import re import asyncio from datetime import datetime from typing import ( Tuple, Union, Callable, Iterable, Dict, Any, Optional, Sequence ) from aiocqhttp import CQHttp from aiocqhttp.message import Message from . import permission as perm from .helpers import context_id from .expression import render from .session import BaseSession # Key: str (one segment of command name) # Value: subtree or a leaf Command object _registry = {} # Key: str # Value: tuple that identifies a command _aliases = {} # Key: context id # Value: CommandSession object _sessions = {} class Command: __slots__ = ('name', 'func', 'permission', 'only_to_me', 'args_parser_func') def __init__(self, *, name: Tuple[str], func: Callable, permission: int, only_to_me: bool): = name self.func = func self.permission = permission self.only_to_me = only_to_me self.args_parser_func = None async def run(self, session, check_perm: bool = True) -> bool: """ Run the command in a given session. :param session: CommandSession object :param check_perm: should check permission before running :return: the command is finished """ if check_perm: has_perm = await perm.check_permission(, session.ctx, self.permission) else: has_perm = True if self.func and has_perm: if self.args_parser_func: await self.args_parser_func(session) await self.func(session) return True return False def on_command(name: Union[str, Tuple[str]], *, aliases: Iterable = (), permission: int = perm.EVERYBODY, only_to_me: bool = True) -> Callable: """ Decorator to register a function as a command. :param name: command name (e.g. 'echo' or ('random', 'number')) :param aliases: aliases of command name, for convenient access :param permission: permission required by the command :param only_to_me: only handle messages to me """ def deco(func: Callable) -> Callable: if not isinstance(name, (str, tuple)): raise TypeError('the name of a command must be a str or tuple') if not name: raise ValueError('the name of a command must not be empty') cmd_name = name if isinstance(name, tuple) else (name,) current_parent = _registry for parent_key in cmd_name[:-1]: current_parent[parent_key] = current_parent.get(parent_key) or {} current_parent = current_parent[parent_key] cmd = Command(name=cmd_name, func=func, permission=permission, only_to_me=only_to_me) current_parent[cmd_name[-1]] = cmd for alias in aliases: _aliases[alias] = cmd_name def args_parser_deco(parser_func: Callable): cmd.args_parser_func = parser_func return parser_func func.args_parser = args_parser_deco return func return deco class CommandGroup: """ Group a set of commands with same name prefix. """ __slots__ = ('basename', 'permission', 'only_to_me') def __init__(self, name: Union[str, Tuple[str]], permission: Optional[int] = None, *, only_to_me: Optional[bool] = None): self.basename = (name,) if isinstance(name, str) else name self.permission = permission self.only_to_me = only_to_me def command(self, name: Union[str, Tuple[str]], *, aliases: Optional[Iterable] = None, permission: Optional[int] = None, only_to_me: Optional[bool] = None) -> Callable: sub_name = (name,) if isinstance(name, str) else name name = self.basename + sub_name kwargs = {} if aliases is not None: kwargs['aliases'] = aliases if permission is not None: kwargs['permission'] = permission elif self.permission is not None: kwargs['permission'] = self.permission if only_to_me is not None: kwargs['only_to_me'] = only_to_me elif self.only_to_me is not None: kwargs['only_to_me'] = self.only_to_me return on_command(name, **kwargs) def _find_command(name: Union[str, Tuple[str]]) -> Optional[Command]: cmd_name = (name,) if isinstance(name, str) else name if not cmd_name: return None cmd_tree = _registry for part in cmd_name[:-1]: if part not in cmd_tree: return None cmd_tree = cmd_tree[part] return cmd_tree.get(cmd_name[-1]) class _FurtherInteractionNeeded(Exception): """ Raised by session.get() indicating that the command should enter interactive mode to ask the user for some arguments. """ pass class CommandSession(BaseSession): __slots__ = ('cmd', 'current_key', 'current_arg', 'current_arg_text', 'current_arg_images', 'args', 'last_interaction') def __init__(self, bot: CQHttp, ctx: Dict[str, Any], cmd: Command, *, current_arg: str = '', args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): super().__init__(bot, ctx) self.cmd = cmd # Command object self.current_key = None # current key that the command handler needs self.current_arg = None # current argument (with potential CQ codes) self.current_arg_text = None # current argument without any CQ codes self.current_arg_images = None # image urls in current argument self.refresh(ctx, current_arg=current_arg) self.args = args or {} self.last_interaction = None # last interaction time of this session def refresh(self, ctx: Dict[str, Any], *, current_arg: str = '') -> None: """ Refill the session with a new message context. :param ctx: new message context :param current_arg: new command argument as a string """ self.ctx = ctx self.current_arg = current_arg current_arg_as_msg = Message(current_arg) self.current_arg_text = current_arg_as_msg.extract_plain_text() self.current_arg_images = [['url'] for s in current_arg_as_msg if s.type == 'image' and 'url' in] @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Check if the session is expired or not.""" if self.last_interaction and \ - self.last_interaction > \ return False return True def get(self, key: str, *, prompt: str = None, prompt_expr: Union[str, Sequence[str], Callable] = None) -> Any: """ Get an argument with a given key. If the argument does not exist in the current session, a FurtherInteractionNeeded exception will be raised, and the caller of the command will know it should keep the session for further interaction with the user. :param key: argument key :param prompt: prompt to ask the user :param prompt_expr: prompt expression to ask the user :return: the argument value :raise FurtherInteractionNeeded: further interaction is needed """ value = self.get_optional(key) if value is not None: return value self.current_key = key # ask the user for more information if prompt_expr is not None: prompt = render(prompt_expr, key=key) if prompt: asyncio.ensure_future(self.send(prompt)) raise _FurtherInteractionNeeded def get_optional(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]: return self.args.get(key, default) def _new_command_session(bot: CQHttp, ctx: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[CommandSession]: """ Create a new session for a command. This will attempt to parse the current message as a command, and if succeeded, it then create a session for the command and return. If the message is not a valid command, None will be returned. :param bot: CQHttp instance :param ctx: message context :return: CommandSession object or None """ msg = str(ctx['message']).lstrip() for start in bot.config.COMMAND_START: if isinstance(start, type(re.compile(''))): m = if m: full_command = msg[len(].lstrip() break elif isinstance(start, str): if msg.startswith(start): full_command = msg[len(start):].lstrip() break else: # it's not a command return None if not full_command: # command is empty return None cmd_name_text, *cmd_remained = full_command.split(maxsplit=1) cmd_name = _aliases.get(cmd_name_text) if not cmd_name: for sep in bot.config.COMMAND_SEP: if isinstance(sep, type(re.compile(''))): cmd_name = tuple(sep.split(cmd_name_text)) break elif isinstance(sep, str): cmd_name = tuple(cmd_name_text.split(sep)) break else: cmd_name = (cmd_name_text,) cmd = _find_command(cmd_name) if not cmd: return None if cmd.only_to_me and not ctx['to_me']: return None return CommandSession(bot, ctx, cmd, current_arg=''.join(cmd_remained)) async def handle_command(bot: CQHttp, ctx: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """ Handle a message as a command. This function is typically called by "handle_message". :param bot: CQHttp instance :param ctx: message context :return: the message is handled as a command """ ctx_id = context_id(ctx) session = None check_perm = True if _sessions.get(ctx_id): session = _sessions[ctx_id] if session and session.is_valid: session.refresh(ctx, current_arg=str(ctx['message'])) # there is no need to check permission for existing session check_perm = False else: # the session is expired, remove it del _sessions[ctx_id] session = None if not session: session = _new_command_session(bot, ctx) if not session: return False return await _real_run_command(session, ctx_id, check_perm=check_perm) async def call_command(bot: CQHttp, ctx: Dict[str, Any], name: Union[str, Tuple[str]], args: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """ Call a command internally. This function is typically called by some other commands or "handle_natural_language" when handling NLPResult object. Note: After calling this function, any previous command session will be overridden, even if the command being called here does not need further interaction (a.k.a asking the user for more info). :param bot: CQHttp instance :param ctx: message context :param name: command name :param args: command args :return: the command is successfully called """ cmd = _find_command(name) if not cmd: return False session = CommandSession(bot, ctx, cmd, args=args) return await _real_run_command(session, context_id(session.ctx), check_perm=False) async def _real_run_command(session: CommandSession, ctx_id: str, **kwargs) -> bool: _sessions[ctx_id] = session try: res = await, **kwargs) # the command is finished, remove the session del _sessions[ctx_id] return res except _FurtherInteractionNeeded: session.last_interaction = # return True because this step of the session is successful return True