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Development Guide

How to Develop

Please read the Plugin Development and API Reference documents if you are developing a plugin.

If you need to submit code to the Liteyuki repository, please read the following:

  1. First fork a copy of the Liteyuki repository to your personal/organization account.
  2. Develop in your repository.
  3. Create a new branch in your repository and submit your code to this branch.
  4. Create a Pull Request in your repository to merge your branch into the main branch of the Liteyuki repository.
  • Participation in development assumes that you are already familiar with the basic usage of the Python language and the Liteyuki framework.
  • If you are developing documentation, please ensure that you are familiar with Markdown syntax and basic front-end knowledge.
  • Contact the repository maintainer in case of conflicts.


  • During development, you can use tools such as mypy, flake8, and black for code checking and formatting.
  • Enable developer mode by setting dev_mode: true in config.yml to see more debugging information in the console.

Project Structure

  • Bot entry file
  • liteyuki: Framework directory (liteyukibot)
  • src: Bot application source code directory
    • liteyuki_plugins: Liteyuki plugin directory
    • nonebot_plugins: Nonebot plugin directory
    • resources: Built-in resource packs directory
    • utils: Utility directory
  • tests: Unit test directory
  • docs: Documentation directory
    • en: English documentation
    • zh: Chinese documentation
  • docker: Docker related content directory

The liteyuki framework is included in the LiteyukiBot application, so this project is both the LiteyukiBot application repository and the liteyuki framework repository.

The src directory is the application part, please develop business logic in this directory. liteyuki_plugins and nonebot_plugins directories are plugin directories, please develop plugins in these directories.


  • Code should follow PEP8 and Google Python Style Guide.
  • In addition, code submitted to the Liteyuki repository should follow the following guidelines:
    • Ensure that the code is runnable and harmless.
    • Ensure that the type hints in the code are correct.
    • Ensure that the comment style is Google Docstring or Liteyuki Docstring(recommended) to ensure that Litedoc can parse and generate documentation correctly.
    • Strings should be enclosed in double quotes " as much as possible, and single quotes ' should be used when nesting strings.
    • If there is a part for ordinary users, ensure that the documentation is complete (each language has corresponding documentation).
  • commit message should follow the following guidelines:
    • You should commit the code after completing a feature or fixing a bug, and not mix the code of multiple features or bugs together.
    • We use gitmoji to mark the type of commit, such as :sparkles: for introducing new features, :bug: for fixing bugs, etc., please refer to gitmoji for details.
    • The format of the commit message is <emoji> [type:] <message>, such as :sparkles: feat: add new field to event, where the type field is the type of commit, not much is required, but please fill in as much as possible; the message field is a brief description, in summary, what you did.
    • There is no restriction on the language of the commit message, and bilingual use is possible if conditions permit.
  • The documentation should follow Markdown syntax and support vitepress-related content:
    • Revise the documentation for each language when editing.
    • Ensure that the links in the document are correct and do not lead to inaccessible links.
    • Ensure that the User Documentation is easy to understand and the Development Documentation is detailed.


  • This project is a non-profit open-source project, and we welcome anyone to participate in development. Your contributions will make Liteyuki better.

Thanks the following contributors!


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