
163 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::cmp::{self, Ordering};
use std::ops::Deref;
use rocksdb::DB;
use crate::rank::{Document, Matches};
2018-10-11 20:04:41 +08:00
use crate::rank::criterion::Criterion;
use crate::database::DatabaseView;
use crate::Match;
const MAX_DISTANCE: u32 = 8;
fn index_proximity(lhs: u32, rhs: u32) -> u32 {
if lhs < rhs {
cmp::min(rhs - lhs, MAX_DISTANCE)
} else {
cmp::min(lhs - rhs, MAX_DISTANCE) + 1
fn attribute_proximity(lhs: &Match, rhs: &Match) -> u32 {
if lhs.attribute.attribute() != rhs.attribute.attribute() { return MAX_DISTANCE }
index_proximity(lhs.attribute.word_index(), rhs.attribute.word_index())
fn min_proximity(lhs: &[Match], rhs: &[Match]) -> u32 {
let mut min_prox = u32::max_value();
for a in lhs {
for b in rhs {
min_prox = cmp::min(min_prox, attribute_proximity(a, b));
fn matches_proximity(matches: &Matches) -> u32 {
let mut proximity = 0;
let mut iter = matches.query_index_groups();
// iterate over groups by windows of size 2
let mut last =;
while let (Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) = (last, {
proximity += min_proximity(lhs, rhs);
last = Some(rhs);
2018-10-11 20:04:41 +08:00
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct WordsProximity;
impl<D> Criterion<D> for WordsProximity
where D: Deref<Target=DB>
fn evaluate(&self, lhs: &Document, rhs: &Document, _: &DatabaseView<D>) -> Ordering {
2018-10-11 20:04:41 +08:00
let lhs = matches_proximity(&lhs.matches);
let rhs = matches_proximity(&rhs.matches);
2018-10-11 20:04:41 +08:00
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::Attribute;
fn three_different_attributes() {
// "soup" "of the" "the day"
// { id: 0, attr: 0, attr_index: 0 }
// { id: 1, attr: 1, attr_index: 0 }
// { id: 2, attr: 1, attr_index: 1 }
// { id: 2, attr: 2, attr_index: 0 }
// { id: 3, attr: 3, attr_index: 1 }
let matches = &[
Match { query_index: 0, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(0, 0), ..Match::zero() },
Match { query_index: 1, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(1, 0), ..Match::zero() },
Match { query_index: 2, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(1, 1), ..Match::zero() },
Match { query_index: 2, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(2, 0), ..Match::zero() },
Match { query_index: 3, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(3, 1), ..Match::zero() },
// soup -> of = 8
// + of -> the = 1
// + the -> day = 8 (not 1)
let matches = Matches::from_unsorted_matches(matches.to_vec());
assert_eq!(matches_proximity(matches), 17);
fn two_different_attributes() {
// "soup day" "soup of the day"
// { id: 0, attr: 0, attr_index: 0 }
// { id: 0, attr: 1, attr_index: 0 }
// { id: 1, attr: 1, attr_index: 1 }
// { id: 2, attr: 1, attr_index: 2 }
// { id: 3, attr: 0, attr_index: 1 }
// { id: 3, attr: 1, attr_index: 3 }
let matches = &[
Match { query_index: 0, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(0, 0), ..Match::zero() },
Match { query_index: 0, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(1, 0), ..Match::zero() },
Match { query_index: 1, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(1, 1), ..Match::zero() },
Match { query_index: 2, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(1, 2), ..Match::zero() },
Match { query_index: 3, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(0, 1), ..Match::zero() },
Match { query_index: 3, attribute: Attribute::new_faillible(1, 3), ..Match::zero() },
// soup -> of = 1
// + of -> the = 1
// + the -> day = 1
assert_eq!(matches_proximity(matches), 3);
#[cfg(all(feature = "nightly", test))]
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use super::*;
use std::error::Error;
use self::test::Bencher;
use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use crate::Attribute;
fn evaluate_proximity(bench: &mut Bencher) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
let number_matches = 30_000;
let mut matches = Vec::with_capacity(number_matches);
let mut rng = XorShiftRng::seed_from_u64(42);
for _ in 0..number_matches {
let query_index = rng.gen_range(0, 4);
let attribute = rng.gen_range(0, 5);
let word_index = rng.gen_range(0, 15);
let attribute = Attribute::new_faillible(attribute, word_index);
let match_ = Match { query_index, attribute, ..Match::zero() };
bench.iter(|| {
let proximity = matches_proximity(&matches);
test::black_box(move || proximity)