import{_ as i,c as a,o as n,al as e}from"./chunks/framework.BUxnStXl.js";const c=JSON.parse('{"title":"Process Communication","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"Process Communication","order":4},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/dev/","filePath":"en/dev/","lastUpdated":1734116271000}'),t={name:"en/dev/"};function l(h,s,p,k,r,o){return n(),a("div",null,s[0]||(s[0]=[e(`
LiteyukiBot is running in the main process MainProcess, and other plugin framework processes are child processes that come with it. Therefore, it is impossible to communicate through shared memory and direct object transfer. Liteyuki provides a channel Channel
for inter-process communication like go
. You can send messages to other processes through Channel
and listen to messages from other processes.
The channel is full-duplex, with two receiving modes, but only one mode can be used for a channel, that is, passive mode and active mode, passive mode is implemented by the chan.on_receive()
decorator callback function, and active mode needs to call chan.receive()
to implement
import asyncio
from liteyuki.comm import get_channel, Channel
from liteyuki import get_bot
# get_channel函数获取通道对象,参数为调用set_channel时的通道标识
channel_passive = get_channel("nonebot-passive") # 获取被动通道
channel_active = get_channel("nonebot-active") # 获取主动通道
liteyuki_bot = get_bot()
# 注册一个函数在轻雪启动后运行
async def send_data():
while True:
channel_passive.send("I am liteyuki main process passive")
channel_active.send("I am liteyuki main process active")
await asyncio.sleep(3) # 每3秒发送一次消息
from nonebot import get_driver
from liteyuki.comm import active_channel, passive_channel # 子进程中获取通道直接导入进程全局单例即可
from liteyuki.log import logger
driver = get_driver()
# 被动模式,通过装饰器注册一个函数在接收到消息时运行,每次接收到字符串数据时都会运行
@passive_channel.on_receive(filter_func=lambda data: isinstance(data, str))
async def on_passive_receive(data):"Passive receive: {data}")
# 注册一个函数在NoneBot启动后运行
def on_startup():
while True:
data = active_channel.receive()"Active receive: {data}")
0000-00-00 00:00:00 [ℹ️信息] Passive receive: I am liteyuki main process passive
0000-00-00 00:00:00 [ℹ️信息] Active receive: I am liteyuki main process active
0000-00-00 00:00:03 [ℹ️信息] Passive receive: I am liteyuki main process passive
0000-00-00 00:00:03 [ℹ️信息] Active receive: I am liteyuki main process active
from import shared_memory
shared_memory.set("key", "value") # 设置共享内存
value = shared_memory.get("key") # 获取共享内存