use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::{fs, thread}; use log::error; use meilisearch_types::heed::types::Str; use meilisearch_types::heed::{Database, Env, EnvOpenOptions, RoTxn, RwTxn}; use meilisearch_types::milli::update::IndexerConfig; use meilisearch_types::milli::Index; use synchronoise::SignalEvent; use time::OffsetDateTime; use uuid::Uuid; use self::IndexStatus::{Available, BeingDeleted, BeingResized}; use crate::uuid_codec::UuidCodec; use crate::{clamp_to_page_size, Error, Result}; const INDEX_MAPPING: &str = "index-mapping"; /// Structure managing meilisearch's indexes. /// /// It is responsible for: /// 1. Creating new indexes /// 2. Opening indexes and storing references to these opened indexes /// 3. Accessing indexes through their uuid /// 4. Mapping a user-defined name to each index uuid. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct IndexMapper { /// Keep track of the opened indexes. Used mainly by the index resolver. index_map: Arc>>, /// Map an index name with an index uuid currently available on disk. pub(crate) index_mapping: Database, /// Path to the folder where the LMDB environments of each index are. base_path: PathBuf, index_size: usize, pub indexer_config: Arc, } /// Whether the index is available for use or is forbidden to be inserted back in the index map #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] #[derive(Clone)] pub enum IndexStatus { /// Do not insert it back in the index map as it is currently being deleted. BeingDeleted, /// Temporarily do not insert the index in the index map as it is currently being resized. BeingResized(Arc), /// You can use the index without worrying about anything. Available(Index), } impl IndexMapper { pub fn new( env: &Env, base_path: PathBuf, index_size: usize, indexer_config: IndexerConfig, ) -> Result { Ok(Self { index_map: Arc::default(), index_mapping: env.create_database(Some(INDEX_MAPPING))?, base_path, index_size, indexer_config: Arc::new(indexer_config), }) } /// Create or open an index in the specified path. /// The path *must* exists or an error will be thrown. fn create_or_open_index( &self, path: &Path, date: Option<(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime)>, map_size: usize, ) -> Result { let mut options = EnvOpenOptions::new(); options.map_size(clamp_to_page_size(map_size)); options.max_readers(1024); if let Some((created, updated)) = date { Ok(Index::new_with_creation_dates(options, path, created, updated)?) } else { Ok(Index::new(options, path)?) } } /// Get or create the index. pub fn create_index( &self, mut wtxn: RwTxn, name: &str, date: Option<(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime)>, ) -> Result { match self.index(&wtxn, name) { Ok(index) => { wtxn.commit()?; Ok(index) } Err(Error::IndexNotFound(_)) => { let uuid = Uuid::new_v4(); self.index_mapping.put(&mut wtxn, name, &uuid)?; let index_path = self.base_path.join(uuid.to_string()); fs::create_dir_all(&index_path)?; let index = self.create_or_open_index(&index_path, date, self.index_size)?; wtxn.commit()?; // Error if the UUIDv4 somehow already exists in the map, since it should be fresh. // This is very unlikely to happen in practice. // TODO: it would be better to lazily create the index. But we need an Index::open function for milli. if self.index_map.write().unwrap().insert(uuid, Available(index.clone())).is_some() { panic!("Uuid v4 conflict: index with UUID {uuid} already exists."); } Ok(index) } error => error, } } /// Removes the index from the mapping table and the in-memory index map /// but keeps the associated tasks. pub fn delete_index(&self, mut wtxn: RwTxn, name: &str) -> Result<()> { let uuid = self .index_mapping .get(&wtxn, name)? .ok_or_else(|| Error::IndexNotFound(name.to_string()))?; // Once we retrieved the UUID of the index we remove it from the mapping table. assert!(self.index_mapping.delete(&mut wtxn, name)?); wtxn.commit()?; // We remove the index from the in-memory index map. let closing_event = loop { let mut lock = self.index_map.write().unwrap(); let resize_operation = match lock.insert(uuid, BeingDeleted) { Some(Available(index)) => break Some(index.prepare_for_closing()), // The target index is in the middle of a resize operation. // Wait for this operation to complete, then try again. Some(BeingResized(resize_operation)) => resize_operation.clone(), // The index is already being deleted or doesn't exist. // It's OK to remove it from the map again. _ => break None, }; // Avoiding deadlocks: we need to drop the lock before waiting for the end of the resize, which // will involve operations on the very map we're locking. drop(lock); resize_operation.wait(); }; let index_map = self.index_map.clone(); let index_path = self.base_path.join(uuid.to_string()); let index_name = name.to_string(); thread::Builder::new() .name(String::from("index_deleter")) .spawn(move || { // We first wait to be sure that the previously opened index is effectively closed. // This can take a lot of time, this is why we do that in a seperate thread. if let Some(closing_event) = closing_event { closing_event.wait(); } // Then we remove the content from disk. if let Err(e) = fs::remove_dir_all(&index_path) { error!( "An error happened when deleting the index {} ({}): {}", index_name, uuid, e ); } // Finally we remove the entry from the index map. assert!(matches!(index_map.write().unwrap().remove(&uuid), Some(BeingDeleted))); }) .unwrap(); Ok(()) } pub fn exists(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, name: &str) -> Result { Ok(self.index_mapping.get(rtxn, name)?.is_some()) } /// Resizes the maximum size of the specified index to the double of its current maximum size. /// /// This operation involves closing the underlying environment and so can take a long time to complete. /// /// # Panics /// /// - If the Index corresponding to the passed name is concurrently being deleted/resized or cannot be found in the /// in memory hash map. pub fn resize_index(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, name: &str) -> Result<()> { // fixme: factor to a function? let uuid = self .index_mapping .get(rtxn, name)? .ok_or_else(|| Error::IndexNotFound(name.to_string()))?; // We remove the index from the in-memory index map. let mut lock = self.index_map.write().unwrap(); // signal that will be sent when the resize operation completes let resize_operation = Arc::new(SignalEvent::manual(false)); let index = match lock.insert(uuid, BeingResized(resize_operation)) { Some(Available(index)) => index, Some(previous_status) => { lock.insert(uuid, previous_status); panic!( "Attempting to resize index {name} that is already being resized or deleted." ) } None => { panic!("Could not find the status of index {name} in the in-memory index mapper.") } }; drop(lock); let current_size = index.map_size()?; let new_size = current_size * 2; let closing_event = index.prepare_for_closing(); log::debug!("Waiting for index {name} to close"); if !closing_event.wait_timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(600)) { // fail after 10 minutes waiting panic!("Could not resize index {name} (unable to close it)"); } log::info!("Resized index {name} from {current_size} to {new_size} bytes"); let index_path = self.base_path.join(uuid.to_string()); let index = self.create_or_open_index(&index_path, None, new_size)?; // Add back the resized index let mut lock = self.index_map.write().unwrap(); let Some(BeingResized(resize_operation)) = lock.insert(uuid, Available(index)) else { panic!("Index state for index {name} was modified while it was being resized") }; // drop the lock before signaling completion so that other threads don't immediately await on the lock after waking up. drop(lock); resize_operation.signal(); Ok(()) } /// Return an index, may open it if it wasn't already opened. pub fn index(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, name: &str) -> Result { let uuid = self .index_mapping .get(rtxn, name)? .ok_or_else(|| Error::IndexNotFound(name.to_string()))?; // we clone here to drop the lock before entering the match let index = loop { let index =; match index { Some(Available(index)) => break index, Some(BeingResized(ref resize_operation)) => { // Avoiding deadlocks: no lock taken while doing this operation. resize_operation.wait(); continue; } Some(BeingDeleted) => return Err(Error::IndexNotFound(name.to_string())), // since we're lazy, it's possible that the index has not been opened yet. None => { let mut index_map = self.index_map.write().unwrap(); // between the read lock and the write lock it's not impossible // that someone already opened the index (eg if two search happens // at the same time), thus before opening it we check a second time // if it's not already there. // Since there is a good chance it's not already there we can use // the entry method. match index_map.entry(uuid) { Entry::Vacant(entry) => { let index_path = self.base_path.join(uuid.to_string()); let index = self.create_or_open_index(&index_path, None, self.index_size)?; entry.insert(Available(index.clone())); break index; } Entry::Occupied(entry) => match entry.get() { Available(index) => break index.clone(), BeingResized(resize_operation) => { // Avoiding the deadlock: we drop the lock before waiting let resize_operation = resize_operation.clone(); drop(index_map); resize_operation.wait(); continue; } BeingDeleted => return Err(Error::IndexNotFound(name.to_string())), }, } } } }; Ok(index) } /// Return all indexes, may open them if they weren't already opened. pub fn indexes(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> Result> { self.index_mapping .iter(rtxn)? .map(|ret| { ret.map_err(Error::from).and_then(|(name, _)| { self.index(rtxn, name).map(|index| (name.to_string(), index)) }) }) .collect() } /// Swap two index names. pub fn swap(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, lhs: &str, rhs: &str) -> Result<()> { let lhs_uuid = self .index_mapping .get(wtxn, lhs)? .ok_or_else(|| Error::IndexNotFound(lhs.to_string()))?; let rhs_uuid = self .index_mapping .get(wtxn, rhs)? .ok_or_else(|| Error::IndexNotFound(rhs.to_string()))?; self.index_mapping.put(wtxn, lhs, &rhs_uuid)?; self.index_mapping.put(wtxn, rhs, &lhs_uuid)?; Ok(()) } pub fn index_exists(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, name: &str) -> Result { Ok(self.index_mapping.get(rtxn, name)?.is_some()) } pub fn indexer_config(&self) -> &IndexerConfig { &self.indexer_config } }