mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:14:15 +08:00
Implement attribute criterion
* Implement WordLevelIterator * Implement QueryLevelIterator * Implement set algorithm based on iterators Not tested + Some TODO to fix
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
use std::cmp;
use std::{cmp::{self, Ordering}, collections::BinaryHeap};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, btree_map};
use std::mem::take;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::{search::build_dfa};
use crate::{TreeLevel, search::build_dfa};
use crate::search::criteria::Query;
use crate::search::query_tree::{Operation, QueryKind};
use crate::search::WordDerivationsCache;
use super::{Criterion, CriterionResult, Context, resolve_query_tree};
pub struct Attribute<'t> {
ctx: &'t dyn Context,
ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>,
query_tree: Option<Operation>,
candidates: Option<RoaringBitmap>,
bucket_candidates: RoaringBitmap,
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pub struct Attribute<'t> {
impl<'t> Attribute<'t> {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Self {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Self {
Attribute {
query_tree: None,
@ -51,23 +51,27 @@ impl<'t> Criterion for Attribute<'t> {
let current_buckets = match self.current_buckets.as_mut() {
Some(current_buckets) => current_buckets,
None => {
let new_buckets = linear_compute_candidates(self.ctx, flattened_query_tree, candidates)?;
let found_candidates = if candidates.len() < 1000 {
let current_buckets = match self.current_buckets.as_mut() {
Some(current_buckets) => current_buckets,
None => {
let new_buckets = linear_compute_candidates(self.ctx, flattened_query_tree, candidates)?;
let found_candidates = match current_buckets.next() {
Some((_score, candidates)) => candidates,
None => {
return Ok(Some(CriterionResult {
query_tree: self.query_tree.take(),
candidates: self.candidates.take(),
bucket_candidates: take(&mut self.bucket_candidates),
match current_buckets.next() {
Some((_score, candidates)) => candidates,
None => {
return Ok(Some(CriterionResult {
query_tree: self.query_tree.take(),
candidates: self.candidates.take(),
bucket_candidates: take(&mut self.bucket_candidates),
} else {
set_compute_candidates(self.ctx, flattened_query_tree, candidates)?
@ -114,6 +118,316 @@ impl<'t> Criterion for Attribute<'t> {
struct WordLevelIterator<'t, 'q> {
inner: Box<dyn Iterator<Item =heed::Result<((&'t str, TreeLevel, u32, u32), RoaringBitmap)>> + 't>,
level: TreeLevel,
interval_size: u32,
word: &'q str,
in_prefix_cache: bool,
inner_next: Option<(u32, u32, RoaringBitmap)>,
current_interval: Option<(u32, u32)>,
impl<'t, 'q> WordLevelIterator<'t, 'q> {
fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>, query: &'q Query) -> heed::Result<Option<Self>> {
// TODO make it typo/prefix tolerant
let word = query.kind.word();
let in_prefix_cache = query.prefix && ctx.in_prefix_cache(word);
match ctx.word_position_last_level(word, in_prefix_cache)? {
Some(level) => {
let interval_size = 4u32.pow(Into::<u8>::into(level.clone()) as u32);
let inner = ctx.word_position_iterator(word, level, in_prefix_cache, None, None)?;
Ok(Some(Self { inner, level, interval_size, word, in_prefix_cache, inner_next: None, current_interval: None }))
None => Ok(None),
fn dig(&self, ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>, level: &TreeLevel) -> heed::Result<Self> {
let level = level.min(&self.level).clone();
let interval_size = 4u32.pow(Into::<u8>::into(level.clone()) as u32);
let word = self.word;
let in_prefix_cache = self.in_prefix_cache;
// TODO try to dig starting from the current interval
// let left = self.current_interval.map(|(left, _)| left);
let inner = ctx.word_position_iterator(word, level, in_prefix_cache, None, None)?;
Ok(Self {inner, level, interval_size, word, in_prefix_cache, inner_next: None, current_interval: None})
fn next(&mut self) -> heed::Result<Option<(u32, u32, RoaringBitmap)>> {
fn is_next_interval(last_right: u32, next_left: u32) -> bool { last_right + 1 == next_left }
let inner_next = match self.inner_next.take() {
Some(inner_next) => Some(inner_next),
None => self.inner.next().transpose()?.map(|((_, _, left, right), docids)| (left, right, docids)),
match inner_next {
Some((left, right, docids)) => {
match self.current_interval {
Some((last_left, last_right)) if !is_next_interval(last_right, left) => {
let blank_left = last_left + self.interval_size;
let blank_right = last_right + self.interval_size;
self.current_interval = Some((blank_left, blank_right));
self.inner_next = Some((left, right, docids));
Ok(Some((blank_left, blank_right, RoaringBitmap::new())))
_ => {
self.current_interval = Some((left, right));
Ok(Some((left, right, docids)))
None => Ok(None),
struct QueryLevelIterator<'t, 'q> {
previous: Option<Box<QueryLevelIterator<'t, 'q>>>,
inner: Vec<WordLevelIterator<'t, 'q>>,
level: TreeLevel,
accumulator: Vec<Option<(u32, u32, RoaringBitmap)>>,
previous_accumulator: Vec<Option<(u32, u32, RoaringBitmap)>>,
impl<'t, 'q> QueryLevelIterator<'t, 'q> {
fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>, queries: &'q Vec<Query>) -> heed::Result<Option<Self>> {
let mut inner = Vec::with_capacity(queries.len());
for query in queries {
if let Some(word_level_iterator) = WordLevelIterator::new(ctx, query)? {
let highest = inner.iter().max_by_key(|wli| wli.level).map(|wli| wli.level.clone());
match highest {
Some(level) => Ok(Some(Self {
previous: None,
accumulator: vec![],
previous_accumulator: vec![],
None => Ok(None),
fn previous(&mut self, previous: QueryLevelIterator<'t, 'q>) -> &Self {
self.previous = Some(Box::new(previous));
fn dig(&self, ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>) -> heed::Result<Self> {
let (level, previous) = match &self.previous {
Some(previous) => {
let previous = previous.dig(ctx)?;
(previous.level.min(self.level), Some(Box::new(previous)))
None => (self.level.saturating_sub(1), None),
let mut inner = Vec::with_capacity(self.inner.len());
for word_level_iterator in self.inner.iter() {
inner.push(word_level_iterator.dig(ctx, &level)?);
Ok(Self {previous, inner, level, accumulator: vec![], previous_accumulator: vec![]})
fn inner_next(&mut self, level: TreeLevel) -> heed::Result<Option<(u32, u32, RoaringBitmap)>> {
let mut accumulated: Option<(u32, u32, RoaringBitmap)> = None;
let u8_level = Into::<u8>::into(level);
let interval_size = 4u32.pow(u8_level as u32);
for wli in self.inner.iter_mut() {
let wli_u8_level = Into::<u8>::into(wli.level.clone());
let accumulated_count = 4u32.pow((u8_level - wli_u8_level) as u32);
for _ in 0..accumulated_count {
if let Some((next_left, _, next_docids)) = wli.next()? {
accumulated = accumulated.take().map(
|(acc_left, acc_right, mut acc_docids)| {
(acc_left, acc_right, acc_docids)
).or_else(|| Some((next_left, next_left + interval_size, next_docids)));
fn next(&mut self) -> heed::Result<(TreeLevel, Option<(u32, u32, RoaringBitmap)>)> {
let previous_result = match self.previous.as_mut() {
Some(previous) => {
None => None,
match previous_result {
Some((previous_level, previous_next)) => {
let inner_next = self.inner_next(previous_level)?;
// TODO @many clean firsts intervals of both accumulators when both RoaringBitmap are empty,
// WARNING the cleaned intervals count needs to be kept to skip at the end
let mut merged_interval = None;
for current in self.accumulator.iter().rev().zip(self.previous_accumulator.iter()) {
if let (Some((left_a, right_a, a)), Some((left_b, right_b, b))) = current {
let (_, _, merged_docids) = merged_interval.get_or_insert_with(|| (left_a + left_b, right_a + right_b, RoaringBitmap::new()));
merged_docids.union_with(&(a & b));
Ok((previous_level, merged_interval))
None => {
let level = self.level.clone();
let next_interval = self.inner_next(level.clone())?;
self.accumulator = vec![next_interval.clone()];
Ok((level, next_interval))
struct Branch<'t, 'q> {
query_level_iterator: QueryLevelIterator<'t, 'q>,
last_result: Option<(u32, u32, RoaringBitmap)>,
tree_level: TreeLevel,
branch_size: u32,
impl<'t, 'q> Branch<'t, 'q> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
fn compute_rank(left: u32, branch_size: u32) -> u32 { left.saturating_sub((1..branch_size).sum()) / branch_size }
match (&self.last_result, &other.last_result) {
(Some((s_left, _, _)), Some((o_left, _, _))) => {
// we compute a rank form the left interval.
let self_rank = compute_rank(*s_left, self.branch_size);
let other_rank = compute_rank(*o_left, other.branch_size);
let left_cmp = self_rank.cmp(&other_rank).reverse();
// on level: higher is better,
// we want to reduce highest levels first.
let level_cmp = self.tree_level.cmp(&other.tree_level);
(Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater,
(None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Less,
(None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
impl<'t, 'q> Ord for Branch<'t, 'q> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl<'t, 'q> PartialOrd for Branch<'t, 'q> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<'t, 'q> PartialEq for Branch<'t, 'q> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.cmp(other) == Ordering::Equal
impl<'t, 'q> Eq for Branch<'t, 'q> {}
fn initialize_query_level_iterators<'t, 'q>(
ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>,
branches: &'q Vec<Vec<Vec<Query>>>,
) -> heed::Result<BinaryHeap<Branch<'t, 'q>>> {
let mut positions = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(branches.len());
for branch in branches {
let mut branch_positions = Vec::with_capacity(branch.len());
for query in branch {
match QueryLevelIterator::new(ctx, query)? {
Some(qli) => branch_positions.push(qli),
None => {
// the branch seems to be invalid, so we skip it.
// QueryLevelIterator need to be sorted by level and folded in descending order.
branch_positions.sort_unstable_by_key(|qli| qli.level);
let folded_query_level_iterators = branch_positions
.fold(None, |fold: Option<QueryLevelIterator>, qli| match fold {
Some(mut fold) => {
None => Some(qli),
if let Some(mut folded_query_level_iterators) = folded_query_level_iterators {
let (tree_level, last_result) = folded_query_level_iterators.next()?;
let branch = Branch {
query_level_iterator: folded_query_level_iterators,
branch_size: branch.len() as u32,
fn set_compute_candidates<'t>(
ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>,
branches: &Vec<Vec<Vec<Query>>>,
allowed_candidates: &RoaringBitmap,
) -> anyhow::Result<RoaringBitmap>
let mut branches_heap = initialize_query_level_iterators(ctx, branches)?;
let lowest_level = TreeLevel::min_value();
while let Some(mut branch) = branches_heap.peek_mut() {
let is_lowest_level = branch.tree_level == lowest_level;
match branch.last_result.as_mut() {
Some((_, _, candidates)) => {
if candidates.len() > 0 && is_lowest_level {
// we have candidates, but we can't dig deeper, return candidates.
return Ok(std::mem::take(candidates));
} else if candidates.len() > 0 {
// we have candidates, lets dig deeper in levels.
let mut query_level_iterator = branch.query_level_iterator.dig(ctx)?;
let (tree_level, last_result) = query_level_iterator.next()?;
branch.query_level_iterator = query_level_iterator;
branch.tree_level = tree_level;
branch.last_result = last_result;
} else {
// we don't have candidates, get next interval.
let (_, last_result) = branch.query_level_iterator.next()?;
branch.last_result = last_result;
// None = no candidates to find.
None => return Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()),
// we made all iterations without finding anything.
fn linear_compute_candidates(
ctx: &dyn Context,
branches: &Vec<Vec<Vec<Query>>>,
@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ pub struct FinalResult {
pub struct Final<'t> {
ctx: &'t dyn Context,
ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>,
parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>,
wdcache: WordDerivationsCache,
impl<'t> Final<'t> {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Final<'t> {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Final<'t> {
Final { ctx, parent, wdcache: WordDerivationsCache::new() }
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use std::borrow::Cow;
use anyhow::bail;
use roaring::RoaringBitmap;
use crate::search::{word_derivations, WordDerivationsCache};
use crate::{TreeLevel, search::{word_derivations, WordDerivationsCache}};
use crate::{Index, DocumentId};
use super::query_tree::{Operation, Query, QueryKind};
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ impl Default for Candidates {
pub trait Context {
pub trait Context<'c> {
fn documents_ids(&self) -> heed::Result<RoaringBitmap>;
fn word_docids(&self, word: &str) -> heed::Result<Option<RoaringBitmap>>;
fn word_prefix_docids(&self, word: &str) -> heed::Result<Option<RoaringBitmap>>;
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ pub trait Context {
fn words_fst<'t>(&self) -> &'t fst::Set<Cow<[u8]>>;
fn in_prefix_cache(&self, word: &str) -> bool;
fn docid_words_positions(&self, docid: DocumentId) -> heed::Result<HashMap<String, RoaringBitmap>>;
fn word_position_iterator(&self, word: &str, level: TreeLevel, in_prefix_cache: bool, left: Option<u32>, right: Option<u32>) -> heed::Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item =heed::Result<((&'c str, TreeLevel, u32, u32), RoaringBitmap)>> + 'c>>;
fn word_position_last_level(&self, word: &str, in_prefix_cache: bool) -> heed::Result<Option<TreeLevel>>;
pub struct CriteriaBuilder<'t> {
rtxn: &'t heed::RoTxn<'t>,
@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ pub struct CriteriaBuilder<'t> {
words_prefixes_fst: fst::Set<Cow<'t, [u8]>>,
impl<'a> Context for CriteriaBuilder<'a> {
impl<'c> Context<'c> for CriteriaBuilder<'c> {
fn documents_ids(&self) -> heed::Result<RoaringBitmap> {
@ -120,6 +122,40 @@ impl<'a> Context for CriteriaBuilder<'a> {
fn word_position_iterator(&self, word: &str, level: TreeLevel, in_prefix_cache: bool, left: Option<u32>, right: Option<u32>) -> heed::Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item =heed::Result<((&'c str, TreeLevel, u32, u32), RoaringBitmap)>> + 'c>> {
let range = {
let left = left.unwrap_or(u32::min_value());
let right = right.unwrap_or(u32::max_value());
let left = (word, level, left, left);
let right = (word, level, right, right);
let db = match in_prefix_cache {
true => self.index.word_prefix_level_position_docids,
false => self.index.word_level_position_docids,
Ok(Box::new(db.range(self.rtxn, &range)?))
fn word_position_last_level(&self, word: &str, in_prefix_cache: bool) -> heed::Result<Option<TreeLevel>> {
let range = {
let left = (word, TreeLevel::min_value(), u32::min_value(), u32::min_value());
let right = (word, TreeLevel::max_value(), u32::max_value(), u32::max_value());
let db = match in_prefix_cache {
true => self.index.word_prefix_level_position_docids,
false => self.index.word_level_position_docids,
let last_level = db
.range(self.rtxn, &range)?.last().transpose()?
.map(|((_, level, _, _), _)| level);
impl<'t> CriteriaBuilder<'t> {
@ -354,7 +390,7 @@ pub mod test {
docid_words: HashMap<u32, Vec<String>>,
impl<'a> Context for TestContext<'a> {
impl<'c> Context<'c> for TestContext<'c> {
fn documents_ids(&self) -> heed::Result<RoaringBitmap> {
Ok(self.word_docids.iter().fold(RoaringBitmap::new(), |acc, (_, docids)| acc | docids))
@ -397,6 +433,14 @@ pub mod test {
fn word_position_iterator(&self, _word: &str, _level: TreeLevel, _in_prefix_cache: bool, _left: Option<u32>, _right: Option<u32>) -> heed::Result<Box<dyn Iterator<Item =heed::Result<((&'c str, TreeLevel, u32, u32), RoaringBitmap)>> + 'c>> {
fn word_position_last_level(&self, _word: &str, _in_prefix_cache: bool) -> heed::Result<Option<TreeLevel>> {
impl<'a> Default for TestContext<'a> {
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use super::{Criterion, CriterionResult, Context, query_docids, query_pair_proxim
type Cache = HashMap<(Operation, u8), Vec<(Query, Query, RoaringBitmap)>>;
pub struct Proximity<'t> {
ctx: &'t dyn Context,
ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>,
/// ((max_proximity, query_tree), allowed_candidates)
state: Option<(Option<(usize, Operation)>, RoaringBitmap)>,
proximity: u8,
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pub struct Proximity<'t> {
impl<'t> Proximity<'t> {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Self {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Self {
Proximity {
state: None,
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use crate::search::{word_derivations, WordDerivationsCache};
use super::{Candidates, Criterion, CriterionResult, Context, query_docids, query_pair_proximity_docids};
pub struct Typo<'t> {
ctx: &'t dyn Context,
ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>,
query_tree: Option<(usize, Operation)>,
number_typos: u8,
candidates: Candidates,
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ pub struct Typo<'t> {
impl<'t> Typo<'t> {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Self {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Self {
Typo {
query_tree: None,
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use crate::search::query_tree::Operation;
use super::{resolve_query_tree, Criterion, CriterionResult, Context, WordDerivationsCache};
pub struct Words<'t> {
ctx: &'t dyn Context,
ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>,
query_trees: Vec<Operation>,
candidates: Option<RoaringBitmap>,
bucket_candidates: RoaringBitmap,
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ pub struct Words<'t> {
impl<'t> Words<'t> {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Self {
pub fn new(ctx: &'t dyn Context<'t>, parent: Box<dyn Criterion + 't>) -> Self {
Words {
query_trees: Vec::default(),
@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ impl TreeLevel {
pub const fn min_value() -> TreeLevel {
pub fn saturating_sub(&self, lhs: u8) -> TreeLevel {
impl Into<u8> for TreeLevel {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user