use std::fs::File; use std::num::NonZeroUsize; use grenad::{CompressionType, Reader, Writer, FileFuse}; use heed::types::{ByteSlice, DecodeIgnore}; use heed::{BytesEncode, Error}; use itertools::Itertools; use log::debug; use num_traits::{Bounded, Zero}; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use crate::facet::FacetType; use crate::heed_codec::CboRoaringBitmapCodec; use crate::heed_codec::facet::{FacetLevelValueI64Codec, FacetLevelValueF64Codec}; use crate::Index; use crate::update::index_documents::WriteMethod; use crate::update::index_documents::{create_writer, writer_into_reader, write_into_lmdb_database}; #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum EasingName { Expo, Quart, Circ, Linear, } pub struct Facets<'t, 'u, 'i> { wtxn: &'t mut heed::RwTxn<'i, 'u>, index: &'i Index, pub(crate) chunk_compression_type: CompressionType, pub(crate) chunk_compression_level: Option, pub(crate) chunk_fusing_shrink_size: Option, number_of_levels: NonZeroUsize, last_level_size: NonZeroUsize, easing_function: EasingName, } impl<'t, 'u, 'i> Facets<'t, 'u, 'i> { pub fn new(wtxn: &'t mut heed::RwTxn<'i, 'u>, index: &'i Index) -> Facets<'t, 'u, 'i> { Facets { wtxn, index, chunk_compression_type: CompressionType::None, chunk_compression_level: None, chunk_fusing_shrink_size: None, number_of_levels: NonZeroUsize::new(5).unwrap(), last_level_size: NonZeroUsize::new(5).unwrap(), easing_function: EasingName::Expo, } } pub fn number_of_levels(&mut self, value: NonZeroUsize) -> &mut Self { self.number_of_levels = value; self } pub fn last_level_size(&mut self, value: NonZeroUsize) -> &mut Self { self.last_level_size = value; self } pub fn easing_function(&mut self, value: EasingName) -> &mut Self { self.easing_function = value; self } pub fn execute(self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // We get the faceted fields to be able to create the facet levels. let faceted_fields = self.index.faceted_fields(self.wtxn)?; debug!("Computing and writing the facet values levels docids into LMDB on disk..."); for (field_id, facet_type) in faceted_fields { let (content, documents_ids) = match facet_type { FacetType::Integer => { clear_field_levels::( self.wtxn, self.index.facet_field_id_value_docids, field_id, )?; let documents_ids = compute_faceted_documents_ids( self.wtxn, self.index.facet_field_id_value_docids, field_id, )?; let content = compute_facet_levels::( self.wtxn, self.index.facet_field_id_value_docids, self.chunk_compression_type, self.chunk_compression_level, self.chunk_fusing_shrink_size, self.last_level_size, self.number_of_levels, self.easing_function, field_id, )?; (Some(content), documents_ids) }, FacetType::Float => { clear_field_levels::( self.wtxn, self.index.facet_field_id_value_docids, field_id, )?; let documents_ids = compute_faceted_documents_ids( self.wtxn, self.index.facet_field_id_value_docids, field_id, )?; let content = compute_facet_levels::( self.wtxn, self.index.facet_field_id_value_docids, self.chunk_compression_type, self.chunk_compression_level, self.chunk_fusing_shrink_size, self.last_level_size, self.number_of_levels, self.easing_function, field_id, )?; (Some(content), documents_ids) }, FacetType::String => { let documents_ids = compute_faceted_documents_ids( self.wtxn, self.index.facet_field_id_value_docids, field_id, )?; (None, documents_ids) }, }; if let Some(content) = content { write_into_lmdb_database( self.wtxn, *self.index.facet_field_id_value_docids.as_polymorph(), content, |_, _| anyhow::bail!("invalid facet level merging"), WriteMethod::GetMergePut, )?; } self.index.put_faceted_documents_ids(self.wtxn, field_id, &documents_ids)?; } Ok(()) } } fn clear_field_levels<'t, T: 't, KC>( wtxn: &'t mut heed::RwTxn, db: heed::Database, field_id: u8, ) -> heed::Result<()> where T: Copy + Bounded, KC: heed::BytesDecode<'t, DItem = (u8, u8, T, T)>, KC: for<'x> heed::BytesEncode<'x, EItem = (u8, u8, T, T)>, { let left = (field_id, 1, T::min_value(), T::min_value()); let right = (field_id, u8::MAX, T::max_value(), T::max_value()); let range = left..=right; db.remap_key_type::().delete_range(wtxn, &range).map(drop) } fn compute_facet_levels<'t, T: 't, KC>( rtxn: &'t heed::RoTxn, db: heed::Database, compression_type: CompressionType, compression_level: Option, shrink_size: Option, last_level_size: NonZeroUsize, number_of_levels: NonZeroUsize, easing_function: EasingName, field_id: u8, ) -> anyhow::Result> where T: Copy + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Bounded + Zero, KC: heed::BytesDecode<'t, DItem = (u8, u8, T, T)>, KC: for<'x> heed::BytesEncode<'x, EItem = (u8, u8, T, T)>, { let first_level_size = db.prefix_iter(rtxn, &[field_id])? .remap_types::() .fold(Ok(0usize), |count, result| result.and(count).map(|c| c + 1))?; // It is forbidden to keep a cursor and write in a database at the same time with LMDB // therefore we write the facet levels entries into a grenad file before transfering them. let mut writer = tempfile::tempfile().and_then(|file| { create_writer(compression_type, compression_level, file) })?; let level_0_range = { let left = (field_id, 0, T::min_value(), T::min_value()); let right = (field_id, 0, T::max_value(), T::max_value()); left..=right }; let level_sizes_iter = levels_iterator(first_level_size, last_level_size.get(), number_of_levels.get(), easing_function) .map(|size| (first_level_size as f64 / size as f64).ceil() as usize) .unique() .enumerate() .skip(1); // TODO we must not create levels with identical group sizes. for (level, level_entry_sizes) in level_sizes_iter { let mut left = T::zero(); let mut right = T::zero(); let mut group_docids = RoaringBitmap::new(); let db = db.remap_key_type::(); for (i, result) in db.range(rtxn, &level_0_range)?.enumerate() { let ((_field_id, _level, value, _right), docids) = result?; if i == 0 { left = value; } else if i % level_entry_sizes == 0 { // we found the first bound of the next group, we must store the left // and right bounds associated with the docids. write_entry::(&mut writer, field_id, level as u8, left, right, &group_docids)?; // We save the left bound for the new group and also reset the docids. group_docids = RoaringBitmap::new(); left = value; } // The right bound is always the bound we run through. group_docids.union_with(&docids); right = value; } if !group_docids.is_empty() { write_entry::(&mut writer, field_id, level as u8, left, right, &group_docids)?; } } writer_into_reader(writer, shrink_size) } fn compute_faceted_documents_ids( rtxn: &heed::RoTxn, db: heed::Database, field_id: u8, ) -> anyhow::Result { let mut documents_ids = RoaringBitmap::new(); for result in db.prefix_iter(rtxn, &[field_id])? { let (_key, docids) = result?; documents_ids.union_with(&docids); } Ok(documents_ids) } fn write_entry( writer: &mut Writer, field_id: u8, level: u8, left: T, right: T, ids: &RoaringBitmap, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> where KC: for<'x> heed::BytesEncode<'x, EItem = (u8, u8, T, T)>, { let key = (field_id, level, left, right); let key = KC::bytes_encode(&key).ok_or(Error::Encoding)?; let data = CboRoaringBitmapCodec::bytes_encode(&ids).ok_or(Error::Encoding)?; writer.insert(&key, &data)?; Ok(()) } fn levels_iterator( first_level_size: usize, // biggest level last_level_size: usize, // smallest level number_of_levels: usize, easing_function: EasingName, ) -> impl Iterator { let easing_function = match easing_function { EasingName::Expo => ease_out_expo, EasingName::Quart => ease_out_quart, EasingName::Circ => ease_out_circ, EasingName::Linear => ease_out_linear, }; let b = last_level_size as f64; let end = first_level_size as f64; let c = end - b; let d = number_of_levels; (0..=d).map(move |t| ((end + b) - easing_function(t as f64, b, c, d as f64)) as usize) } // Go look at the function definitions here: // // fn ease_out_expo(t: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64) -> f64 { if t == d { b + c } else { c * (-2.0_f64.powf(-10.0 * t / d) + 1.0) + b } } // fn ease_out_circ(t: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64) -> f64 { let t = t / d - 1.0; c * (1.0 - t * t).sqrt() + b } // fn ease_out_quart(t: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64) -> f64 { let t = t / d - 1.0; -c * ((t * t * t * t) - 1.0) + b } fn ease_out_linear(t: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64) -> f64 { c * t / d + b }