mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 03:44:32 +08:00
docs: vuepress构建文档
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
import { defineUserConfig } from "vuepress";
import {defineUserConfig} from "vuepress";
import theme from "./theme.js";
import viteBundler from "@vuepress/bundler-vite";
export default defineUserConfig({
base: "/",
base: "/",
lang: "zh-CN",
title: "文档演示",
description: "vuepress-theme-hope 的文档演示",
lang: "zh-CN",
title: "LiteyukiBot",
description: "An OneBot Standard ChatBot",
head: [
// 设置 favor.ico,.vuepress/public 下
'link', {rel: 'icon', href: 'https://cdn.liteyuki.icu/favicon.ico'}
// 和 PWA 一起启用
// shouldPrefetch: false,
// 和 PWA 一起启用
// shouldPrefetch: false,
@ -2,29 +2,6 @@ import { navbar } from "vuepress-theme-hope";
export default navbar([
text: "指南",
icon: "lightbulb",
prefix: "/guide/",
children: [
text: "Bar",
icon: "lightbulb",
prefix: "bar/",
children: ["baz", { text: "...", icon: "ellipsis", link: "" }],
text: "Foo",
icon: "lightbulb",
prefix: "foo/",
children: ["ray", { text: "...", icon: "ellipsis", link: "" }],
text: "V2 文档",
icon: "book",
link: "https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/",
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB |
@ -4,22 +4,18 @@ export default sidebar({
"/": [
text: "案例",
text: "项目部署",
icon: "laptop-code",
prefix: "demo/",
link: "demo/",
prefix: "deployment/",
link: "deployment/",
children: "structure",
text: "文档",
icon: "book",
prefix: "guide/",
text: "使用手册",
icon: "laptop-code",
prefix: "usage/",
link: "usage/",
children: "structure",
text: "幻灯片",
icon: "person-chalkboard",
link: "https://plugin-md-enhance.vuejs.press/zh/guide/content/revealjs/demo.html",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
import {hopeTheme} from "vuepress-theme-hope";
import navbar from "./navbar.js";
import sidebar from "./sidebar.js";
export default hopeTheme({
hostname: "https://vuepress-theme-hope-docs-demo.netlify.app",
author: {
name: "SnowyKami",
url: "https://snowykami.me",
iconAssets: "fontawesome-with-brands",
logo: "https://cdn.liteyuki.icu/static/img/logo.png",
repo: "https://github.com/snowykami/LiteyukiBot",
docsDir: "src",
// 导航栏
// 侧边栏
// 页脚
footer: "LiteyukiBot",
displayFooter: true,
// 加密配置
encrypt: {
config: {
"/demo/encrypt.html": ["1234"],
// 多语言配置
metaLocales: {
editLink: "在 GitHub 上编辑此页",
// 如果想要实时查看任何改变,启用它。注: 这对更新性能有很大负面影响
// hotReload: true,
// 在这里配置主题提供的插件
plugins: {
// 你应该自行生成自己的评论服务
comment: {
provider: "Giscus",
repo: "vuepress-theme-hope/giscus-discussions",
repoId: "R_kgDOG_Pt2A",
category: "Announcements",
categoryId: "DIC_kwDOG_Pt2M4COD69",
components: {
components: ["Badge", "VPCard"],
// 此处开启了很多功能用于演示,你应仅保留用到的功能。
mdEnhance: {
align: true,
attrs: true,
codetabs: true,
component: true,
demo: true,
figure: true,
imgLazyload: true,
imgSize: true,
include: true,
mark: true,
stylize: [
matcher: "Recommended",
replacer: ({tag}) => {
if (tag === "em")
return {
tag: "Badge",
attrs: {type: "tip"},
content: "Recommended",
sub: true,
sup: true,
tabs: true,
vPre: true,
// 在启用之前安装 chart.js
// chart: true,
// insert component easily
// 在启用之前安装 echarts
// echarts: true,
// 在启用之前安装 flowchart.ts
// flowchart: true,
// gfm requires mathjax-full to provide tex support
// gfm: true,
// 在启用之前安装 katex
// katex: true,
// 在启用之前安装 mathjax-full
// mathjax: true,
// 在启用之前安装 mermaid
// mermaid: true,
// playground: {
// presets: ["ts", "vue"],
// },
// 在启用之前安装 reveal.js
// revealJs: {
// plugins: ["highlight", "math", "search", "notes", "zoom"],
// },
// 在启用之前安装 @vue/repl
// vuePlayground: true,
// install sandpack-vue3 before enabling it
// sandpack: true,
// 如果你需要 PWA。安装 @vuepress/plugin-pwa 并取消下方注释
// pwa: {
// favicon: "/favicon.ico",
// cacheHTML: true,
// cachePic: true,
// appendBase: true,
// apple: {
// icon: "/assets/icon/apple-icon-152.png",
// statusBarColor: "black",
// },
// msTile: {
// image: "/assets/icon/ms-icon-144.png",
// color: "#ffffff",
// },
// manifest: {
// icons: [
// {
// src: "/assets/icon/chrome-mask-512.png",
// sizes: "512x512",
// purpose: "maskable",
// type: "image/png",
// },
// {
// src: "/assets/icon/chrome-mask-192.png",
// sizes: "192x192",
// purpose: "maskable",
// type: "image/png",
// },
// {
// src: "/assets/icon/chrome-512.png",
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// },
// {
// src: "/assets/icon/chrome-192.png",
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// },
// ],
// shortcuts: [
// {
// name: "Demo",
// short_name: "Demo",
// url: "/demo/",
// icons: [
// {
// src: "/assets/icon/guide-maskable.png",
// sizes: "192x192",
// purpose: "maskable",
// type: "image/png",
// },
// ],
// },
// ],
// },
// },
@ -1,280 +1,42 @@
home: true
icon: home
title: 项目主页
heroImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/logo.svg
title: 首页
heroImage: https://cdn.liteyuki.icu/static/img/logo.png
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/6-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/6-dark.svg
background-attachment: fixed
heroText: 项目名称
tagline: 你可以在这里放置或是整个项目的描述。
heroText: LiteyukiBot 6
tagline: 基于Nonebot2的OneBot标准聊天机器人,不仅仅局限于OneBot
- text: 使用指南
icon: lightbulb
link: ./demo/
link: ./usage/
type: primary
- text: 文档
link: ./guide/
#1. 安装 `Git` 和 `Python3.10+` 环境
#2. 克隆项目 `git clone https://github.com/snowykami/LiteyukiBot` (无法连接可以用`https://gitee.com/snowykami/LiteyukiBot`)
#3. 切换目录`cd LiteyukiBot`
#4. 安装依赖`pip install -r requirements.txt`(如果多个Python环境请指定后安装`pythonx -m pip install -r requirements.txt`)
#5. 启动`python main.py`
- header: 易于安装
- header: 快速部署
image: /assets/image/box.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/3-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/3-dark.svg
- title: 运行 <code>pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope hope-project</code> 以创建一个新的主题项目。
- title: 在已有项目根目录下运行 <code>pnpm create vuepress-theme-hope add .</code> 以在项目中添加主题。
- header: 在 Markdown 中添加你想要的内容
description: 我们扩展了标准的 CommonMark 规范,为你添加了成吨功能。
image: /assets/image/markdown.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/2-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/2-dark.svg
background-repeat: repeat
background-size: initial
- title: 链接检查
icon: clipboard-check
details: 检查 Markdown 链接
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/others.html#link-check
- title: 提示容器支持
icon: box-archive
details: 用样式装饰 Markdown 内容
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/hint.html
- title: GFM 警告
icon: bell
details: GFM 风格的警告容器
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/alert.html
- title: 选项卡
icon: table-columns
details: 使用选项卡对相似内容进行分组
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/tabs.html
- title: 代码组
icon: code
details: 使用选项卡对相似代码进行分组
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/code-tabs.html
- title: 自定义对齐支持
icon: align-center
details: 让你在 Markdown 中对段落进行对齐
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/align.html
- title: 自定义属性支持
icon: code
details: 让你为 Markdown 元素添加属性
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/attrs.html
- title: 上下角标支持
icon: superscript
details: 你的 Markdown 现在将支持上下角标
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/sup-sub.html
- title: 脚注
icon: quote-left
details: 你的 Markdown 现在将支持脚注
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/footnote.html
- title: 标记支持
icon: highlighter
details: 让你在 Markdown 中对词句进行标记
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/mark.html
- title: 任务列表
icon: square-check
details: 在 Markdown 中使用任务列表
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/tasklist.html
- title: 图片语法
icon: image
details: 使用改进的语法指定图片大小与颜色模式
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/image.html
- title: 组件支持
icon: puzzle-piece
details: 在 Markdown 中轻松插入组件
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/component.html
- title: 图表支持
icon: chart-simple
details: 在 Markdown 中展示图表
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/chartjs.html
- title: 流程图支持
icon: route
details: 可以在 Markdown 中直接写出流程图
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/flowchart.html
- title: Mermaid 支持
icon: chart-pie
details: 可以在 Markdown 中添加 Mermaid 图例
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/mermaid.html
- title: Tex 支持
icon: square-root-variable
details: Markdown 现在也可以支持 Tex 语法以显示公式
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/tex.html
- title: 导入文件支持
icon: fab fa-markdown
details: 将你的文档分段,并在 Markdown 中导入
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/include.html
- title: 交互演示支持
icon: code
details: 你可以在 Markdown 中添加交互演示
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/playground.html
- title: Vue 交互演示支持
icon: fab fa-vuejs
details: 在交互演示中展示 Vue 组件
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/vue-playground.html
- title: Sandpack 交互演示支持
icon: code
details: Sandpack 驱动的实时的编码环境
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/sandpack.html
- title: 代码案例支持
icon: laptop-code
details: 你可以很方便的插入代码案例
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/demo.html
- title: 幻灯片支持
icon: person-chalkboard
details: 通过 Reveal.js 在 Markdown 中插入幻灯片
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/markdown/revealjs.html
- header: 布局
description: 一个带有完整无障碍支持的响应式布局。
image: /assets/image/layout.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-dark.svg
- title: 布局增强
icon: object-group
details: 添加路径导航、页脚、改进的导航栏、改进的页面导航等。
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/layout/
- title: 深色模式
icon: circle-half-stroke
details: 可以自由切换浅色模式与深色模式
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/interface/darkmode.html
- title: 主题色切换
icon: palette
details: 支持自定义主题色并允许用户在预设的主题颜色之间切换
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/interface/theme-color.html
- title: 幻灯片页面
icon: person-chalkboard
details: 添加幻灯片页面以显示你喜欢的内容
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/layout/slides
- title: 更多
icon: ellipsis
details: RTL 布局,打印支持,全局按钮等
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/interface/others.html
- header: 新功能
image: /assets/image/features.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/1-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/1-dark.svg
- title: 浏览量与评论
icon: comment-dots
details: 配合 Waline 来开启阅读量统计与评论支持
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/feature/comment.html
- title: 文章信息
icon: circle-info
details: 为你的文章添加作者、写作日期、预计阅读时间、字数统计等信息
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/feature/page-info.html
- title: 文章加密
icon: lock
details: 你可以为你的特定页面或特定目录进行加密,以便陌生人不能随意访问它们
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/feature/encrypt.html
- title: 搜索支持
icon: search
details: 支持 docsearch 和基于客户端的搜索
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/feature/search.html
- title: 代码复制
icon: copy
details: 一键复制代码块中的代码
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/feature/copy-code.html
- title: 图片预览
icon: image
details: 像相册一样允许你浏览、缩放并分享你的页面图片
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/feature/photo-swipe.html
- header: 博客
description: 通过主题创建个人博客
image: /assets/image/blog.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/5-dark.svg
- title: 博客功能
icon: blog
details: 通过文章的日期、标签和分类展示文章
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/blog/intro.html
- title: 博客主页
icon: home
details: 全新博客主页
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/blog/home.html
- title: 博主信息
icon: home
details: 自定义名称、头像、座右铭和社交媒体链接
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/blog/blogger.html
- title: 时间线
icon: home
details: 在时间线中浏览和通读博文
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/blog/timeline.html
- header: 高级
description: 增强站点与用户体验的高级功能
image: /assets/image/advanced.svg
bgImage: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/4-light.svg
bgImageDark: https://theme-hope-assets.vuejs.press/bg/4-dark.svg
- title: SEO 增强
icon: dumbbell
details: 将最终生成的网页针对搜索引擎进行优化。
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/advanced/seo.html
- title: Sitemap
icon: sitemap
details: 自动为你的网站生成 Sitemap
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/advanced/sitemap.html
- title: Feed 支持
icon: rss
details: 生成你的 Feed,并通知你的用户订阅它
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/advanced/feed.html
- title: PWA 支持
icon: mobile-screen
details: 让你的网站更像一个 APP
link: https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/advanced/pwa.html
- title: 安装 Git 和 Python3.10+
- title: 使用 <code>git clone https://github.com/snowykami/LiteyukiBot</code> 以克隆项目至本地。
details: 如果无法连接到GitHub,可以使用 <code>git clone https://gitee.com/snowykami/LiteyukiBot</code>。
- title: 使用 <code>cd LiteyukiBot</code> 切换到项目目录。
- title: 使用 <code>pip install -r requirements.txt</code> 安装项目依赖。
details: 如果你有多个 Python 环境,请使用 <code>pythonx -m pip install -r requirements.txt</code>。
- title: 使用 <code>python main.py</code> 启动项目。
copyright: false
footer: 使用 <a href="https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/" target="_blank">VuePress Theme Hope</a> 主题 | MIT 协议, 版权所有 © 2019-present Mr.Hope
想要使用此布局,你需要在页面 front matter 中设置 `home: true`。
配置项的相关说明详见 [项目主页配置](https://theme-hope.vuejs.press/zh/guide/layout/home/)。
@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ category:
- 使用指南
<Catalog />
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
title: 布局
icon: object-group
order: 2
- 指南
order: 3
category: 使用指南
- 布局
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ cover: /assets/images/cover1.jpg
# 这是页面的图标
icon: file
# 这是侧边栏的顺序
order: 3
order: 4
# 设置作者
author: Ms.Hope
# 设置写作时间
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: 快速部署
index: false
icon: laptop-code
category: 安装和配置
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: 配置
icon: object-group
order: 2
category: 使用指南
- 配置
- 部署
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: 安装
icon: object-group
order: 1
category: 使用指南
- 安装
1. 安装 `Git` 和 `Python3.10+` 环境
2. 克隆项目 `git clone https://github.com/snowykami/LiteyukiBot` (无法连接可以用`https://gitee.com/snowykami/LiteyukiBot`)
3. 切换目录`cd LiteyukiBot`
4. 安装依赖`pip install -r requirements.txt`(如果多个Python环境请指定后安装`pythonx -m pip install -r requirements.txt`)
5. 启动`python main.py`
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: 使用指南
index: false
icon: laptop-code
category: 使用指南
Reference in New Issue
Block a user