import{C as o}from"./chunks/ContributorBar.DYl-TzEv.js";import{c as t,o as i,al as r,G as a}from"./chunks/framework.BUxnStXl.js";import"./chunks/theme.DHdK0f8s.js";const h=JSON.parse('{"title":"Development Guide","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"Development Guide","order":0},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en/dev/","filePath":"en/dev/","lastUpdated":1734116271000}'),l={name:"en/dev/"},p=Object.assign(l,{setup(n){return(d,e)=>(i(),t("div",null,[e[0]||(e[0]=r('

Development Guide

How to Develop

Please read the Plugin Development and API Reference documents if you are developing a plugin.

If you need to submit code to the Liteyuki repository, please read the following:

  1. First fork a copy of the Liteyuki repository to your personal/organization account.
  2. Develop in your repository.
  3. Create a new branch in your repository and submit your code to this branch.
  4. Create a Pull Request in your repository to merge your branch into the main branch of the Liteyuki repository.


Project Structure

The liteyuki framework is included in the LiteyukiBot application, so this project is both the LiteyukiBot application repository and the liteyuki framework repository.

The src directory is the application part, please develop business logic in this directory. liteyuki_plugins and nonebot_plugins directories are plugin directories, please develop plugins in these directories.



',16)),a(o)]))}});export{h as __pageData,p as default};