use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, ErrorKind}; use std::path::Path; pub use meilisearch_types::milli; use meilisearch_types::milli::vector::hf::OverridePooling; use tempfile::TempDir; use time::OffsetDateTime; use tracing::debug; use uuid::Uuid; use super::Document; use crate::{Error, IndexMetadata, Result, Version}; pub type Metadata = crate::Metadata; pub type Settings = meilisearch_types::settings::Settings; pub type Checked = meilisearch_types::settings::Checked; pub type Unchecked = meilisearch_types::settings::Unchecked; pub type Task = crate::TaskDump; pub type Batch = meilisearch_types::batches::Batch; pub type Key = meilisearch_types::keys::Key; pub type RuntimeTogglableFeatures = meilisearch_types::features::RuntimeTogglableFeatures; pub type Network = meilisearch_types::features::Network; // ===== Other types to clarify the code of the compat module // everything related to the tasks pub type Status = meilisearch_types::tasks::Status; pub type Kind = crate::KindDump; pub type Details = meilisearch_types::tasks::Details; // everything related to the settings pub type Setting = meilisearch_types::milli::update::Setting; pub type TypoTolerance = meilisearch_types::settings::TypoSettings; pub type MinWordSizeForTypos = meilisearch_types::settings::MinWordSizeTyposSetting; pub type FacetingSettings = meilisearch_types::settings::FacetingSettings; pub type PaginationSettings = meilisearch_types::settings::PaginationSettings; // everything related to the api keys pub type Action = meilisearch_types::keys::Action; pub type IndexUidPattern = meilisearch_types::index_uid_pattern::IndexUidPattern; // everything related to the errors pub type ResponseError = meilisearch_types::error::ResponseError; pub type Code = meilisearch_types::error::Code; pub type RankingRuleView = meilisearch_types::settings::RankingRuleView; pub struct V6Reader { dump: TempDir, instance_uid: Option, metadata: Metadata, tasks: BufReader, batches: Option>, keys: BufReader, features: Option, network: Option, } impl V6Reader { pub fn open(dump: TempDir) -> Result { let meta_file = fs::read(dump.path().join("metadata.json"))?; let instance_uid = match fs::read_to_string(dump.path().join("instance_uid.uuid")) { Ok(uuid) => Some(Uuid::parse_str(&uuid)?), Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => None, Err(e) => return Err(e.into()), }; let feature_file = match fs::read(dump.path().join("experimental-features.json")) { Ok(feature_file) => Some(feature_file), Err(error) => match error.kind() { // Allows the file to be missing, this will only result in all experimental features disabled. ErrorKind::NotFound => { debug!("`experimental-features.json` not found in dump"); None } _ => return Err(error.into()), }, }; let features = if let Some(feature_file) = feature_file { Some(serde_json::from_reader(&*feature_file)?) } else { None }; let batches = match File::open(dump.path().join("batches").join("queue.jsonl")) { Ok(file) => Some(BufReader::new(file)), // The batch file was only introduced during the v1.13, anything prior to that won't have batches Err(err) if err.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => None, Err(e) => return Err(e.into()), }; let network_file = match fs::read(dump.path().join("network.json")) { Ok(network_file) => Some(network_file), Err(error) => match error.kind() { // Allows the file to be missing, this will only result in all experimental features disabled. ErrorKind::NotFound => { debug!("`network.json` not found in dump"); None } _ => return Err(error.into()), }, }; let network = if let Some(network_file) = network_file { Some(serde_json::from_reader(&*network_file)?) } else { None }; Ok(V6Reader { metadata: serde_json::from_reader(&*meta_file)?, instance_uid, tasks: BufReader::new(File::open(dump.path().join("tasks").join("queue.jsonl"))?), batches, keys: BufReader::new(File::open(dump.path().join("keys.jsonl"))?), features, network, dump, }) } pub fn version(&self) -> Version { Version::V6 } pub fn date(&self) -> Option { Some(self.metadata.dump_date) } pub fn instance_uid(&self) -> Result> { Ok(self.instance_uid) } pub fn indexes(&self) -> Result> + '_>> { let entries = fs::read_dir(self.dump.path().join("indexes"))?; Ok(Box::new( entries .map(|entry| -> Result> { let entry = entry?; if entry.file_type()?.is_dir() { let index = V6IndexReader::new( entry.file_name().to_str().ok_or(Error::BadIndexName)?.to_string(), &entry.path(), )?; Ok(Some(index)) } else { Ok(None) } }) .filter_map(|entry| entry.transpose()), )) } pub fn tasks( &mut self, ) -> Box>)>> + '_> { Box::new((&mut self.tasks).lines().map(|line| -> Result<_> { let task: Task = serde_json::from_str(&line?)?; let update_file_path = self .dump .path() .join("tasks") .join("update_files") .join(format!("{}.jsonl", task.uid)); if update_file_path.exists() { Ok(( task, Some(Box::new(UpdateFile::new(&update_file_path)?) as Box), )) } else { Ok((task, None)) } })) } pub fn batches(&mut self) -> Box> + '_> { match self.batches.as_mut() { Some(batches) => Box::new((batches).lines().map(|line| -> Result<_> { let batch = serde_json::from_str(&line?)?; Ok(batch) })), None => Box::new(std::iter::empty()) as Box> + '_>, } } pub fn keys(&mut self) -> Box> + '_> { Box::new( (&mut self.keys).lines().map(|line| -> Result<_> { Ok(serde_json::from_str(&line?)?) }), ) } pub fn features(&self) -> Option { self.features } pub fn network(&self) -> Option<&Network> { } } pub struct UpdateFile { reader: BufReader, } impl UpdateFile { fn new(path: &Path) -> Result { Ok(UpdateFile { reader: BufReader::new(File::open(path)?) }) } } impl Iterator for UpdateFile { type Item = Result; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { (&mut self.reader) .lines() .map(|line| { line.map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|line| serde_json::from_str(&line).map_err(Error::from)) }) .next() } } pub struct V6IndexReader { metadata: IndexMetadata, documents: BufReader, settings: BufReader, } impl V6IndexReader { pub fn new(_name: String, path: &Path) -> Result { let metadata = File::open(path.join("metadata.json"))?; let ret = V6IndexReader { metadata: serde_json::from_reader(metadata)?, documents: BufReader::new(File::open(path.join("documents.jsonl"))?), settings: BufReader::new(File::open(path.join("settings.json"))?), }; Ok(ret) } pub fn metadata(&self) -> &IndexMetadata { &self.metadata } pub fn documents(&mut self) -> Result> + '_> { Ok((&mut self.documents) .lines() .map(|line| -> Result<_> { Ok(serde_json::from_str(&line?)?) })) } pub fn settings(&mut self) -> Result> { let mut settings: Settings = serde_json::from_reader(&mut self.settings)?; patch_embedders(&mut settings); Ok(settings.check()) } } fn patch_embedders(settings: &mut Settings) { if let Setting::Set(embedders) = &mut settings.embedders { for settings in embedders.values_mut() { let Setting::Set(settings) = &mut settings.inner else { continue; }; if settings.source != Setting::Set(milli::vector::settings::EmbedderSource::HuggingFace) { continue; } settings.pooling = match settings.pooling { Setting::Set(pooling) => Setting::Set(pooling), // if the pooling for a hugging face embedder is not set, force it to `forceMean` // for backward compatibility with v1.13 // dumps created in v1.14 and up will have the setting set for hugging face embedders Setting::Reset | Setting::NotSet => Setting::Set(OverridePooling::ForceMean), }; } } }