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Normal Installation

  1. Install Git and Python3.10+ Environment.
# Clone Repo
git clone --depth=1

# Change directory
cd LiteyukiBot

# Create virtual environment
python -m venv venv

# Activate virtual environment
.\venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
source venv/bin/activate # Linux

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run Liteyuki


It is recommended to use a virtual environment to run Liteyuki to avoid dependency conflicts. You can use python -m venv .venv to create a virtual environment, and then use .venv\Scripts\activate to activate the virtual environment (use source .venv/bin/activate to activate on Linux).

Run with Docker

docker pull  # Nightly build


If you are using Windows, please use the absolute project directory /path/to/LiteyukiBot instead of $(pwd)
If you have modified the port number, please replace 20216:20216 with your port number

Device Requirements

  • Windows system version minimum Windows10+/Windows Server 2019+
  • Linux system requires Python3.10+, recommended Ubuntu 20.04+
  • CPU: at least 1vCPU
  • Memory: Bot without other plugins will occupy 300~500MB, including chromium and node processes, other plugins depend on specific plugins, recommended 1GB or more
  • Disk: at least 1GB of space


If there are multiple environments on the device, please use path/to/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies, path/to/python is the path to your Python executable


Liteyuki's update function depends on Git. If you do not have Git installed and run the source code directly, you will not be able to use the update function

For other questions, please refer to FAQ

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