use std::future::{ready, Ready}; use actix_web::dev::{self, Service, ServiceRequest, ServiceResponse, Transform}; use actix_web::http::header; use actix_web::{Error, HttpResponse}; use futures_util::future::LocalBoxFuture; use meilisearch_auth::actions; use meilisearch_lib::MeiliSearch; use meilisearch_types::error::ResponseError; use prometheus::{Encoder, HistogramTimer, TextEncoder}; use crate::extractors::authentication::policies::ActionPolicy; use crate::extractors::authentication::GuardedData; pub async fn get_metrics( meilisearch: GuardedData, MeiliSearch>, ) -> Result { let search_rules = &meilisearch.filters().search_rules; let response = meilisearch.get_all_stats(search_rules).await?; crate::metrics::MEILISEARCH_DB_SIZE_BYTES.set(response.database_size as i64); crate::metrics::MEILISEARCH_INDEX_COUNT.set(response.indexes.len() as i64); for (index, value) in response.indexes.iter() { crate::metrics::MEILISEARCH_INDEX_DOCS_COUNT .with_label_values(&[index]) .set(value.number_of_documents as i64); } let encoder = TextEncoder::new(); let mut buffer = vec![]; encoder.encode(&prometheus::gather(), &mut buffer).expect("Failed to encode metrics"); let response = String::from_utf8(buffer).expect("Failed to convert bytes to string"); Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().insert_header(header::ContentType(mime::TEXT_PLAIN)).body(response)) } pub struct RouteMetrics; // Middleware factory is `Transform` trait from actix-service crate // `S` - type of the next service // `B` - type of response's body impl Transform for RouteMetrics where S: Service, Error = Error>, S::Future: 'static, B: 'static, { type Response = ServiceResponse; type Error = Error; type InitError = (); type Transform = RouteMetricsMiddleware; type Future = Ready>; fn new_transform(&self, service: S) -> Self::Future { ready(Ok(RouteMetricsMiddleware { service })) } } pub struct RouteMetricsMiddleware { service: S, } impl Service for RouteMetricsMiddleware where S: Service, Error = Error>, S::Future: 'static, B: 'static, { type Response = ServiceResponse; type Error = Error; type Future = LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result>; dev::forward_ready!(service); fn call(&self, req: ServiceRequest) -> Self::Future { let mut histogram_timer: Option = None; let request_path = req.path(); let is_registered_resource = req.resource_map().has_resource(request_path); if is_registered_resource { let request_method = req.method().to_string(); histogram_timer = Some( crate::metrics::HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME_SECONDS .with_label_values(&[&request_method, request_path]) .start_timer(), ); crate::metrics::HTTP_REQUESTS_TOTAL .with_label_values(&[&request_method, request_path]) .inc(); } let fut =; Box::pin(async move { let res = fut.await?; if let Some(histogram_timer) = histogram_timer { histogram_timer.observe_duration(); }; Ok(res) }) } }