import os import pytest os.environ["CONFIG_FROM_ENV"] = '{"test": "test"}' os.environ["CONFIG_OVERRIDE"] = "new" @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "nonebug_init", [ { "config_from_init": "init", "driver": "~fastapi+~httpx+~websockets", }, {"config_from_init": "init", "driver": "~fastapi+~aiohttp"}, ], indirect=True, ) async def test_init(nonebug_init): from nonebot import get_driver env = get_driver().env assert env == "test" config = get_driver().config assert config.config_from_env == {"test": "test"} assert config.config_override == "new" assert config.config_from_init == "init" assert config.common_config == "common" assert config.common_override == "new" assert config.nested_dict == {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": {"d": 3}} assert config.nested_missing_dict == {"a": 1, "b": {"c": 2}} assert config.not_nested == "some string" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, nonebug_clear): import nonebot from nonebot.drivers import ForwardDriver, ReverseDriver from nonebot import get_app, get_bot, get_asgi, get_bots, get_driver with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_driver() nonebot.init(driver="nonebot.drivers.fastapi") driver = get_driver() assert isinstance(driver, ReverseDriver) assert get_asgi() == driver.asgi assert get_app() == driver.server_app runned = False def mock_run(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal runned runned = True assert args == ("arg",) and kwargs == {"kwarg": "kwarg"} monkeypatch.setattr(driver, "run", mock_run)"arg", kwarg="kwarg") assert runned with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_bot() monkeypatch.setattr(driver, "_bots", {"test": "test"}) assert get_bot() == "test" assert get_bot("test") == "test" assert get_bots() == {"test": "test"}