KindWithContent::DocumentImport` task that imports documents. /// /// - `index_uid` is given as parameter /// - `primary_key` is given as parameter /// - `method` is set to `ReplaceDocuments` /// - `content_file` is given as parameter /// - `documents_count` is given as parameter /// - `allow_index_creation` is set to `true` pub(crate) fn replace_document_import_task( index: &'static str, primary_key: Option<&'static str>, content_file_uuid: u128, documents_count: u64, ) -> KindWithContent { KindWithContent::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { index_uid: S(index), primary_key:, method: ReplaceDocuments, content_file: Uuid::from_u128(content_file_uuid), documents_count, allow_index_creation: true, } } /// Adapting to the new json reading interface pub(crate) fn read_json( bytes: &[u8], write: impl Write, ) -> std::result::Result { let temp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); let mut buffer = BufWriter::new(temp_file.reopen().unwrap()); buffer.write_all(bytes).unwrap(); buffer.flush().unwrap(); meilisearch_types::document_formats::read_json(temp_file.as_file(), write) } /// Create an update file with the given file uuid. /// /// The update file contains just one simple document whose id is given by `document_id`. /// /// The uuid of the file and its documents count is returned. pub(crate) fn sample_documents( index_scheduler: &IndexScheduler, file_uuid: u128, document_id: usize, ) -> (File, u64) { let content = format!( r#" {{ "id" : "{document_id}" }}"# ); let (_uuid, mut file) = index_scheduler.queue.create_update_file_with_uuid(file_uuid).unwrap(); let documents_count = read_json(content.as_bytes(), &mut file).unwrap(); (file, documents_count) } pub struct IndexSchedulerHandle { _tempdir: TempDir, index_scheduler: IndexScheduler, test_breakpoint_rcv: crossbeam_channel::Receiver<(Breakpoint, bool)>, last_breakpoint: Breakpoint, } impl IndexSchedulerHandle { /// Restarts the index-scheduler on the same database. /// To use this function you must give back the index-scheduler that was given to you when /// creating the handle the first time. /// If the index-scheduler has been cloned in the meantime you must drop all copy otherwise /// the function will panic. pub(crate) fn restart( self, index_scheduler: IndexScheduler, autobatching_enabled: bool, planned_failures: Vec<(usize, FailureLocation)>, ) -> (IndexScheduler, Self) { drop(index_scheduler); let Self { _tempdir: tempdir, index_scheduler, test_breakpoint_rcv, last_breakpoint: _ } = self; drop(index_scheduler); // We must ensure that the `run` function has stopped running before restarting the index scheduler loop { match test_breakpoint_rcv.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)) { Ok(_) => continue, Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => panic!("The indexing loop is stuck somewhere"), Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => break, } } let (scheduler, mut handle) = IndexScheduler::test_with_custom_config(planned_failures, |config| { config.autobatching_enabled = autobatching_enabled; config.version_file_path = tempdir.path().join(VERSION_FILE_NAME); config.auth_path = tempdir.path().join("auth"); config.tasks_path = tempdir.path().join("db_path"); config.update_file_path = tempdir.path().join("file_store"); config.indexes_path = tempdir.path().join("indexes"); config.snapshots_path = tempdir.path().join("snapshots"); config.dumps_path = tempdir.path().join("dumps"); }); handle._tempdir = tempdir; (scheduler, handle) } /// Advance the scheduler to the next tick. /// Panic /// * If the scheduler is waiting for a task to be registered. /// * If the breakpoint queue is in a bad state. #[track_caller] pub(crate) fn advance(&mut self) -> Breakpoint { let (breakpoint_1, b) = match self .test_breakpoint_rcv .recv_timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(50)) { Ok(b) => b, Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => { let state = snapshot_index_scheduler(&self.index_scheduler); panic!("The scheduler seems to be waiting for a new task while your test is waiting for a breakpoint.\n{state}") } Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => { let state = snapshot_index_scheduler(&self.index_scheduler); panic!("The scheduler crashed.\n{state}") } }; // if we've already encountered a breakpoint we're supposed to be stuck on the false // and we expect the same variant with the true to come now. assert_eq!( (breakpoint_1, b), (self.last_breakpoint, true), "Internal error in the test suite. In the previous iteration I got `({:?}, false)` and now I got `({:?}, {:?})`.", self.last_breakpoint, breakpoint_1, b, ); let (breakpoint_2, b) = match self .test_breakpoint_rcv .recv_timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(50)) { Ok(b) => b, Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => { let state = snapshot_index_scheduler(&self.index_scheduler); panic!("The scheduler seems to be waiting for a new task while your test is waiting for a breakpoint.\n{state}") } Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => { let state = snapshot_index_scheduler(&self.index_scheduler); panic!("The scheduler crashed.\n{state}") } }; assert!(!b, "Found the breakpoint handle in a bad state. Check your test suite"); self.last_breakpoint = breakpoint_2; breakpoint_2 } /// Advance the scheduler until all the provided breakpoints are reached in order. #[track_caller] pub(crate) fn advance_till(&mut self, breakpoints: impl IntoIterator) { for breakpoint in breakpoints { let b = self.advance(); assert_eq!( b, breakpoint, "Was expecting the breakpoint `{:?}` but instead got `{:?}`.\n{}", breakpoint, b, snapshot_index_scheduler(&self.index_scheduler) ); } } /// Wait for `n` successful batches. #[track_caller] pub(crate) fn advance_n_successful_batches(&mut self, n: usize) { for _ in 0..n { self.advance_one_successful_batch(); } } /// Wait for `n` failed batches. #[track_caller] pub(crate) fn advance_n_failed_batches(&mut self, n: usize) { for _ in 0..n { self.advance_one_failed_batch(); } } // Wait for one successful batch. #[track_caller] pub(crate) fn advance_one_successful_batch(&mut self) { self.advance_till([Start, BatchCreated]); loop { match self.advance() { // the process_batch function can call itself recursively, thus we need to // accept as may InsideProcessBatch as possible before moving to the next state. InsideProcessBatch => (), // the batch went successfully, we can stop the loop and go on with the next states. ProcessBatchSucceeded => break, AbortedIndexation => panic!("The batch was aborted.\n{}", snapshot_index_scheduler(&self.index_scheduler)), ProcessBatchFailed => { while self.advance() != Start {} panic!("The batch failed.\n{}", snapshot_index_scheduler(&self.index_scheduler)) }, breakpoint => panic!("Encountered an impossible breakpoint `{:?}`, this is probably an issue with the test suite.", breakpoint), } } self.advance_till([AfterProcessing]); } // Wait for one failed batch. #[track_caller] pub(crate) fn advance_one_failed_batch(&mut self) { self.advance_till([Start, BatchCreated]); loop { match self.advance() { // the process_batch function can call itself recursively, thus we need to // accept as may InsideProcessBatch as possible before moving to the next state. InsideProcessBatch => (), // the batch went failed, we can stop the loop and go on with the next states. ProcessBatchFailed => break, ProcessBatchSucceeded => panic!("The batch succeeded. (and it wasn't supposed to sorry)\n{}", snapshot_index_scheduler(&self.index_scheduler)), AbortedIndexation => panic!("The batch was aborted.\n{}", snapshot_index_scheduler(&self.index_scheduler)), breakpoint => panic!("Encountered an impossible breakpoint `{:?}`, this is probably an issue with the test suite.", breakpoint), } } self.advance_till([AfterProcessing]); } // Wait for one failed batch. #[track_caller] pub(crate) fn scheduler_is_down(&mut self) { loop { match self .test_breakpoint_rcv .recv_timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)) { Ok((_, true)) => continue, Ok((b, false)) => panic!("The scheduler was supposed to be down but successfully moved to the next breakpoint: {b:?}"), Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout | RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => break, } } } }