import re from datetime import date, timedelta import requests from command import CommandRegistry from commands import core from commands import scheduler from interactive import * from little_shit import SkipException, get_source __registry__ = cr = CommandRegistry() @cr.register('zhihu_daily', 'zhihu-daily', 'zhihu', '知乎日报') def zhihu_daily(args_text, ctx_msg): arg = args_text.strip() reply = None try: if not arg: sub_url = '/latest' else: m = re.match('(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})', arg) if m and ''.join(m.groups()) >= '20130519': thedate = date(year=int(, month=int(, day=int( sub_url = '/before/' + (thedate + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y%m%d') else: reply = '命令格式错误,正确的命令格式:\n' \ '/zhihu\n' \ '或\n' \ '/zhihu 2016-11-29\n' \ '注意如果指定日期,格式一定要对,且日期需在 2013-05-19 之后(这一天知乎日报诞生)。' raise SkipException full_url = '' + sub_url resp = requests.get( full_url, headers={ 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36' ' (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36' } ) if resp.status_code == 200: json = resp.json() if 'stories' not in json: reply = '获取知乎日报数据失败,知乎返回了一堆迷之数据' raise SkipException reply = ('今天' if sub_url == '/latest' else '这天') + '的知乎日报内容如下:' core.echo(reply, ctx_msg) step = 6 # Send 8 items per time items = list(reversed(json.get('stories'))) for start in range(0, len(items), step): reply = '' for item in items[start:min(start + step, len(items))]: reply += item.get('title') + '\n' + \ '' + str(item.get('id')) + '\n\n' reply = reply.rstrip() core.echo(reply, ctx_msg) return else: reply = '获取知乎日报数据失败,可能知乎服务器又宕机了((' raise SkipException except SkipException: reply = reply if reply else '发生了未知错误……' core.echo(reply, ctx_msg) _cmd_subscribe = 'zhihu.subscribe' _scheduler_job_id = _cmd_subscribe @cr.register('订阅知乎日报') @cr.register('subscribe', hidden=True) @cr.restrict(group_admin_only=True) def subscribe(args_text, ctx_msg, allow_interactive=True): arg = args_text.strip() source = get_source(ctx_msg) if allow_interactive and (not arg or has_session(source, _cmd_subscribe)): # Be interactive return _subscribe_interactively(args_text, ctx_msg, source) force = False if arg.startswith('-f '): force = True arg = arg.split(' ', 1)[1].strip() reply = None try: m = re.match('([0-1]\d|[2][0-3])(?::|:)?([0-5]\d)', arg) if m: job = scheduler.get_job(_scheduler_job_id, ctx_msg, internal=True) if job and not force: reply = '已经订阅过了哦~\n' \ + '下次推送时间:\n' \ + job.next_run_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + '\n' \ + '如果需要更改推送时间,请先取消订阅再重新订阅,' \ + '或在订阅命令的时间参数前面加 -f 来强制更新推送时间' raise SkipException job = scheduler.add_job( '-M %s -H %s %s zhihu.zhihu-daily' % (,, _scheduler_job_id), ctx_msg, internal=True ) if job: # Succeeded to add a job reply = '订阅成功,我会在每天 %s 推送哦~' % ':'.join((, else: reply = '订阅失败,可能后台出了点问题呢~' else: reply = '命令格式错误,正确的命令格式:\n' \ '/zhihu.subscribe\n' \ '或\n' \ '/zhihu.subscribe [-f] 20:30\n' except SkipException: reply = reply if reply else '发生了未知错误……' core.echo(reply, ctx_msg) @cr.register('取消订阅知乎日报') @cr.register('unsubscribe', hidden=True) @cr.restrict(group_admin_only=True) def unsubscribe(_, ctx_msg): if scheduler.remove_job(_scheduler_job_id, ctx_msg, internal=True): core.echo('取消订阅成功~', ctx_msg) else: core.echo('还没有订阅过哦~', ctx_msg) _state_machines = {} def _subscribe_interactively(args_text, ctx_msg, source): def confirm_override(s, a, c): job = scheduler.get_job(_scheduler_job_id, c, internal=True) if job: core.echo('先前已经订阅过了哦~\n' + '下次推送时间:\n' + job.next_run_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + '\n' + '要更改推送时间吗?\n' + '回复 1 继续,回复 0 放弃', c)['need_confirm'] = True else:['need_confirm'] = False wait_for_time(s, a, c) s.state += 1 def wait_for_time(s, a, c): if['need_confirm']: if a.strip() != '1': # Cancel core.echo('已放弃更改~', c) return True core.echo('请发送想要获取推送的时间(格式如 20:05):', c) s.state += 1 def save(s, a, c): subscribe('-f ' + a, c, allow_interactive=False) return True if _cmd_subscribe not in _state_machines: _state_machines[_cmd_subscribe] = ( confirm_override, # 0 wait_for_time, # 1 save # 2 ) sess = get_session(source, _cmd_subscribe) if _state_machines[_cmd_subscribe][sess.state](sess, args_text, ctx_msg): # Done remove_session(source, _cmd_subscribe)