diff --git a/milli/src/search/facet/facet_string.rs b/milli/src/search/facet/facet_string.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61fc32f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/milli/src/search/facet/facet_string.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+//! This module contains helpers iterators for facet strings.
+//! The purpose is to help iterate over the quite complex system of facets strings. A simple
+//! description of the system would be that every facet string value is stored into an LMDB database
+//! and that every value is associated with the document ids which are associated with this facet
+//! string value.
+//! In reality it is a little bit more complex as we have to create aggregations of runs of facet
+//! string values, those aggregations helps in choosing the right groups of facets to follow.
+//! ## A typical algorithm run
+//! If a group of aggregated facets values contains one of the documents ids, we must continue
+//! iterating over the sub-groups.
+//! If this group is the lowest level and contain at least one document id we yield the associated
+//! facet documents ids.
+//! If the group doesn't contain one of our documents ids, we continue to the next group at this
+//! same level.
+//! ## The complexity comes from the strings
+//! This algorithm is exactly the one that we use for facet numbers. It is quite easy to create
+//! aggregated facet number, groups of facets are easy to define in the LMDB key, we just put the
+//! two numbers bounds, the left and the right bound of the group, both inclusive.
+//! It is easy to make sure that the groups are ordered, LMDB sort its keys lexicographically and
+//! puting two numbers big-endian encoded one after the other gives us ordered groups. The values
+//! are simple unions of the documents ids coming from the groups below.
+//! ### Example of what a facet number LMDB database contain
+//! | level | left-bound | right-bound | docs             |
+//! |-------|------------|-------------|------------------|
+//! | 0     | 0          | _skipped_   | 1, 2             |
+//! | 0     | 1          | _skipped_   | 6, 7             |
+//! | 0     | 3          | _skipped_   | 4, 7             |
+//! | 0     | 5          | _skipped_   | 2, 3, 4          |
+//! | 1     | 0          | 1           | 1, 2, 6, 7       |
+//! | 1     | 3          | 5           | 2, 3, 4, 7       |
+//! | 2     | 0          | 5           | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 |
+//! As you can see the level 0 have two equal bounds, therefore we skip serializing the second
+//! bound, that's the base level where you can directly fetch the documents ids associated with an
+//! exact number.
+//! The next levels have two different bounds and the associated documents ids are simply the result
+//! of an union of all the documents ids associated with the aggregated groups above.
+//! ## The complexity of defining groups of facet strings
+//! As explained above, defining groups of facet numbers is easy, LMDB stores the keys in
+//! lexicographical order, it means that whatever the key represent the bytes are read in their raw
+//! form and a simple `strcmp` will define the order in which keys will be read from the store.
+//! That's easy for types with a known size, like floats or integers, they are 64 bytes long and
+//! appending one after the other in big-endian is consistent. LMDB will simply sort the keys by the
+//! first number then by the second if the the first number is equal on two keys.
+//! For strings it is a lot more complex as those types are unsized, it means that the size of facet
+//! strings is different for each facet value.
+//! ### Basic approach: padding the keys
+//! A first approach would be to simply define the maximum size of a facet string and pad the keys
+//! with zeroes. The big problem of this approach is that it:
+//!  1. reduces the maximum size of facet strings by half, as we need to put two keys one after the
+//!     other.
+//!  2. makes the keys of facet strings very big (approximately 250 bytes), impacting a lot LMDB
+//!     performances.
+//! ### Better approach: number the facet groups
+//! A better approach would be to number the groups, this way we don't have the downsides of the
+//! previously described approach but we need to be able to describe the groups by using a number.
+//! #### Example of facet strings with numbered groups
+//! | level | left-bound | right-bound | left-string | right-string | docs             |
+//! |-------|------------|-------------|-------------|--------------|------------------|
+//! | 0     | alpha      | _skipped_   | _skipped_   | _skipped_    | 1, 2             |
+//! | 0     | beta       | _skipped_   | _skipped_   | _skipped_    | 6, 7             |
+//! | 0     | gamma      | _skipped_   | _skipped_   | _skipped_    | 4, 7             |
+//! | 0     | omega      | _skipped_   | _skipped_   | _skipped_    | 2, 3, 4          |
+//! | 1     | 0          | 1           | alpha       | beta         | 1, 2, 6, 7       |
+//! | 1     | 3          | 5           | gamma       | omega        | 2, 3, 4, 7       |
+//! | 2     | 0          | 5           | _skipped_   | _skipped_    | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 |
+//! As you can see the level 0 doesn't actually change much, we skip nearly everything, we do not
+//! need to store the facet string value two times.
+//! In the value, not in the key, you can see that we added two new values:
+//! the left-string and the right-string, which defines the original facet strings associated with
+//! the given group.
+//! We put those two strings inside of the value, this way we do not limit the maximum size of the
+//! facet string values, and the impact on performances is not important as, IIRC, LMDB put big
+//! values on another page, this helps in iterating over keys fast enough and only fetch the page
+//! with the values when required.
+//! The other little advantage with this solution is that there is no a big overhead, compared with
+//! the facet number levels, we only duplicate the facet strings once for the level 1.
+//! #### A typical algorithm run
+//! Note that the algorithm is always moving from the highest level to the lowest one, one level
+//! by one level, this is why it is ok to only store the facets string on the level 1.
+//! If a group of aggregated facets values, a group with numbers contains one of the documents ids,
+//! we must continue iterating over the sub-groups. To do so:
+//!   - If we are at a level >= 2, we just do the same as with the facet numbers, get both bounds
+//!     and iterate over the facet groups defined by these numbers over the current level - 1.
+//!   - If we are at level 1, we retrieve both keys, the left-string and right-string, from the
+//!     value and just do the same as with the facet numbers but with strings: iterate over the
+//!     current level - 1 with both keys.
+//! If this group is the lowest level (level 0) and contain at least one document id we yield the
+//! associated facet documents ids.
+//! If the group doesn't contain one of our documents ids, we continue to the next group at this
+//! same level.
diff --git a/milli/src/search/facet/mod.rs b/milli/src/search/facet/mod.rs
index e6ea92543..d92a8e4bd 100644
--- a/milli/src/search/facet/mod.rs
+++ b/milli/src/search/facet/mod.rs
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ pub(crate) use self::parser::Rule as ParserRule;
 mod facet_distribution;
 mod facet_number;
+mod facet_string;
 mod filter_condition;
 mod parser;