use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::time::Instant; use std::{cmp, fmt, iter::once}; use sdset::{Set, SetBuf, SetOperation}; use slice_group_by::StrGroupBy; use itertools::{EitherOrBoth, merge_join_by}; use fst::{IntoStreamer, Streamer}; use crate::database::MainT; use crate::{store, DocumentId, DocIndex, MResult}; use crate::automaton::{build_dfa, build_prefix_dfa, build_exact_dfa}; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub enum Operation { And(Vec), Or(Vec), Query(Query), } impl fmt::Debug for Operation { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fn pprint_tree(f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, op: &Operation, depth: usize) -> fmt::Result { match op { Operation::And(children) => { writeln!(f, "{:1$}AND", "", depth * 2)?; children.iter().try_for_each(|c| pprint_tree(f, c, depth + 1)) }, Operation::Or(children) => { writeln!(f, "{:1$}OR", "", depth * 2)?; children.iter().try_for_each(|c| pprint_tree(f, c, depth + 1)) }, Operation::Query(query) => writeln!(f, "{:2$}{:?}", "", query, depth * 2), } } pprint_tree(f, self, 0) } } pub type QueryId = usize; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct Query { pub id: QueryId, pub prefix: bool, pub kind: QueryKind, } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub enum QueryKind { Tolerant(String), Exact(String), Phrase(Vec), } impl Query { fn tolerant(id: QueryId, prefix: bool, s: &str) -> Query { Query { id, prefix, kind: QueryKind::Tolerant(s.to_string()) } } fn exact(id: QueryId, prefix: bool, s: &str) -> Query { Query { id, prefix, kind: QueryKind::Exact(s.to_string()) } } fn phrase2(id: QueryId, prefix: bool, (left, right): (&str, &str)) -> Query { Query { id, prefix, kind: QueryKind::Phrase(vec![left.to_owned(), right.to_owned()]) } } } impl fmt::Debug for Query { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let Query { id, prefix, kind } = self; let prefix = if *prefix { String::from("Prefix") } else { String::default() }; match kind { QueryKind::Exact(word) => { f.debug_struct(&(prefix + "Exact")).field("id", &id).field("word", &word).finish() }, QueryKind::Tolerant(word) => { f.debug_struct(&(prefix + "Tolerant")).field("id", &id).field("word", &word).finish() }, QueryKind::Phrase(words) => { f.debug_struct(&(prefix + "Phrase")).field("id", &id).field("words", &words).finish() }, } } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct PostingsList { docids: SetBuf, matches: SetBuf, } pub struct Context { pub words_set: fst::Set, pub synonyms: store::Synonyms, pub postings_lists: store::PostingsLists, pub prefix_postings_lists: store::PrefixPostingsListsCache, } fn split_best_frequency<'a>(reader: &heed::RoTxn, ctx: &Context, word: &'a str) -> MResult> { let chars = word.char_indices().skip(1); let mut best = None; for (i, _) in chars { let (left, right) = word.split_at(i); let left_freq = ctx.postings_lists .postings_list(reader, left.as_bytes())? .map(|p| p.docids.len()) .unwrap_or(0); let right_freq = ctx.postings_lists .postings_list(reader, right.as_bytes())? .map(|p| p.docids.len()) .unwrap_or(0); let min_freq = cmp::min(left_freq, right_freq); if min_freq != 0 && best.map_or(true, |(old, _, _)| min_freq > old) { best = Some((min_freq, left, right)); } } Ok(|(_, l, r)| (l, r))) } fn fetch_synonyms(reader: &heed::RoTxn, ctx: &Context, words: &[&str]) -> MResult>> { let words = words.join(" "); // TODO ugly // synonyms.synonyms(reader, words.as_bytes()).cloned().unwrap_or_default() Ok(vec![]) } fn is_last(iter: I) -> impl Iterator { let mut iter = iter.into_iter().peekable(); core::iter::from_fn(move || {|item| (iter.peek().is_none(), item)) }) } fn create_operation(iter: I, f: F) -> Operation where I: IntoIterator, F: Fn(Vec) -> Operation, { let mut iter = iter.into_iter(); match (, { (Some(first), None) => first, (first, second) => f(first.into_iter().chain(second).chain(iter).collect()), } } const MAX_NGRAM: usize = 3; pub fn create_query_tree(reader: &heed::RoTxn, ctx: &Context, query: &str) -> MResult { let query = query.to_lowercase(); let words = query.linear_group_by_key(char::is_whitespace).map(ToOwned::to_owned); let words = words.filter(|s| !s.contains(char::is_whitespace)).enumerate(); let words: Vec<_> = words.collect(); let mut ngrams = Vec::new(); for ngram in 1..=MAX_NGRAM { let ngiter =|(i, group)| { let before = words[..i].windows(1); let after = words[i + ngram..].windows(1); before.chain(Some(group)).chain(after) }); for group in ngiter { let mut ops = Vec::new(); for (is_last, words) in is_last(group) { let mut alts = Vec::new(); match words { [(id, word)] => { let phrase = split_best_frequency(reader, ctx, word)? .map(|ws| Query::phrase2(*id, is_last, ws)) .map(Operation::Query); let synonyms = fetch_synonyms(reader, ctx, &[word])?.into_iter().map(|alts| { let iter = alts.into_iter().map(|w| Query::exact(*id, false, &w)).map(Operation::Query); create_operation(iter, Operation::And) }); let query = Query::tolerant(*id, is_last, word); alts.push(Operation::Query(query)); alts.extend(synonyms.chain(phrase)); }, words => { let id = words[0].0; let words: Vec<_> = words.iter().map(|(_, s)| s.as_str()).collect(); for synonym in fetch_synonyms(reader, ctx, &words)? { let synonym = synonym.into_iter().map(|s| Operation::Query(Query::exact(id, false, &s))); let synonym = create_operation(synonym, Operation::And); alts.push(synonym); } let query = Query::exact(id, is_last, &words.concat()); alts.push(Operation::Query(query)); } } ops.push(create_operation(alts, Operation::Or)); } ngrams.push(create_operation(ops, Operation::And)); if ngram == 1 { break } } } Ok(create_operation(ngrams, Operation::Or)) } pub type Postings<'o, 'txn> = HashMap<(&'o Query, Vec), Cow<'txn, Set>>; pub type Cache<'o, 'txn> = HashMap<&'o Operation, Cow<'txn, Set>>; pub struct QueryResult<'o, 'txn> { pub docids: Cow<'txn, Set>, pub queries: Postings<'o, 'txn>, } pub fn traverse_query_tree<'o, 'txn>( reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn, ctx: &Context, tree: &'o Operation, ) -> MResult> { fn execute_and<'o, 'txn>( reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn, ctx: &Context, cache: &mut Cache<'o, 'txn>, postings: &mut Postings<'o, 'txn>, depth: usize, operations: &'o [Operation], ) -> MResult>> { println!("{:1$}AND", "", depth * 2); let before = Instant::now(); let mut results = Vec::new(); for op in operations { if cache.get(op).is_none() { let docids = match op { Operation::And(ops) => execute_and(reader, ctx, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?, Operation::Or(ops) => execute_or(reader, ctx, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?, Operation::Query(query) => execute_query(reader, ctx, postings, depth + 1, &query)?, }; cache.insert(op, docids); } } for op in operations { if let Some(docids) = cache.get(op) { results.push(docids.as_ref()); } } let op = sdset::multi::Intersection::new(results); let docids = op.into_set_buf(); println!("{:3$}--- AND fetched {} documents in {:.02?}", "", docids.len(), before.elapsed(), depth * 2); Ok(Cow::Owned(docids)) } fn execute_or<'o, 'txn>( reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn, ctx: &Context, cache: &mut Cache<'o, 'txn>, postings: &mut Postings<'o, 'txn>, depth: usize, operations: &'o [Operation], ) -> MResult>> { println!("{:1$}OR", "", depth * 2); let before = Instant::now(); let mut ids = Vec::new(); for op in operations { let docids = match cache.get(op) { Some(docids) => docids, None => { let docids = match op { Operation::And(ops) => execute_and(reader, ctx, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?, Operation::Or(ops) => execute_or(reader, ctx, cache, postings, depth + 1, &ops)?, Operation::Query(query) => execute_query(reader, ctx, postings, depth + 1, &query)?, }; cache.entry(op).or_insert(docids) } }; ids.extend_from_slice(docids.as_ref()); } let docids = SetBuf::from_dirty(ids); println!("{:3$}--- OR fetched {} documents in {:.02?}", "", docids.len(), before.elapsed(), depth * 2); Ok(Cow::Owned(docids)) } fn execute_query<'o, 'txn>( reader: &'txn heed::RoTxn, ctx: &Context, postings: &mut Postings<'o, 'txn>, depth: usize, query: &'o Query, ) -> MResult>> { let before = Instant::now(); let Query { id, prefix, kind } = query; let docids = match kind { QueryKind::Tolerant(word) => { if *prefix && word.len() == 1 { let prefix = [word.as_bytes()[0], 0, 0, 0]; let result = ctx.prefix_postings_lists.prefix_postings_list(reader, prefix)?.unwrap_or_default(); postings.insert((query, word.clone().into_bytes()), result.matches); result.docids } else { let dfa = if *prefix { build_prefix_dfa(word) } else { build_dfa(word) }; let byte = word.as_bytes()[0]; let mut stream = if byte == u8::max_value() {[byte]).into_stream() } else {[byte]).lt(&[byte + 1]).into_stream() }; let before = Instant::now(); let mut docids = Vec::new(); while let Some(input) = { if let Some(result) = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, input)? { docids.extend_from_slice(&result.docids); postings.insert((query, input.to_owned()), result.matches); } } println!("{:3$}docids extend ({:?}) took {:.02?}", "", docids.len(), before.elapsed(), depth * 2); let before = Instant::now(); let docids = SetBuf::from_dirty(docids); println!("{:2$}docids construction took {:.02?}", "", before.elapsed(), depth * 2); Cow::Owned(docids) } }, QueryKind::Exact(word) => { // TODO support prefix and non-prefix exact DFA let dfa = build_exact_dfa(word); let byte = word.as_bytes()[0]; let mut stream = if byte == u8::max_value() {[byte]).into_stream() } else {[byte]).lt(&[byte + 1]).into_stream() }; let mut docids = Vec::new(); while let Some(input) = { if let Some(result) = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, input)? { docids.extend_from_slice(&result.docids); postings.insert((query, input.to_owned()), result.matches); } } Cow::Owned(SetBuf::from_dirty(docids)) }, QueryKind::Phrase(words) => { // TODO support prefix and non-prefix exact DFA if let [first, second] = words.as_slice() { let first = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, first.as_bytes())?.unwrap_or_default(); let second = ctx.postings_lists.postings_list(reader, second.as_bytes())?.unwrap_or_default(); let iter = merge_join_by(first.matches.as_slice(), second.matches.as_slice(), |a, b| { let x = (a.document_id, a.attribute, (a.word_index as u32) + 1); let y = (b.document_id, b.attribute, b.word_index as u32); x.cmp(&y) }); let matches: Vec<_> = iter .filter_map(EitherOrBoth::both) .flat_map(|(a, b)| once(*a).chain(Some(*b))) .collect(); let before = Instant::now(); let mut docids: Vec<_> = matches.iter().map(|m| m.document_id).collect(); docids.dedup(); let docids = SetBuf::new(docids).unwrap(); println!("{:2$}docids construction took {:.02?}", "", before.elapsed(), depth * 2); let matches = Cow::Owned(SetBuf::new(matches).unwrap()); postings.insert((query, vec![]), matches); Cow::Owned(docids) } else { println!("{:2$}{:?} skipped", "", words, depth * 2); Cow::default() } }, }; println!("{:4$}{:?} fetched {:?} documents in {:.02?}", "", query, docids.len(), before.elapsed(), depth * 2); Ok(docids) } let mut cache = Cache::new(); let mut postings = Postings::new(); let docids = match tree { Operation::And(ops) => execute_and(reader, ctx, &mut cache, &mut postings, 0, &ops)?, Operation::Or(ops) => execute_or(reader, ctx, &mut cache, &mut postings, 0, &ops)?, Operation::Query(query) => execute_query(reader, ctx, &mut postings, 0, &query)?, }; Ok(QueryResult { docids, queries: postings }) }