mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 00:00:11 +08:00
reorganize a bit of code and implements the get task fully
This commit is contained in:
@ -3456,6 +3456,7 @@ dependencies = [
@ -5866,13 +5867,26 @@ dependencies = [
"syn 2.0.60",
name = "utoipa-rapidoc"
version = "4.0.1-beta.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "c836d406d590721b89f572cb0379479fcfbe27f31ca65c0775265a1b9026dd34"
dependencies = [
name = "utoipa-scalar"
version = "0.2.0-alpha.0"
version = "0.2.0-beta.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "9c851bc855ea797c92d61de0cd4d36195c01657bc92e42a02fd1373897d6bfe7"
checksum = "bc86065a210b8540e46d15e0844765d1d14eec7fd6221c2b0de8f6edde990648"
dependencies = [
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ time = { version = "0.3.36", features = [
] }
tokio = "1.38"
utoipa = { version = "5.0.0-alpha.1" }
utoipa = { version = "5.0.0-beta.0" }
uuid = { version = "1.10.0", features = ["serde", "v4"] }
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use std::str::FromStr;
use deserr::{DeserializeError, Deserr, MergeWithError, ValueKind};
use serde::de::Visitor;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
use utoipa::{IntoParams, ToSchema};
use crate::deserr::query_params::FromQueryParameter;
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ impl std::error::Error for ParseTaskStatusError {}
/// The type of the task.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, Sequence, ToSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[schema(rename_all = "camelCase", example = json!(Kind::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate))]
#[schema(rename_all = "camelCase", example = json!(enum_iterator::all::<Kind>().collect::<Vec<_>>()))]
pub enum Kind {
@ -443,6 +443,10 @@ pub enum Kind {
impl Kind {
pub fn all_variants() -> Vec<Self> {
pub fn related_to_one_index(&self) -> bool {
match self {
@ -104,8 +104,9 @@ tracing-trace = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../tracing-trace" }
tracing-actix-web = "0.7.11"
build-info = { version = "1.7.0", path = "../build-info" }
roaring = "0.10.2"
utoipa = { version = "5.0.0-beta.0", features = ["actix_extras", "non_strict_integers"] }
utoipa-scalar = { version = "0.2.0-alpha.0", features = ["actix-web"] }
utoipa = { version = "5.0.0-beta.0", features = ["actix_extras", "non_strict_integers", "preserve_order", "uuid", "time", "openapi_extensions"] }
utoipa-scalar = { version = "0.2.0-beta.0", features = ["actix-web"] }
utoipa-rapidoc = { version = "4.0.1-beta.0", features = ["actix-web"] }
actix-rt = "2.10.0"
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ use actix_web::web::Data;
use actix_web::{web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
use index_scheduler::IndexScheduler;
use meilisearch_auth::AuthController;
use meilisearch_types::deserr::query_params::Param;
use meilisearch_types::error::{Code, ResponseError};
use meilisearch_types::settings::{Settings, Unchecked};
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Kind, Status, Task, TaskId};
@ -16,6 +15,7 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use tracing::debug;
use utoipa::OpenApi;
use utoipa_rapidoc::RapiDoc;
use utoipa_scalar::{Scalar, Servable as ScalarServable};
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ pub mod indexes;
mod logs;
mod metrics;
mod multi_search;
mod open_api_utils;
mod snapshot;
mod swap_indexes;
pub mod tasks;
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) {
.service(Scalar::with_url("/scalar", openapi.clone()))
.service(RapiDoc::with_openapi("/api-docs/openapi.json", openapi).path("/rapidoc"))
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ use time::{Date, Duration, OffsetDateTime, Time};
use tokio::task;
use utoipa::{IntoParams, OpenApi, ToSchema};
use super::open_api_utils::OpenApiAuth;
use super::{get_task_id, is_dry_run, SummarizedTaskView};
use crate::analytics::Analytics;
use crate::extractors::authentication::policies::*;
@ -34,10 +35,14 @@ const DEFAULT_LIMIT: u32 = 20;
paths(get_tasks, delete_tasks),
title = "The tasks route gives information about the progress of the [asynchronous operations](https://docs.meilisearch.com/learn/advanced/asynchronous_operations.html)."
paths(get_tasks, delete_tasks, cancel_tasks, get_task),
name = "Tasks",
description = "The tasks route gives information about the progress of the [asynchronous operations](https://docs.meilisearch.com/learn/advanced/asynchronous_operations.html).",
external_docs(url = "https://www.meilisearch.com/docs/reference/api/tasks"),
components(schemas(AllTasks, TaskView, Status, DetailsView, ResponseError, Settings<Unchecked>, Settings<Checked>, TypoSettings, MinWordSizeTyposSetting, FacetingSettings, PaginationSettings))
pub struct TaskApi;
@ -67,38 +72,38 @@ pub struct TasksFilterQuery {
/// Permits to filter tasks by their uid. By default, when the uids query parameter is not set, all task uids are returned. It's possible to specify several uids by separating them with the `,` character.
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskUids>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<u32>>, example = json!([231, 423, 598]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<u32>>, example = json!([231, 423, 598, "*"]))]
pub uids: OptionStarOrList<u32>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskCanceledBy>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<u32>>, example = json!([374]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<u32>>, example = json!([374, "*"]))]
pub canceled_by: OptionStarOrList<u32>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskTypes>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<Kind>>, example = json!([Kind::DocumentDeletion]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<String>>, example = json!([Kind::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate, "*"]))]
pub types: OptionStarOrList<Kind>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskStatuses>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<Status>>, example = json!([Status::Succeeded, Status::Failed, Status::Canceled]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<Status>>, example = json!([Status::Succeeded, Status::Failed, Status::Canceled, Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing, "*"]))]
pub statuses: OptionStarOrList<Status>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidIndexUid>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<String>>, example = json!(["movies", "theater"]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<String>>, example = json!(["movies", "theater", "*"]))]
pub index_uids: OptionStarOrList<IndexUid>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskAfterEnqueuedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_after -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub after_enqueued_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskBeforeEnqueuedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_before -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub before_enqueued_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskAfterStartedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_after -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub after_started_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskBeforeStartedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_before -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub before_started_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskAfterFinishedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_after -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub after_finished_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskBeforeFinishedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_before -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub before_finished_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
@ -148,38 +153,38 @@ impl TaskDeletionOrCancelationQuery {
#[into_params(rename_all = "camelCase", parameter_in = Query)]
pub struct TaskDeletionOrCancelationQuery {
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskUids>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<u32>>, example = json!([231, 423, 598]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<u32>>, example = json!([231, 423, 598, "*"]))]
pub uids: OptionStarOrList<u32>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskCanceledBy>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<u32>>, example = json!([374]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<u32>>, example = json!([374, "*"]))]
pub canceled_by: OptionStarOrList<u32>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskTypes>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<Kind>>, example = json!([Kind::DocumentDeletion]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<Kind>>, example = json!([Kind::DocumentDeletion, "*"]))]
pub types: OptionStarOrList<Kind>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskStatuses>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<Status>>, example = json!([Status::Succeeded, Status::Failed, Status::Canceled]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<Status>>, example = json!([Status::Succeeded, Status::Failed, Status::Canceled, "*"]))]
pub statuses: OptionStarOrList<Status>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidIndexUid>)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<String>>, example = json!(["movies", "theater"]))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<Vec<String>>, example = json!(["movies", "theater", "*"]))]
pub index_uids: OptionStarOrList<IndexUid>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskAfterEnqueuedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_after -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub after_enqueued_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskBeforeEnqueuedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_before -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub before_enqueued_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskAfterStartedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_after -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub after_started_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskBeforeStartedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_before -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub before_started_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskAfterFinishedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_after -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub after_finished_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
#[deserr(default, error = DeserrQueryParamError<InvalidTaskBeforeFinishedAt>, try_from(OptionStarOr<String>) = deserialize_date_before -> InvalidTaskDateError)]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!("2024-08-08_16:37:09.971Z"))]
#[param(required = false, value_type = Option<String>, example = json!(["2024-08-08T16:37:09.971Z", "*"]))]
pub before_finished_at: OptionStarOr<OffsetDateTime>,
@ -203,6 +208,24 @@ impl TaskDeletionOrCancelationQuery {
/// Cancel tasks
/// Cancel enqueued and/or processing [tasks](https://www.meilisearch.com/docs/learn/async/asynchronous_operations)
path = "/cancel",
tag = "Tasks",
(status = 200, description = "Task successfully enqueued", body = SummarizedTaskView, content_type = "application/json", example = json!({
"taskUid": 147,
"indexUid": null,
"status": "enqueued",
"type": "taskDeletion",
"enqueuedAt": "2024-08-08T17:05:55.791772Z"
async fn cancel_tasks(
index_scheduler: GuardedData<ActionPolicy<{ actions::TASKS_CANCEL }>, Data<IndexScheduler>>,
params: AwebQueryParameter<TaskDeletionOrCancelationQuery, DeserrQueryParamError>,
@ -260,6 +283,7 @@ async fn cancel_tasks(
path = "",
tag = "Tasks",
(status = 200, description = "Task successfully enqueued", body = SummarizedTaskView, content_type = "application/json", example = json!({
@ -333,12 +357,15 @@ pub struct AllTasks {
next: Option<u32>,
/// Get all tasks
/// Get all [tasks](https://docs.meilisearch.com/learn/advanced/asynchronous_operations.html)
path = "",
tag = "Tasks",
security(("Bearer" = ["tasks.get", "tasks.*", "*"])),
(status = 200, description = "Get all tasks", body = AllTasks, content_type = "application/json", example = json!({
@ -394,6 +421,52 @@ async fn get_tasks(
/// Get a task
/// Get a [task](https://www.meilisearch.com/docs/learn/async/asynchronous_operations)
path = "/{taskUid}",
tag = "Tasks",
security(("Bearer" = ["tasks.get", "tasks.*", "*"])),
params(("taskUid", format = UInt32, example = 0, description = "The task identifier", nullable = false)),
(status = 200, description = "Task successfully retrieved", body = TaskView, content_type = "application/json", example = json!(
"uid": 1,
"indexUid": "movies",
"status": "succeeded",
"type": "documentAdditionOrUpdate",
"canceledBy": null,
"details": {
"receivedDocuments": 79000,
"indexedDocuments": 79000
"error": null,
"duration": "PT1S",
"enqueuedAt": "2021-01-01T09:39:00.000000Z",
"startedAt": "2021-01-01T09:39:01.000000Z",
"finishedAt": "2021-01-01T09:39:02.000000Z"
(status = 401, description = "The authorization header is missing", body = ResponseError, content_type = "application/json", example = json!(
"message": "The Authorization header is missing. It must use the bearer authorization method.",
"code": "missing_authorization_header",
"type": "auth",
"link": "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#missing_authorization_header"
(status = 404, description = "The task uid does not exists", body = ResponseError, content_type = "application/json", example = json!(
"message": "Task :taskUid not found.",
"code": "task_not_found",
"type": "invalid_request",
"link": "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors/#task_not_found"
async fn get_task(
index_scheduler: GuardedData<ActionPolicy<{ actions::TASKS_GET }>, Data<IndexScheduler>>,
task_uid: web::Path<String>,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user