mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:14:15 +08:00
Fix (hopefully) queries that include processing tasks
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ pub use error::Error;
use meilisearch_types::milli::documents::DocumentsBatchBuilder;
use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Kind, KindWithContent, Status, Task};
use utils::keep_tasks_within_datetimes;
use utils::{keep_tasks_within_datetimes, map_bound};
use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
@ -404,27 +405,41 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
pub fn get_task_ids(&self, query: &Query) -> Result<RoaringBitmap> {
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?;
// This is the list of all the tasks.
let ProcessingTasks { started_at: started_at_processing, processing: tasks_processing } =
let mut tasks = self.all_task_ids(&rtxn)?;
if let Some(uids) = &query.uid {
tasks &= RoaringBitmap::from_iter(uids);
if let Some(status) = &query.status {
let mut include_processing_tasks = false;
let mut status_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new();
for status in status {
status_tasks |= self.get_status(&rtxn, *status)?;
match status {
// special case for Processing tasks
Status::Processing => {
include_processing_tasks = true;
status_tasks |= &tasks_processing;
status => status_tasks |= &self.get_status(&rtxn, *status)?,
if !include_processing_tasks {
tasks -= &tasks_processing;
tasks &= status_tasks;
if let Some(uids) = &query.uid {
let uids = RoaringBitmap::from_iter(uids);
tasks &= &uids;
if let Some(kind) = &query.kind {
let mut kind_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new();
for kind in kind {
kind_tasks |= self.get_kind(&rtxn, *kind)?;
tasks &= kind_tasks;
tasks &= &kind_tasks;
if let Some(index) = &query.index_uid {
@ -432,9 +447,51 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
for index in index {
index_tasks |= self.index_tasks(&rtxn, index)?;
tasks &= index_tasks;
tasks &= &index_tasks;
// For the started_at filter, we need to treat the part of the tasks that are processing from the part of the
// tasks that are not processing. The non-processing ones are filtered normally while the processing ones
// are entirely removed unless the in-memory startedAt variable falls within the date filter.
// Once we have filtered the two subsets, we put them back together and assign it back to `tasks`.
tasks = {
let (mut filtered_non_processing_tasks, mut filtered_processing_tasks) =
(&tasks - &tasks_processing, &tasks & &tasks_processing);
// special case for Processing tasks
// in a loop because I want to break early if both query.after_started_at and query.before_started_at are None
// it doesn't actually loop
'block: loop {
let bounds = match (query.after_started_at, query.before_started_at) {
(None, None) => break 'block,
(None, Some(before)) => (Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Excluded(before)),
(Some(after), None) => (Bound::Excluded(after), Bound::Unbounded),
(Some(after), Some(before)) => {
(Bound::Excluded(after), Bound::Excluded(before))
let start = map_bound(bounds.0, |b| b.unix_timestamp_nanos());
let end = map_bound(bounds.1, |b| b.unix_timestamp_nanos());
let is_within_dates = RangeBounds::contains(
&(start, end),
if !is_within_dates {
break 'block;
&mut filtered_non_processing_tasks,
filtered_non_processing_tasks | filtered_processing_tasks
&mut tasks,
@ -443,14 +500,6 @@ impl IndexScheduler {
&mut tasks,
&mut tasks,
@ -831,6 +880,7 @@ mod tests {
use meili_snap::snapshot;
use meilisearch_types::milli::update::IndexDocumentsMethod::ReplaceDocuments;
use tempfile::TempDir;
use time::Duration;
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::snapshot::{snapshot_bitmap, snapshot_index_scheduler};
@ -1463,16 +1513,172 @@ mod tests {
fn query_processing_tasks() {
let start_time = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let (index_scheduler, handle) =
IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![(1, FailureLocation::InsideCreateBatch)]);
IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![(3, FailureLocation::InsideProcessBatch)]);
let kind = index_creation_task("catto", "mouse");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("doggo", "sheep");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind).unwrap();
let kind = index_creation_task("whalo", "fish");
let _task = index_scheduler.register(kind).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "start");
let query = Query { status: Some(vec![Status::Processing]), ..Default::default() };
let processing_tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&processing_tasks), @"[0,]");
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,]"); // only the processing tasks in the first tick
let query = Query { status: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued]), ..Default::default() };
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[1,2,]"); // only the enqueued tasks in the first tick
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,1,2,]"); // both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(start_time),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the test, which should excludes the enqueued tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,]");
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
before_started_at: Some(start_time),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes before the start of the test, which should excludes all of them
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(start_time),
before_started_at: Some(start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// both enqueued and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the test and before one minute after the start of the test,
// which should exclude the enqueued tasks and include the only processing task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,]");
let second_start_time = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(start_time),
before_started_at: Some(start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// both succeeded and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the test and before one minute after the start of the test,
// which should include all tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[0,1,]");
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
before_started_at: Some(start_time),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// both succeeded and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes before the start of the test, which should exclude all tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// both succeeded and processing tasks in the first tick, but limited to those with a started_at
// that comes after the start of the second part of the test and before one minute after the
// second start of the test, which should exclude all tasks
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
// now we make one more batch, the started_at field of the new tasks will be past `second_start_time`
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// we run the same query to verify that, and indeed find that the last task is matched
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Enqueued, Status::Succeeded, Status::Processing]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// enqueued, succeeded, or processing tasks started after the second part of the test, should
// again only return the last task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
// now the last task should have failed
snapshot!(snapshot_index_scheduler(&index_scheduler), name: "end");
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// so running the last query should return nothing
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// but the same query on failed tasks should return the last task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// but the same query on failed tasks should return the last task
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
uid: Some(vec![1]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// same query but with an invalid uid
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[]");
let query = Query {
status: Some(vec![Status::Failed]),
uid: Some(vec![2]),
after_started_at: Some(second_start_time),
before_started_at: Some(second_start_time + Duration::minutes(1)),
let tasks = index_scheduler.get_task_ids(&query).unwrap();
// same query but with a valid uid
snapshot!(snapshot_bitmap(&tasks), @"[2,]");
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: succeeded, details: { primary_key: Some("mouse") }, kind: IndexCreation { index_uid: "catto", primary_key: Some("mouse") }}
1 {uid: 1, status: succeeded, details: { primary_key: Some("sheep") }, kind: IndexCreation { index_uid: "doggo", primary_key: Some("sheep") }}
2 {uid: 2, status: failed, error: ResponseError { code: 200, message: "Corrupted task queue.", error_code: "internal", error_type: "internal", error_link: "https://docs.meilisearch.com/errors#internal" }, details: { primary_key: Some("fish") }, kind: IndexCreation { index_uid: "whalo", primary_key: Some("fish") }}
### Status:
enqueued []
succeeded [0,1,]
failed [2,]
### Kind:
"indexCreation" [0,1,2,]
### Index Tasks:
catto [0,]
doggo [1,]
whalo [2,]
### Index Mapper:
["catto", "doggo"]
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Started At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Finished At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### File Store:
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
source: index-scheduler/src/lib.rs
### Autobatching Enabled = true
### Processing Tasks:
### All Tasks:
0 {uid: 0, status: enqueued, details: { primary_key: Some("mouse") }, kind: IndexCreation { index_uid: "catto", primary_key: Some("mouse") }}
1 {uid: 1, status: enqueued, details: { primary_key: Some("sheep") }, kind: IndexCreation { index_uid: "doggo", primary_key: Some("sheep") }}
2 {uid: 2, status: enqueued, details: { primary_key: Some("fish") }, kind: IndexCreation { index_uid: "whalo", primary_key: Some("fish") }}
### Status:
enqueued [0,1,2,]
### Kind:
"indexCreation" [0,1,2,]
### Index Tasks:
catto [0,]
doggo [1,]
whalo [2,]
### Index Mapper:
### Enqueued At:
[timestamp] [0,]
[timestamp] [1,]
[timestamp] [2,]
### Started At:
### Finished At:
### File Store:
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ pub(crate) fn keep_tasks_within_datetimes(
// TODO: remove when Bound::map ( https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/86026 ) is available on stable
fn map_bound<T, U>(bound: Bound<T>, map: impl FnOnce(T) -> U) -> Bound<U> {
pub(crate) fn map_bound<T, U>(bound: Bound<T>, map: impl FnOnce(T) -> U) -> Bound<U> {
match bound {
Bound::Included(x) => Bound::Included(map(x)),
Bound::Excluded(x) => Bound::Excluded(map(x)),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user