import re import jieba.posseg _processors = [] _processors_without_keyword = [] def as_processor(keywords=None): def decorator(func): if keywords: _processors.append((keywords, func)) else: _processors_without_keyword.append(func) return func return decorator def parse_potential_commands(sentence): segmentation = list(jieba.posseg.cut(sentence=sentence)) print('分词结果:', segmentation) potential_commands = [] for processor in _processors: processed = False for regex in processor[0]: for word, flag in segmentation: if, word): result = processor[1](sentence, segmentation) if result: potential_commands.append(result) processed = True # A word matched, skip the rest of words break if processed: # Current processor has processed, skip the rest of keywords break for func in _processors_without_keyword: result = func(sentence, segmentation) if result: potential_commands.append(result) print('可能的命令:', potential_commands) return potential_commands