diff --git a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/__init__.py b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/__init__.py
index bc60cdb..2ce7ad9 100644
--- a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/__init__.py
+++ b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/__init__.py
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ from .utils import (
- parse_datetime
+ parse_datetime,
__plugin_meta__ = PluginMetadata(
@@ -81,18 +81,20 @@ class SameTime(ArparmaBehavior):
if type is None and time:
def wrapper(slot: Union[int, str], content: Optional[str]) -> str:
if slot == "type" and content:
return content
return "" # pragma: no cover
rank_cmd = on_alconna(
Args["type?", ["今日", "昨日", "本周", "上周", "本月", "上月", "年度", "历史"]][
- "time?", str,
- "group_id?", int
- ],
+ "time?",
+ str,
+ ]["group_id?", str],
@@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ rank_cmd.shortcut(
# 这段函数完全抄的词云
async def _group_message(
@@ -117,13 +120,15 @@ async def _group_message(
session: Session = Depends(extract_session),
type: Optional[str] = None,
time: Optional[str] = None,
- group_id: Optional[int] = None,
+ group_id: Optional[str] = None,
dt = get_datetime_now_with_timezone()
- if not group_id:
- state["group_id"] = session.id2
+ if group_id is None:
+ group_id = session.id2
+ state["group_id"] = group_id
if not type:
await rank_cmd.finish(__plugin_meta__.usage)
@@ -191,15 +196,25 @@ async def _group_message(
prompt="请输入你要查询的结束日期(如 2022-02-22)",
+@rank_cmd.got("group_id", prompt="请输入你要查询的群号。")
async def handle_rank(
bot: Bot,
event: Event,
session: Session = Depends(extract_session),
start: datetime = Arg(),
stop: datetime = Arg(),
+ group_id: str = Arg(),
+ if group_id:
+ id = group_id
+ else:
+ id = session.id2
+ if not id:
+ await saa.Text("没有指定群哦").finish()
messages = await get_message_records(
- session=session,
+ id2s=[id],
@@ -240,10 +255,10 @@ async def handle_rank(
bar = Bar(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme=ThemeType.LIGHT))
- bar.add_yaxis("B话数量", [i[1] for i in rank]) # type: ignore
- bar.render(str(get_cache_file("nonebot_plugin_dialectlist","cache.html")))
- with open(get_cache_file("nonebot_plugin_dialectlist","cache.html")) as f:
+ bar.add_yaxis("B话数量", [i[1] for i in rank]) # type: ignore
+ bar.render(str(get_cache_file("nonebot_plugin_dialectlist", "cache.html")))
+ with open(get_cache_file("nonebot_plugin_dialectlist", "cache.html")) as f:
a = f.read()
- image = await html_to_pic(a,device_scale_factor=3.2)
+ image = await html_to_pic(a, device_scale_factor=3.2)
- await (saa.Text(string)+saa.Image(image)).finish(reply=True)
+ await (saa.Text(string) + saa.Image(image)).finish(reply=True)
diff --git a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/render.py b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/render.py
index 3946f32..70214e1 100644
--- a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/render.py
+++ b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/render.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-# TODO 更好的图片渲染,支持自定义模板渲染。
\ No newline at end of file
+# TODO 更好的图片渲染,支持自定义模板渲染。
diff --git a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/source/img/background.jpg b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/source/img/background.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49a799
Binary files /dev/null and b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/source/img/background.jpg differ
diff --git a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/source/rank.html b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/source/rank.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269a757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/source/rank.html
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ 在 title 里夹一点私货应该不会被发现吧?——ddl 真是太厉害啦!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/storage.py b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/storage.py
index 288968b..31da7d0 100644
--- a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/storage.py
+++ b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/storage.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-# TODO 使用计数缓存进行数据库查询优化,避免一次性查询过多消息导致内存爆炸。
\ No newline at end of file
+# TODO 使用计数缓存进行数据库查询优化,避免一次性查询过多消息导致内存爆炸。
diff --git a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/time.py b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/time.py
index 86e4c40..148e153 100644
--- a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/time.py
+++ b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/time.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-# TODO 时间处理模块,用于处理时间相关操作。
\ No newline at end of file
+# TODO 时间处理模块,用于处理时间相关操作。
diff --git a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/utils.py b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/utils.py
index 303cdba..baa4567 100644
--- a/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/utils.py
+++ b/nonebot_plugin_dialectlist/utils.py
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ from nonebot_plugin_chatrecorder import MessageRecord
from nonebot_plugin_alconna import AlconnaMatcher
from .config import plugin_config
def parse_datetime(key: str):
"""解析数字,并将结果存入 state 中"""
@@ -117,6 +117,18 @@ async def persist_id2user_id(ids: List) -> List[str]:
return [i.id1 for i in records]
+async def user_id2persist_id(id: str) -> int:
+ whereclause: List[ColumnElement[bool]] = []
+ whereclause.append(or_(*[SessionModel.id2 == id]))
+ statement = (
+ select(SessionModel).where(*whereclause)
+ # .join(SessionModel, SessionModel.id == MessageRecord.session_persist_id)
+ )
+ async with get_session() as db_session:
+ records = (await db_session.scalars(statement)).all()
+ return records[0].id
def msg_counter(msg_list: List[MessageRecord]) -> Dict[str, int]:
"""### 计算每个人的消息量
@@ -132,13 +144,12 @@ def msg_counter(msg_list: List[MessageRecord]) -> Dict[str, int]:
logger.info("wow , there are {} msgs to count !!!".format(msg_len))
for i in msg_list:
- logger.debug(i.session_persist_id)
lst[str(i.session_persist_id)] += 1
except KeyError:
lst[str(i.session_persist_id)] = 1
- logger.debug(lst)
+ logger.debug(f"finish counting, result is {lst}")
return lst
@@ -168,39 +179,6 @@ def got_rank(msg_dict: Dict[str, int]) -> List[List[Union[str, int]]]:
return rank
-# import abc
-# import pygal
-# import unicodedata
-# import requests
-# from datetime import datetime
-# from typing import List, Dict, Union
-# from pygal.style import Style
-# from nonebot import require
-# from nonebot.log import logger
-# from nonebot.params import Arg
-# from nonebot.typing import T_State
-# from nonebot.matcher import Matcher
-# from nonebot.adapters import Bot, Message
-# from nonebot.adapters.onebot import V11Bot, V12Bot, V11Message, V12Message, V11MessageSegment, V12MessageSegment # type: ignore
-# from nonebot.exception import ActionFailed
-# try:
-# from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
-# except ImportError:
-# from backports.zoneinfo import ZoneInfo # type: ignore
-# require("nonebot_plugin_chatrecorder")
-# from nonebot_plugin_chatrecorder import get_message_records
-# from nonebot_plugin_chatrecorder.model import MessageRecord
-# from .config import plugin_config
-# style = Style(font_family=plugin_config.dialectlist_font)
# def remove_control_characters(string: str) -> str:
# """### 将字符串中的控制符去除
@@ -213,143 +191,6 @@ def got_rank(msg_dict: Dict[str, int]) -> List[List[Union[str, int]]]:
# return "".join(ch for ch in string if unicodedata.category(ch)[0] != "C")
-# def parse_datetime(key: str):
-# """解析数字,并将结果存入 state 中"""
-# async def _key_parser(
-# matcher: Matcher,
-# state: T_State,
-# input: Union[datetime, Union[V11Message, V12Message]] = Arg(key),
-# ):
-# if isinstance(input, datetime):
-# return
-# plaintext = input.extract_plain_text()
-# try:
-# state[key] = get_datetime_fromisoformat_with_timezone(plaintext)
-# except ValueError:
-# await matcher.reject_arg(key, "请输入正确的日期,不然我没法理解呢!")
-# return _key_parser
-# def get_datetime_now_with_timezone() -> datetime:
-# """获取当前时间,并包含时区信息"""
-# if plugin_config.timezone:
-# return datetime.now(ZoneInfo(plugin_config.timezone))
-# else:
-# return datetime.now().astimezone()
-# def get_datetime_fromisoformat_with_timezone(date_string: str) -> datetime:
-# """从 iso8601 格式字符串中获取时间,并包含时区信息"""
-# if plugin_config.timezone:
-# return datetime.fromisoformat(date_string).astimezone(
-# ZoneInfo(plugin_config.timezone)
-# )
-# else:
-# return datetime.fromisoformat(date_string).astimezone()
-# def msg_counter(msg_list: List[MessageRecord]) -> Dict[str, int]:
-# """### 计算每个人的消息量
-# Args:
-# msg_list (list[MessageRecord]): 需要处理的消息列表
-# Returns:
-# (dict[str,int]): 处理后的消息数量字典,键为用户,值为消息数量
-# """
-# lst: Dict[str, int] = {}
-# msg_len = len(msg_list)
-# logger.info("wow , there are {} msgs to count !!!".format(msg_len))
-# for i in msg_list:
-# try:
-# lst[i.user_id] += 1
-# except KeyError:
-# lst[i.user_id] = 1
-# logger.debug(lst)
-# return lst
-# def got_rank(msg_dict: Dict[str, int]) -> List[List[Union[str, int]]]:
-# """### 获得排行榜
-# Args:
-# msg_dict (Dict[str,int]): 要处理的字典
-# Returns:
-# List[Tuple[str,int]]: 排行榜列表(已排序)
-# """
-# rank = []
-# while len(rank) < plugin_config.dialectlist_get_num:
-# try:
-# max_key = max(msg_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
-# rank.append(list(max_key))
-# msg_dict.pop(max_key[0])
-# except ValueError:
-# rank.append(["null", 0])
-# continue
-# return rank
-# class MsgProcesser(abc.ABC):
-# def __init__(self, bot: Bot, gid: str, msg_list: List[MessageRecord]) -> None:
-# if isinstance(bot, Bot):
-# self.bot = bot
-# else:
-# self.bot = None
-# self.gid = gid
-# self.rank = got_rank(msg_counter(msg_list))
-# @abc.abstractmethod
-# async def get_nickname_list(self) -> List:
-# """
-# ### 获得昵称
-# #### 抽象原因
-# 要对onebot协议不同版本进行适配
-# """
-# raise NotImplementedError
-# @abc.abstractmethod
-# def get_head_portrait_urls(self) -> List:
-# raise NotImplementedError
-# @abc.abstractmethod
-# async def get_send_msg(self) -> Message:
-# raise NotImplementedError
-# async def get_msg(self) -> List[Union[str, bytes, None]]:
-# str_msg = await self.render_template_msg()
-# pic_msg = None
-# if plugin_config.dialectlist_visualization:
-# try:
-# pic_msg = await self.render_template_pic()
-# except OSError:
-# plugin_config.dialectlist_visualization = False
-# str_msg += "\n\n无法发送可视化图片,请检查是否安装GTK+,详细安装教程可见github\nhttps://github.com/tschoonj/GTK-for-Windows-Runtime-Environment-Installer \n若不想安装这个软件,再次使用这个指令不会显示这个提示"
-# return [str_msg, pic_msg]
-# async def render_template_msg(self) -> str:
-# """渲染文字"""
-# string: str = ""
-# rank: List = self.rank
-# nicknames: List = await self.get_nickname_list()
-# for i in range(len(rank)):
-# index = i + 1
-# nickname, chatdatanum = nicknames[i], rank[i][1]
-# str_example = plugin_config.dialectlist_string_format.format(
-# index=index, nickname=nickname, chatdatanum=chatdatanum
-# )
-# string += str_example
-# return string
# async def render_template_pic(self) -> bytes:
# if plugin_config.dialectlist_visualization_type == "圆环图":
# view = pygal.Pie(inner_radius=0.6, style=style)
@@ -364,102 +205,4 @@ def got_rank(msg_dict: Dict[str, int]) -> List[List[Union[str, int]]]:
# png: bytes = view.render_to_png() # type: ignore
# self.img = png
-# return png
-# class V11GroupMsgProcesser(MsgProcesser):
-# def __init__(self, bot: V11Bot, gid: str, msg_list: List[MessageRecord]) -> None:
-# super().__init__(bot, gid, msg_list)
-# self.bot = bot
-# async def get_nickname_list(self) -> List:
-# nicknames = []
-# for i in range(len(self.rank)):
-# try:
-# member_info = await self.bot.get_group_member_info(
-# group_id=int(self.gid), user_id=int(self.rank[i][0]), no_cache=True
-# )
-# nickname=(
-# member_info["nickname"]
-# if not member_info["card"]
-# else member_info["card"]
-# )
-# nicknames.append(remove_control_characters(nickname))
-# except (ActionFailed,ValueError) as e:
-# nicknames.append("{}这家伙不在群里了".format(self.rank[i][0]))
-# return nicknames
-# def get_head_portrait_urls(self) -> List:
-# self.portrait_urls = [
-# "http://q2.qlogo.cn/headimg_dl?dst_uin={}&spec=640".format(i[0])
-# for i in self.rank
-# ]
-# return self.portrait_urls
-# async def get_send_msg(self) -> V11Message:
-# msgs: List = await self.get_msg()
-# msg = V11Message()
-# msg += V11MessageSegment.text(msgs[0]) # type: ignore
-# msg += V11MessageSegment.image(msgs[1]) # type: ignore
-# return msg
-# class V12MsgProcesser(MsgProcesser):
-# def __init__(self, bot: V12Bot, gid: str, msg_list: List[MessageRecord]) -> None:
-# super().__init__(bot, gid, msg_list)
-# self.bot = bot
-# async def get_send_msg(self) -> V12Message:
-# msgs: List = await self.get_msg()
-# msg = V12Message()
-# msg += V12MessageSegment.text(msgs[0]) # type: ignore
-# msg += V12MessageSegment.image(msgs[1]) # type: ignore
-# return msg
-# def get_head_portrait_urls(self) -> List:
-# return super().get_head_portrait_urls()
-# class V12GroupMsgProcesser(V12MsgProcesser):
-# def __init__(self, bot: V12Bot, gid: str, msg_list: List[MessageRecord]) -> None:
-# super().__init__(bot, gid, msg_list)
-# async def get_nickname_list(self) -> List:
-# nicknames = []
-# for i in range(len(self.rank)):
-# try:
-# member_info = await self.bot.get_group_member_info(
-# group_id=str(self.gid), user_id=str(self.rank[i][0]), no_cache=True
-# )
-# nickname=(
-# member_info["user_displayname"]
-# if member_info["user_displayname"]
-# else member_info["user_name"]
-# )
-# nicknames.append(remove_control_characters(nickname))
-# except ActionFailed as e:
-# nicknames.append("{}这家伙不在群里了".format(self.rank[i][0]))
-# return nicknames
-# class V12GuildMsgProcesser(V12MsgProcesser):
-# def __init__(self, bot: V12Bot, gid: str, msg_list: List[MessageRecord]) -> None:
-# super().__init__(bot, gid, msg_list)
-# async def get_nickname_list(self) -> List:
-# nicknames = []
-# for i in range(len(self.rank)):
-# try:
-# member_info = await self.bot.get_guild_member_info(
-# guild_id=str(self.gid), user_id=str(self.rank[i][0]), no_cache=True
-# )
-# nickname=(
-# member_info["user_displayname"]
-# if member_info["user_displayname"]
-# else member_info["user_name"]
-# )
-# nicknames.append(remove_control_characters(nickname))
-# except ActionFailed as e:
-# nicknames.append("{}这家伙不在群里了".format(self.rank[i][0]))
-# return nicknames
+# return png
\ No newline at end of file