diff --git a/meilisearch/tests/search/mod.rs b/meilisearch/tests/search/mod.rs
index 045cfde2c..6a55c7569 100644
--- a/meilisearch/tests/search/mod.rs
+++ b/meilisearch/tests/search/mod.rs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ mod errors;
 mod formatted;
 mod multi;
 mod pagination;
+mod restrict_searchable;
 use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
 use serde_json::{json, Value};
diff --git a/meilisearch/tests/search/restrict_searchable.rs b/meilisearch/tests/search/restrict_searchable.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dda38560a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meilisearch/tests/search/restrict_searchable.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
+use serde_json::{json, Value};
+use crate::common::index::Index;
+use crate::common::Server;
+async fn index_with_documents<'a>(server: &'a Server, documents: &Value) -> Index<'a> {
+    let index = server.index("test");
+    index.add_documents(documents.clone(), None).await;
+    index.wait_task(0).await;
+    index
+static SIMPLE_SEARCH_DOCUMENTS: Lazy<Value> = Lazy::new(|| {
+    json!([
+    {
+        "title": "Shazam!",
+        "desc": "a Captain Marvel ersatz",
+        "id": "1",
+    },
+    {
+        "title": "Captain Planet",
+        "desc": "He's not part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe",
+        "id": "2",
+    },
+    {
+        "title": "Captain Marvel",
+        "desc": "a Shazam ersatz",
+        "id": "3",
+    }])
+async fn simple_search_on_title() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(&server, &SIMPLE_SEARCH_DOCUMENTS).await;
+    // simple search should return 2 documents (ids: 2 and 3).
+    index
+        .search(
+            json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["title"]}),
+            |response, code| {
+                assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+                assert_eq!(response["hits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 2);
+            },
+        )
+        .await;
+async fn simple_prefix_search_on_title() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(&server, &SIMPLE_SEARCH_DOCUMENTS).await;
+    // simple search should return 2 documents (ids: 2 and 3).
+    index
+        .search(
+            json!({"q": "Captain Mar", "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["title"]}),
+            |response, code| {
+                assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+                assert_eq!(response["hits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 2);
+            },
+        )
+        .await;
+async fn simple_search_on_title_matching_strategy_all() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(&server, &SIMPLE_SEARCH_DOCUMENTS).await;
+    // simple search matching strategy all should only return 1 document (ids: 2).
+    index
+        .search(json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["title"], "matchingStrategy": "all"}), |response, code| {
+            assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+            assert_eq!(response["hits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 1);
+        })
+        .await;
+async fn simple_search_on_unknown_field() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(&server, &SIMPLE_SEARCH_DOCUMENTS).await;
+    // simple search on unknown field shouldn't return any document.
+    index
+        .search(
+            json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["unknown"]}),
+            |response, code| {
+                assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+                assert_eq!(response["hits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 0);
+            },
+        )
+        .await;
+async fn simple_search_on_no_field() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(&server, &SIMPLE_SEARCH_DOCUMENTS).await;
+    // simple search on no field shouldn't return any document.
+    index
+        .search(
+            json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "restrictSearchableAttributes": []}),
+            |response, code| {
+                assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+                assert_eq!(response["hits"].as_array().unwrap().len(), 0);
+            },
+        )
+        .await;
+async fn word_ranking_rule_order() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(&server, &SIMPLE_SEARCH_DOCUMENTS).await;
+    // Document 3 should appear before document 2.
+    index
+        .search(
+            json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["title"], "attributesToRetrieve": ["id"]}),
+            |response, code| {
+                assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+                assert_eq!(
+                    response["hits"],
+                    json!([
+                        {"id": "3"},
+                        {"id": "2"},
+                    ])
+                );
+            },
+        )
+        .await;
+async fn word_ranking_rule_order_exact_words() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(&server, &SIMPLE_SEARCH_DOCUMENTS).await;
+    index.update_settings_typo_tolerance(json!({"disableOnWords": ["Captain", "Marvel"]})).await;
+    index.wait_task(1).await;
+    // simple search should return 2 documents (ids: 2 and 3).
+    index
+        .search(
+            json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["title"], "attributesToRetrieve": ["id"]}),
+            |response, code| {
+                assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+                assert_eq!(
+                    response["hits"],
+                    json!([
+                        {"id": "3"},
+                        {"id": "2"},
+                    ])
+                );
+            },
+        )
+        .await;
+async fn typo_ranking_rule_order() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(
+        &server,
+        &json!([
+        {
+            "title": "Capitain Marivel",
+            "desc": "Captain Marvel",
+            "id": "1",
+        },
+        {
+            "title": "Captain Marivel",
+            "desc": "a Shazam ersatz",
+            "id": "2",
+        }]),
+    )
+    .await;
+    // Document 2 should appear before document 1.
+    index
+        .search(json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["title"], "attributesToRetrieve": ["id"]}), |response, code| {
+            assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+            assert_eq!(
+                response["hits"],
+                json!([
+                    {"id": "2"},
+                    {"id": "1"},
+                ])
+            );
+        })
+        .await;
+async fn proximity_ranking_rule_order() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(
+        &server,
+        &json!([
+        {
+            "title": "Captain super mega cool. A Marvel story",
+            "desc": "Captain Marvel",
+            "id": "1",
+        },
+        {
+            "title": "Captain America from Marvel",
+            "desc": "a Shazam ersatz",
+            "id": "2",
+        }]),
+    )
+    .await;
+    // Document 2 should appear before document 1.
+    index
+        .search(json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["title"], "attributesToRetrieve": ["id"]}), |response, code| {
+            assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+            assert_eq!(
+                response["hits"],
+                json!([
+                    {"id": "2"},
+                    {"id": "1"},
+                ])
+            );
+        })
+        .await;
+async fn attributes_ranking_rule_order() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(
+        &server,
+        &json!([
+        {
+            "title": "Captain Marvel",
+            "desc": "a Shazam ersatz",
+            "footer": "The story of Captain Marvel",
+            "id": "1",
+        },
+        {
+            "title": "The Avengers",
+            "desc": "Captain Marvel is far from the earth",
+            "footer": "A super hero team",
+            "id": "2",
+        }]),
+    )
+    .await;
+    // Document 2 should appear before document 1.
+    index
+        .search(json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["desc", "footer"], "attributesToRetrieve": ["id"]}), |response, code| {
+            assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+            assert_eq!(
+                response["hits"],
+                json!([
+                    {"id": "2"},
+                    {"id": "1"},
+                ])
+            );
+        })
+        .await;
+async fn exactness_ranking_rule_order() {
+    let server = Server::new().await;
+    let index = index_with_documents(
+        &server,
+        &json!([
+        {
+            "title": "Captain Marvel",
+            "desc": "Captain Marivel",
+            "id": "1",
+        },
+        {
+            "title": "Captain Marvel",
+            "desc": "CaptainMarvel",
+            "id": "2",
+        }]),
+    )
+    .await;
+    // Document 2 should appear before document 1.
+    index
+        .search(json!({"q": "Captain Marvel", "attributesToRetrieve": ["id"], "restrictSearchableAttributes": ["desc"]}), |response, code| {
+            assert_eq!(code, 200, "{}", response);
+            assert_eq!(
+                response["hits"],
+                json!([
+                    {"id": "2"},
+                    {"id": "1"},
+                ])
+            );
+        })
+        .await;