use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeSet}; use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}; use std::io; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use anyhow::Context; use cow_utils::CowUtils; use fst::Streamer; use heed::EnvOpenOptions; use heed::types::*; use lru::LruCache; use slice_group_by::StrGroupBy; use structopt::StructOpt; use mega_mini_indexer::{BEU32, Index, DocumentId}; const MAX_POSITION: usize = 1000; const MAX_ATTRIBUTES: usize = u32::max_value() as usize / MAX_POSITION; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[global_allocator] static ALLOC: jemallocator::Jemalloc = jemallocator::Jemalloc; static ID_GENERATOR: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); // AtomicU32 ? pub fn simple_alphanumeric_tokens(string: &str) -> impl Iterator { let is_alphanumeric = |s: &&str| s.chars().next().map_or(false, char::is_alphanumeric); string.linear_group_by_key(|c| c.is_alphanumeric()).filter(is_alphanumeric) } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "mm-indexer", about = "The indexer side of the MMI project.")] struct Opt { /// The database path where the database is located. /// It is created if it doesn't already exist. #[structopt(long = "db", parse(from_os_str))] database: PathBuf, /// CSV file to index. csv_file: Option, } fn index_csv(wtxn: &mut heed::RwTxn, mut rdr: csv::Reader, index: &Index) -> anyhow::Result<()> { eprintln!("Indexing into LMDB..."); let cache_size = 3_000_000; let mut word_positions = LruCache::new(cache_size + 1); let mut word_position_docids = LruCache::new(cache_size + 1); // Write the headers into a Vec of bytes. let headers = rdr.headers()?; let mut writer = csv::WriterBuilder::new().has_headers(false).from_writer(Vec::new()); writer.write_byte_record(headers.as_byte_record())?; let headers = writer.into_inner()?; let mut document = csv::StringRecord::new(); while rdr.read_record(&mut document)? { let document_id = ID_GENERATOR.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); let document_id = DocumentId::try_from(document_id).context("Generated id is too big")?; for (attr, content) in document.iter().enumerate().take(MAX_ATTRIBUTES) { for (pos, word) in simple_alphanumeric_tokens(&content).enumerate().take(MAX_POSITION) { if !word.is_empty() && word.len() < 500 { // LMDB limits let word = word.to_lowercase(); // TODO cow_to_lowercase let position = (attr * 1000 + pos) as u32; // ------ merge word positions -------- let ids = match word_positions.get_mut(&word) { Some(ids) => ids, None => { let ids = index.word_positions.get(wtxn, &word)?.unwrap_or_default(); word_positions.put(word.clone(), ids); if word_positions.len() > cache_size { let (word, ids) = word_positions.pop_lru().unwrap(); index.word_positions.put(wtxn, &word, &ids)?; } word_positions.get_mut(&word).unwrap() } }; ids.insert(position); // ------ merge word position documents ids -------- let mut key = word.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.extend_from_slice(&position.to_be_bytes()); let ids = match word_position_docids.get_mut(&(word.clone(), position)) { Some(ids) => ids, None => { let ids = index.word_position_docids.get(wtxn, &key)?.unwrap_or_default(); word_position_docids.put((word.clone(), position), ids); if word_position_docids.len() > cache_size { let ((word, position), ids) = word_position_docids.pop_lru().unwrap(); let mut key = word.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.extend_from_slice(&position.to_be_bytes()); index.word_position_docids.put(wtxn, &key, &ids)?; } word_position_docids.get_mut(&(word, position)).unwrap() } }; ids.insert(position); } } } // We write the document in the database. let mut writer = csv::WriterBuilder::new().has_headers(false).from_writer(Vec::new()); writer.write_byte_record(document.as_byte_record())?; let document = writer.into_inner()?; index.documents.put(wtxn, &BEU32::new(document_id), &document)?; } for (word, ids) in &word_positions { index.word_positions.put(wtxn, word, ids)?; } for ((word, position), ids) in &word_position_docids { let mut key = word.as_bytes().to_vec(); key.extend_from_slice(&position.to_be_bytes()); index.word_position_docids.put(wtxn, &key, ids)?; } // We store the words from the postings. let mut new_words = BTreeSet::default(); let iter = index.word_positions.as_polymorph().iter::<_, Str, DecodeIgnore>(wtxn)?; for result in iter { let (word, ()) = result?; new_words.insert(word.clone()); } let new_words_fst = fst::Set::from_iter(new_words)?; index.put_fst(wtxn, &new_words_fst)?; index.put_headers(wtxn, &headers)?; Ok(()) } fn compute_words_attributes_docids(wtxn: &mut heed::RwTxn, index: &Index) -> anyhow::Result<()> { eprintln!("Computing the attributes documents ids..."); let fst = match index.fst(&wtxn)? { Some(fst) => fst.map_data(|s| s.to_vec())?, None => return Ok(()), }; let mut word_attributes = HashMap::new(); let mut stream =; while let Some(word) = { word_attributes.clear(); // Loop on the word attributes and unions all the documents ids by attribute. for result in index.word_position_docids.prefix_iter(wtxn, word)? { let (key, docids) = result?; let (_key_word, key_pos) = key.split_at(key.len() - 4); let key_pos = key_pos.try_into().map(u32::from_be_bytes)?; // If the key corresponds to the word (minus the attribute) if key.len() == word.len() + 4 { let attribute = key_pos / 1000; match word_attributes.entry(attribute) { Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(docids); }, Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => entry.get_mut().union_with(&docids), } } } // Write this word attributes unions into LMDB. let mut key = word.to_vec(); for (attribute, docids) in word_attributes.drain() { key.truncate(word.len()); key.extend_from_slice(&attribute.to_be_bytes()); index.word_attribute_docids.put(wtxn, &key, &docids)?; } } Ok(()) } fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let opt = Opt::from_args(); std::fs::create_dir_all(&opt.database)?; let env = EnvOpenOptions::new() .map_size(100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 100 GB .max_readers(10) .max_dbs(10) .open(opt.database)?; let index = Index::new(&env)?; let mut wtxn = env.write_txn()?; match opt.csv_file { Some(path) => { let rdr = csv::Reader::from_path(path)?; index_csv(&mut wtxn, rdr, &index)?; }, None => { let rdr = csv::Reader::from_reader(io::stdin()); index_csv(&mut wtxn, rdr, &index)?; } }; compute_words_attributes_docids(&mut wtxn, &index)?; let count = index.documents.len(&wtxn)?; wtxn.commit()?; eprintln!("Wrote {} documents into LMDB", count); Ok(()) }