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2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
2020-10-19 17:52:59 +08:00
use crossbeam_channel::Sender;
use heed::types::{OwnedType, DecodeIgnore, SerdeJson, ByteSlice};
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
use heed::{EnvOpenOptions, Env, Database};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use crate::BEU64;
pub struct UpdateStore<M, N> {
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
env: Env,
pending_meta: Database<OwnedType<BEU64>, SerdeJson<M>>,
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
pending: Database<OwnedType<BEU64>, ByteSlice>,
processed_meta: Database<OwnedType<BEU64>, SerdeJson<N>>,
notification_sender: Sender<()>,
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
impl<M: 'static, N: 'static> UpdateStore<M, N> {
pub fn open<P, F>(
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
mut options: EnvOpenOptions,
path: P,
mut update_function: F,
) -> heed::Result<Arc<UpdateStore<M, N>>>
P: AsRef<Path>,
F: FnMut(u64, M, &[u8]) -> heed::Result<N> + Send + 'static,
M: for<'a> Deserialize<'a>,
N: Serialize,
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
let env =;
let pending_meta = env.create_database(Some("pending-meta"))?;
let pending = env.create_database(Some("pending"))?;
let processed_meta = env.create_database(Some("processed-meta"))?;
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
let (notification_sender, notification_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(1);
let update_store = Arc::new(UpdateStore {
let update_store_cloned = update_store.clone();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
// Block and wait for something to process.
for () in notification_receiver {
loop {
match update_store_cloned.process_pending_update(&mut update_function) {
Ok(Some(_)) => (),
Ok(None) => break,
Err(e) => eprintln!("error while processing update: {}", e),
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
/// Returns the new biggest id to use to store the new update.
fn new_update_id(&self, txn: &heed::RoTxn) -> heed::Result<u64> {
let last_pending = self.pending_meta
.last::<_, OwnedType<BEU64>, DecodeIgnore>(txn)?
.map(|(k, _)| k.get());
if let Some(last_id) = last_pending {
return Ok(last_id + 1);
let last_processed = self.processed_meta
.last::<_, OwnedType<BEU64>, DecodeIgnore>(txn)?
.map(|(k, _)| k.get());
match last_processed {
Some(last_id) => Ok(last_id + 1),
None => Ok(0),
/// Registers the update content in the pending store and the meta
/// into the pending-meta store. Returns the new unique update id.
pub fn register_update(&self, meta: &M, content: &[u8]) -> heed::Result<u64>
where M: Serialize,
let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
// We ask the update store to give us a new update id, this is safe,
// no other update can have the same id because we use a write txn before
// asking for the id and registering it so other update registering
// will be forced to wait for a new write txn.
let update_id = self.new_update_id(&wtxn)?;
let update_key = BEU64::new(update_id);
self.pending_meta.put(&mut wtxn, &update_key, meta)?;
self.pending.put(&mut wtxn, &update_key, content)?;
if let Err(e) = self.notification_sender.try_send(()) {
assert!(!e.is_disconnected(), "update notification channel is disconnected");
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
/// Executes the user provided function on the next pending update (the one with the lowest id).
/// This is asynchronous as it let the user process the update with a read-only txn and
/// only writing the result meta to the processed-meta store *after* it has been processed.
fn process_pending_update<F>(&self, mut f: F) -> heed::Result<Option<(u64, N)>>
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
F: FnMut(u64, M, &[u8]) -> heed::Result<N>,
M: for<'a> Deserialize<'a>,
N: Serialize,
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
// Create a read transaction to be able to retrieve the pending update in order.
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?;
let first_meta = self.pending_meta.first(&rtxn)?;
// If there is a pending update we process and only keep
// a reader while processing it, not a writer.
match first_meta {
Some((first_id, first_meta)) => {
let first_content = self.pending
.get(&rtxn, &first_id)?
.expect("associated update content");
// Process the pending update using the provided user function.
let new_meta = (f)(first_id.get(), first_meta, first_content)?;
// Once the pending update have been successfully processed
// we must remove the content from the pending stores and
// write the *new* meta to the processed-meta store and commit.
let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?;
self.pending_meta.delete(&mut wtxn, &first_id)?;
self.pending.delete(&mut wtxn, &first_id)?;
self.processed_meta.put(&mut wtxn, &first_id, &new_meta)?;
Ok(Some((first_id.get(), new_meta)))
None => Ok(None)
/// Execute the user defined function with both meta-store iterators, the first
/// iterator is the *processed* meta one and the secind is the *pending* meta one.
pub fn iter_metas<F, T>(&self, mut f: F) -> heed::Result<T>
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
M: for<'a> Deserialize<'a>,
N: for<'a> Deserialize<'a>,
F: for<'a> FnMut(
heed::RoIter<'a, OwnedType<BEU64>, SerdeJson<N>>,
heed::RoIter<'a, OwnedType<BEU64>, SerdeJson<M>>,
) -> heed::Result<T>,
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?;
// We get both the pending and processed meta iterators.
let processed_iter = self.processed_meta.iter(&rtxn)?;
let pending_iter = self.pending_meta.iter(&rtxn)?;
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
// We execute the user defined function with both iterators.
(f)(processed_iter, pending_iter)
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
/// Returns the update associated meta or `None` if the update deosn't exist.
pub fn meta(&self, update_id: u64) -> heed::Result<Option<UpdateStatusMeta<M, N>>>
M: for<'a> Deserialize<'a>,
N: for<'a> Deserialize<'a>,
let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?;
let key = BEU64::new(update_id);
if let Some(meta) = self.pending_meta.get(&rtxn, &key)? {
return Ok(Some(UpdateStatusMeta::Pending(meta)));
match self.processed_meta.get(&rtxn, &key)? {
Some(meta) => Ok(Some(UpdateStatusMeta::Processed(meta))),
None => Ok(None),
2020-10-18 21:16:57 +08:00
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum UpdateStatusMeta<M, N> {
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::thread;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
fn simple() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let options = EnvOpenOptions::new();
let update_store = UpdateStore::open(options, dir, |_id, meta: String, _content| {
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
Ok(meta + " processed")
let meta = String::from("kiki");
let update_id = update_store.register_update(&meta, &[]).unwrap();
2020-10-19 20:00:00 +08:00
let meta = update_store.meta(update_id).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(meta, UpdateStatusMeta::Processed(format!("kiki processed")));
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
fn long_running_update() {
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let options = EnvOpenOptions::new();
let update_store = UpdateStore::open(options, dir, |_id, meta: String, _content| {
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
Ok(meta + " processed")
let before_register = Instant::now();
let meta = String::from("kiki");
let update_id_kiki = update_store.register_update(&meta, &[]).unwrap();
assert!(before_register.elapsed() < Duration::from_millis(200));
let meta = String::from("coco");
let update_id_coco = update_store.register_update(&meta, &[]).unwrap();
assert!(before_register.elapsed() < Duration::from_millis(200));
let meta = String::from("cucu");
let update_id_cucu = update_store.register_update(&meta, &[]).unwrap();
assert!(before_register.elapsed() < Duration::from_millis(200));
thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(400 * 3 + 100));
2020-10-19 20:00:00 +08:00
let meta = update_store.meta(update_id_kiki).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(meta, UpdateStatusMeta::Processed(format!("kiki processed")));
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
2020-10-19 20:00:00 +08:00
let meta = update_store.meta(update_id_coco).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(meta, UpdateStatusMeta::Processed(format!("coco processed")));
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00
2020-10-19 20:00:00 +08:00
let meta = update_store.meta(update_id_cucu).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(meta, UpdateStatusMeta::Processed(format!("cucu processed")));
2020-10-19 00:22:32 +08:00